View Full Version : Stock repair Sort of

charger 1
05-13-2008, 06:22 AM
As I use my 94 I come to realize that all along it has had a stock issue that I guess was carefully desguised with crud when I got it. Try to picture this. Its a very old repair. Its like a 1/4 moon shape piece broke out and got glued back in. Its where you might think, beside the tang about 2" long and at the widest 1/2",If you can picture that long skinny D shape. Heres the prob. Where it was glued back in its very solid, but because of the thinness of the edge of the piece glud in, the feather edge mixed with glue can be seen and felt with fingernail. Now like I said with former owners dirt it could hardly be seen. How do I make it hardly seen again?

05-13-2008, 07:06 AM
Missplace your glasses. I've just never had any luck having an exposed section of glue take any kind of stain the same as the natural wood next to it. Oil won't work on it evenly, either. Mixed to match paint and a detail brush might get you close. That's a tough one.

charger 1
05-13-2008, 08:01 AM
Missplace your glasses. I've just never had any luck having an exposed section of glue take any kind of stain the same as the natural wood next to it. Oil won't work on it evenly, either. Mixed to match paint and a detail brush might get you close. That's a tough one.

Dont wear glasses. Will have to throw a handful of sand in my eyes

05-13-2008, 10:33 AM
If you are handy with tools, you could remove the broken piece and reshape the break to accept a new piece of walnut that is a tighter fit. Then when glued in shape it to match existing contours etc.

Seems like a lot of work, but it will take care of the cosmetics.

How bad is it?

Can you post a picture?

05-13-2008, 08:20 PM
My vote is for epoxy stained to as close a match as possible. You may actually need to remove a bit of wood and roughen the area up a bit to give the epoxy something to 'stick' to. Degrease the area with acetone and let dry thoroughly. Mix, stain and apply the epoxy, then apply a piece of masking tape over the repair. When dry, contour to shape with a file and sandpaper, then touch up the adjacent wood finish with stain and finish. Not perfect, but close.

05-15-2008, 12:17 AM
Is there any chance of picking up a second hand stock cheap? I know most of them are usually cracked anyway but it may be an option if at the right price.