View Full Version : Most Economical Option for Sizing/Lubing..?

05-12-2008, 10:05 PM
For those of us who cant afford a $150 lubrisizer, what are the options.....?? I see a lot of folks use the Lee Sizer Kits and just pan lube....is that a good way to go? thanks

05-12-2008, 11:17 PM
Yes, the Lee system is great for starting out. In fact, I have two Lyman 450's and a Star sizer, but still use the Lee system occasionally. I quite pan lubing long ago, but the LLA works fine, just a little messy.

Sig shooter
05-12-2008, 11:25 PM
The Lee tumble lube mold works fine , they end up a bit sticky . While loading the seater die gets clogged with lube. I shot them unsized in the .45 , a real joy casting with a 6 cavity mold at about $40 -50 . Definitely the low end way to get good usable bullets .

The Lee sizers are good , "the lube" ends up to be labor intensive for anything other than tumble lube bullets.

Good info link (http://goatlipstips.cas-town.com/index.html)

05-12-2008, 11:49 PM
used lube sizers routinely go for less than 75 dollars too- so that might be an option

05-13-2008, 12:07 AM
Bought my 2 lube sizers at gun shows (used ones). Got them about a year apart, paid $25 for each one. Personally I like them better than tumble lubing. Mainly because I don't need to worry about build-up in the seating die. Tumbling will get you buy, then keep an eye out at gun shows & garage sales. Good luck!!

05-13-2008, 03:23 AM
Try shooting them un-sized. You definitely must lubricate them. Even though I've got a Star, I'm still going to try the Johnson's Paste Wax method this summer with some un-sized .38 wad cutters in 3 of the revolvers. This could turn out to be a real time and effort saver if one of the guns likes them. You may find out that you just don't need a lubrisizer after all.


05-13-2008, 08:34 AM
After I discovered Lee Liquid Alox and Lee push-through dies I took my Lyman 450 off my bench. Put a small fan blowing on the lubed bullets, and they'll dry in about an hour. To prevent lube from clogging the nose punch, simply wipe the nose of the bullets before seating them.

05-13-2008, 01:14 PM
thanks for the info guys