View Full Version : Verse of the day 5/6

05-06-2016, 06:37 AM
Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.James 5:16 NLT (https://www.biblegateway.com/button/votd/bcv)

05-06-2016, 06:50 AM
A good verse . I believe it's important to share failings , I do it here often . First step of curing a personal problem is admission there is a problem and seeking council from those willing to pray and help without ridicule. Thanks rl69 !

Preacher Jim
05-06-2016, 06:50 AM
Now RL that is the base of the chapel prayer group. Together we can move mountains.

square butte
05-06-2016, 06:51 AM
Appreciate this verse as a start to my day - Thanks so much for your daily efforts and offering. Tom

Pine Baron
05-06-2016, 07:59 AM
Thank you, rl69. Another great start to the day.
Preacher Jim, Amen ,my brother, Amen.

05-06-2016, 04:21 PM
Exactly Boaz. But many don't and won't do that because it's not PC. Nobody admits when they're wrong these days. I still remember a whole 'nother set of people who just simply were NOT like that, and actually thanked anyone who could point out an error and help them see it. Curiously, it was the same guys who fought WWII. What a change has taken place in the character and will of the country since then, and it's ALL due to the changes in US! I see many professing Christians today who seem to be more PC than actual Christian in character. I wish I knew what to say or do to change this, but I simply don't. PC is a tough nut to crack when it's embedded as firmly as it is in many "conservatives" and Christians today. We just haven't "studied to show ourselves approved" like we should have. It's hard to find anyone who WILL discuss the serious things that matter SO much in our world today, because it's not PC to do so. And meanwhile, the nation keeps sliding ever downward, while we seem to stand and pretend it doesn't matter.

But how can we stand the test, and prove our love and appreciation for Christ, if we just sit pat, satisfied in our own salvation, and leave others' to fate? We Christians are the ones who haven't really done our job and assigned tasks very well, and if this country falls, a major factor in that happening will be US, and our failure to do what we were told to by our Redeemer. We think it's hard to get out of our easy chairs, and DO something, or even just go and be a part of some meeting. If we can't do that for the One who shed His precious blood on the cross, and withstood all the scorging, and all else, in OUR stead, what are we really worth to Him, and how have we done our due diligence toward Him?

But we have to do it the smart way, and not just go around spouting Bible verses at the top of our voices. We have to CONNECT with someone who's not now a believer, or with those who believe but just don't really serve Him, and get them to appreciate what a privilege and joy it actually IS to serve Him, and fellowship with other really good people who believe. We too often reach for the most infantile excuses for not doing what we know inwardly we ought to. I don't know if I've heard them all, really, but I've certainly used my share of lame excuses and "explanations" for why I haven't done a lot more than I have for Him.

Making real connections with non-believers, and those who believe but don't follow through very well, is a delicate process, and we're not going to get good at it overnight. But if we're humble and loving, we won't run people away, and become a stumbling block for them. And the more we really study and let the simple and real Truth flow inside us, the better we'll be at it, the happier we'll be, and the better we'll be for our families and friends and communities and our nation. For me, at least, the more I try, the more humbled I get. It's not PC to face our own shortcomings and foibles, but ... it sure beats NOT doing it all to pieces!

What most folks need to see to come to belief is humility and love in us. After all, wasn't that how Christ conducted himself when He was here among us? Do that, and it really doesn't matter all that much, over time, how inadequate we are at prosteletyzing, it's the love and humility and devotion to others that really brings people to the foot of the Cross. And there, they can be touched, and make their decision. People are simply drawn to love and the lack of pretension. THAT, in my experience, has really been the biggest key in bringing the recalcitrant to the light.

And one last thing: NEVER take any credit for "saving" someone. ONLY THEY can do that. It's THEIR decision to take Christ's hand, not ours, and if we can claim credit for saving someone, then we have to ALSO take the responsibility if they're lost. ALL credit goes to them and to Christ for reaching out His Holy hand. NOT to us. It's PC to call attention and take credit for what we do or at least have some hand in getting done. As Christians, we're just supposed to be grateful for the simple opportunity to BE here to DO things that we naturally OWE to our Lord. And no real credit should be expected for people who are simply doing what they've been told to do. Maybe some recognition might be due for people like Billy Graham who has been instrumental for leading so many to Christ. But not us average, every day Christians. We owe so much more than we could EVER repay! I'm just glad to still BE here so I CAN cast a little bread on the water on occasion! Now THAT is truly humbling!