View Full Version : Just wanted to share

05-01-2016, 06:37 PM
We had one heck of busy day . We were asked to attend a sister church about 24 miles east of us . I had offered to furnish the donuts and such for my senior study group at our church . Had to drive about 20 miles round trip fetch the donuts , come back home , get Becky, go to the nursing home get her mom ready to go to church with us , gas up , drive to our church and drop off the donuts (lol, preacher's car was there and we just left them in the kitchen , I'll get some calls wanting to know where we were and how donuts appeared , lol) . Drove to the church to the east .
We were of course greeted warmly by everyone and the pastor was notified , he came and found us thanking us for coming .

Becky was to do a flute solo and she went to the sanctuary to work with the music director and get a mic check . Her mom and I went to bible study . This church had prayer and praise with both men and women then separated into men's study and women's study groups . I will not get into the lesson and discussion but it was on the stoning of Stephen and connected to others topics .
After study we attended the service in the sanctuary . Preachers name was Randy and between his sermon and the great choir they had it was a blessing to all .

NOW ! The part I wanted to share .
When the men went to an adjoining room for bible study I sat down between two older men that immediately offered a handshake and introduced themselves . I was recognized as a visitor and asked to introduce myself with much encouragement from all .
Come time to open our bibles the man on my left was named Tom . He pushed my bible to the center of the table , pushed his between us and said ; Brother , I would like to share the reading of the word together with you today . I almost hugged this guy .

05-01-2016, 06:59 PM
Lol I would have took that a bit deferent being blind it's hard enough too read mine much less share with someone :)

Pine Baron
05-02-2016, 08:44 AM
Thank you, Boaz, for sharing a heartwarming story. How did Becky make out with her solo?

05-02-2016, 09:14 AM
Thank you, Boaz, for sharing a heartwarming story. How did Becky make out with her solo?

She did fine Pine Baron . She went to their teen class , she said the topic was...see no evil , hear no evil and speak no evil . I haven't had a chance to talk to her in detail but she enjoyed it and meeting new people .
LOL , afterwards we went to eat at one of the 2 places open in this very small town with local members . Seemed like everyone that came in walked over and thanked her for the music . She was amazed , I had to remind her that better than half the town was at service in this small place .

05-02-2016, 09:18 AM
You may have figured out the thread topic was not my sharing but others wanting to share .