View Full Version : so much to be thankful for part 1

04-29-2016, 04:40 PM
My daughter is doing well in school, her cast is off, no nerve damage and soon we will be turkey hunting togther! My wife....where do I start...way out of my league, young, athletic, pretty, hard working and without going into to much detail she just got some test results and everything is good, we were worried for a few days but all is well....it's spring, work is busy, my brother is getting married ..my niece is soon to be 5 sweet as pie and loves to fish and spend time out doors with me, the seedlings are doing well and soon it'll be time to till the soil and I have a new place to cut fire wood that's very close to my house. And i've made some good friends here. Look for part 2.....more things I'm greatful for and more details!

04-29-2016, 04:55 PM
I sure do like the way you look at things !

Preacher Jim
04-29-2016, 05:20 PM
Praise the Lord
I love these reports it makes me so thankful the Lord is on the throne.
My God is still in control.

04-29-2016, 05:46 PM
The LORD does work in ways we don't understand, every time I've faced a great trial something good has come of it. Something has happened here that has made me very happy.. some of you remember my post around Easter time about the new neighbors 11 year old boy who shot my building up with his new paint ball gun, we'll he came over right after I talked to his father and he said he was sorry, said it won't happen again, and he looked me in the eye stuck his hand out and gave me a firm shake! He's very small framed for his age, I thought he was much younger than he is, long story short, he asked the other day if I had any work he could do to earn money for his summer trip with his cousins, boy do i, I set him to stacking fire wood, he'd never done it, he was a city boy till recently, he did it well, he works hard, asks questions, listens, can take a joke, he will be helping with many projects around here! Twice now I've seen him work his self to near exhaustion and never complain. He likes to fish, has an interest in guns and hunting, he's good with the livestock, next week him and my daughter will be cleaning out the big barn, which will be a huge under taking (they are the same age) . Can't really explain why having a "hired hand" has made me so happy but it has and I'm proud of him.

04-29-2016, 05:55 PM
And one more thing about the lad, he will be going away this weekend and so he called me to tell me his hours (they matched my figures exactly) an remind me he'd be out of town but he'd be avaliable to work on Monday after school, he also.told me his grades, which were good cause I told him he couldn't work till dark if his grades fell. So he keeps honest count of his hours, let's me know his schedule and does well in school.

04-29-2016, 06:08 PM
You are in a unique position for these times. Good to see your appreciation for leading a younger generation.

04-29-2016, 06:57 PM
Good to see you post of the blessings of life GOD has afforded you!

04-29-2016, 07:43 PM
would kill for help like that. there just are not any kids left around us.

04-29-2016, 09:35 PM
nagantguy.....you are rich beyond compare.....thanks for sharing......Paul

04-29-2016, 09:39 PM
Sounds like you are enjoying the things God has blessed you with and you thank Him for it. God Bless and thanks.

04-29-2016, 11:24 PM
Nagantguy, it's SO good to see someone giving thanks these days! Most people just complain about what they haven't got, and constantly want more. It's so rare today to see anyone outside the church where it's PC to give thanks, so so, and so joyously. G. K. Chesterton said he thought appreciation was the highest form of human thought. I can't argue with that at all. So you may well be "smarter" than you think! And that's never a bad thing. :drinks:

Pine Baron
04-30-2016, 08:26 AM
Thank you Lord for the Blessings we have received. Hallelujah and Amen.

04-30-2016, 10:08 AM
So last night my daughter sold her first two rabbits out of the litter our doe had , the boy who was getting them was a bit younger than her and had special needs, now she's a polite and sweet girl but the way she interacted with him and explained their care and feeding requirements and just generally made he feel good and important for taking on such a responsibility tugged at my heart strings, the money she makes from the rabbits is hers, and when she got it in hand she put it in the jar on the desk that goes towards feed and maintenance, I told her she didn't have to do that and she said, "everyone pitches in and carries their own, this is my part" well have you ever seen an episode of little house on the Prairie when pa Ingels cry's for joy....well I weeped happy tears and feel no shame over it!.

Preacher Jim
04-30-2016, 05:18 PM
nangantguy, the Lord is giving you a soul to shape and that is why you are enjoying it so much. Jesus said, my peace i give to you.

04-30-2016, 06:29 PM
Nagantguy, we spend our time and mental efforts on trying to make them the kind of people they need to be, and when we see its fruition, it's the most humbling thing I think we can experience. Ya' done good, brother, and it's a credit to YOU how she did all that, so we may not be perfect, but when we think and plan and act like we're admonished to, this is what can result. So please accept a lil' pat on the back from me, even if it really means nothing. It's the one you'll get from our Redeemer that matters, and that, I believe, is coming your way. Just keep up the good work, and may your daughter not be one who is overcome by all that will eventually surround her. Takes a lot of conviction to stand up to all that. I have faith in you, and even if we fall, we can still have faith in Christ, and that he'll help us if we just do our part. That too is very humbling to realize also.

Nothing means as much to us as our children and grandchildren. I've been awfully lucky, and my son turned out good in spite of me. Now THAT is TRULY humbling!