View Full Version : FIRST CONTACT ! I met buckwheatpaul !

04-26-2016, 06:58 AM
Paul and I have messaged each other and talked on the phone pretty often . We have discovered much common ground and share our conviction and faith in Christ . Due to Paul's efforts (four hours driving) we met in person !
I thoroughly enjoyed the time together although I know it was distracting that I was on the job dealing with other people and getting phone calls . It was a good day for me !
I have also met and talked to others n the phone here the same way that I consider a friend through the Chapel . This place is doing good work . GOD is with us .
PLUS !! As a bonus I met his friend John . I was impressed with John , he's a good man and I plan to be seeing him again soon .

04-26-2016, 04:02 PM
Great to hear, Boaz! Paul is obviously a very devout and good man, and I'd like to meet him myself, and a number of others here - all of them, really. "Wherever two or more are gathered in my name ...." It's so good when like minded men meet. I wound up getting involved with a group of good ol' boys from Calif. to here in Ga. to up in Canada, who meet yearly for fun and games, some shooting, some GREAT eating, and a little joshing around. They are the most marvelous get-togethers I've ever participated in, and "more fun than a barrel of monkeys," which kind'a describes some of them more precisely than some might be comfortable with.

The gathering together of like minded men will always be a tremendous asset to us all, and a great source of satisfaction and strengthening for us. Hope ya' patted him on the back for his beautiful prayers. He really impresses me and touches my heart so often!

Preacher Jim
04-26-2016, 07:21 PM
Heaven help the place you met. Bet they heard the word.

04-26-2016, 08:14 PM
I really enjoyed it , got to spend quite a bit of time together ............gonna do it again ! I wish we could all assemble in the flesh but thats not possible . Praise the Lord for this Chapel . Without it the barrier of distance would keep us apart . I consider myself and all here blessed to have good people to work together for our Lord .

04-26-2016, 08:53 PM
I am happy to hear you met each other!

04-26-2016, 09:06 PM
I've had the pleasure of meeting 5-6 members of the board in person.

Gone, but never to be forgotten was Felix Robbins (the FELIX of Felix Lube fame) . I was traveling through his town and asked to drop in for a visit, to which he warmly welcomed me with open arms. I've yet to meet a member of this board that wasn't a good meeting.

Congrats on getting to put a face to a name.


04-26-2016, 09:06 PM
I'm glade y'all had a good time

I pray for Paul's safe travels home