View Full Version : Thank you for today

04-25-2016, 06:28 AM
If your reading this then you have received the blessing of one more day . On top of that it's Monday ! We have the prospect of achieving another week ! GOD is good ! As proof of this blessing (if it's required) simply look at the obituaries in your area for the last week , it's self explanatory .
We accept the fact that time exists yet pay little attention to it . You can't see it , hear it , taste it , smell it , feel it or hold it in your hand . You can't explain it and only experience it . It's a major scientific quest to prove it exists and how it works . Einsteins theory of relativity and many other efforts have proved futile to provide explanation .

Genesis 1;1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

GOD created time , GOD doesn't need time himself , he created it for us .

Job 14 ; 5-6
A man’s days are numbered. You know the number of his months. He cannot live longer than the time You have set. So now look away from him that he may rest, until he has lived the time set for him like a man paid to work.

Psalm 39; 4

LORD, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am

James sums it up best.

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

There are many more references to time in your bible . We are only given a certain measure of time as we are given other things . Lets use this gift wisely . Time is a reality , how much time did it take to read this ? You can't call it back , it's gone , used .

04-25-2016, 07:49 AM
Very good, Thanks for taking time to post.

Preacher Jim
04-25-2016, 11:46 AM
great Sunday, made it out of bed, today, thank you Lord for this day help me not to waste it.

04-25-2016, 05:06 PM
Time is a funny thing, and some of the stuff I've been reading about it just makes me marvel at how ignorant about time I was. Still don't have a perfect handle on it, but the concepts involved really stretch the mind. When you said "God doesn't need time," that jives with the physics I've been reading for the last few years, and how that seems to work, from what we know of it now, really, is absolutely amazing and very, very humbling. You said a real mouthful when you said God doesn't need it. It's just a yardstick we've been given by which to measure our days here in this finite realm. It's useful, but not if we let it rule us as we "moderns" have so often come to let it.

Truly that old saw, "Too soon old and too late smart," seems to be a near universal description of a real truth for most of us. Some come to wisdom early, but most of us have to learn the hard way. Thanks.

04-25-2016, 07:16 PM
Thank you

04-25-2016, 07:30 PM
Time is a simple concept. No proof is needed. It was. It is. And it will be.

You can waste it or use it. Once wasted, it is gone forever. So use it wisely.

04-25-2016, 09:31 PM
We never even consider time to be almost the biggest thing in our daily lives: Time to get up .
Time to go to bed .
Time to eat .
Time to go .
Time to make a car payment .
Time to go to work .
Time to pick up the kids .
Time to move the clocks back .
Time to move the clocks forward .
It's time to buy grocery's .
Don't be late , be on time .
I never have enough time !
It's important , I want to be on time .
It time for report cards !
It's time you start doing better !
Do you realize what time it is ?
I don't have time for this .
Well it's about time !
Always try to be on time .
It's almost time .
It's sad but it was just his time .
It's time to lay this down .
It's time to talk .
You act like you have all the time in the world !
It's time for you to grow up !
Well , it's about time !
My time ain't worth much .
Take your time !
I have no time to spare !
Take your time and do a good job .
Do you think I have all the time in the world !
I can spare the time .
Manage your time better !
You don't seem to have time for me .
It's time to take out the trash .
Where does the time go ?
What time is it ?
Maybe next time .
That takes too much time .
There is still time .

Old Sayings:
Time is money
A stitch in time saves nine
Time can't be bought
lost time is never found
No time to waste
You can't turn back time
You may wait but time will not
Time will tell
Time waits for no man
Time flies
Time is of the essence
Time is what we want more of, but what we spend the worst
There is a time for everything
Old age comes at a bad time
It takes a long time to grow a good friend

This is just a small list of common everyday reference in our lives about time and some old sayings which there are many more . Our entire lives revolve around time, time is a gift from God ! It's a limited TIME offer . Why did God give us the measurement of time in our lives ? And what are his expectations of us to do with this amount of time we are allotted ? Thank you

Pine Baron
05-04-2016, 02:04 PM
Well, Boaz, just not in that much of a hurry anymore. Kind of like to spend each moment for what it's worth, and thank God for the Blessings of that very moment.

05-04-2016, 07:05 PM
Pine Baron I try to make the most of time given but never seems like there is enough . I do take time to appreciate what our Lord has given . I see 'new' things everyday that have been around me always . Getting older has increased my awareness of his work .

05-04-2016, 11:03 PM
One of my most highly valued friends is a well over 80 yr. old lady who was born with a congenital heart condition, and wasn't supposed to live to see age 21. She was diagnosed in her early teens. Her Mother prayed for her every single night of her life, and encouraged her to pray for herself as well. Since then, she's prayed every night for well over 60 years, and maybe 70 now, EVERY NIGHT, for just one more day of life. And for nearly 70 years now, Christ has granted her prayers. I love this good woman like a sister, and honestly feel closer to her than I do my own brother. We only get one life, and then the judgment. The good folks I've known have meant SO much to me. I think I'm just one of many this fine woman has influenced by the sheer goodness and sincerity and boundless humility and appreciation that just emanate naturally from this great woman. One more day for her, has translated out into many, many influences for the good on many, many people's lives. She recently lost her husband of over 60 years, and as fine a man as she is a woman. And she's never missed a stride since. Truly, this is one amazing and very blessed woman, whose whole life has blessed many, many other lives. Time makes a difference ONLY when we use it for God's glory, and not for our own.