View Full Version : A praise to our Lord

04-24-2016, 07:16 AM
Last evening at the youth rally at our church there was a good attendance ! A church from a small community 40 miles away brought a LOT of teens .
There was a good feed with time allowed with the meal for a lot of fellowship for the youth . Old relationships and friendships were renewed . New friendships were made . Our youth worked hard all week and yesterday to make this happen and I am personally proud of them .

Deuteronomy 11;19
And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

Brother Tim a lay preacher at our church I have spoken of before gave his testimony of being saved from drug addiction by our Lord . He has conviction and is beyond an asset to everyone he comes in contact with . I have heard his story many times and still find it an amazing praise to our Lord each time I hear it . I argued with myself to video it and put it here and believe I failed you . I thought some might think it wrong posting it . I was the one wrong in not doing it anyway .

Everyone had a good time . Our pastor (I went to high school with him , he in my age , 64) came as close to dancing down front as they were playing a silly exercise game . LOL , never saw a Baptist preacher 'get down' ! I have to remember to razz him about it next
week .

A call was given to come down front and pray together , most youth did . The invitation was given and a young man gave his profession of faith . We are all one more stronger this morning . Baptism will follow soon , each one is a victory for our Lord .

What could we all accomplish together ? Our young people need us , so many have no where to turn to . So many have not heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ , so many lost.

Thank you for putting up with a long post .

Pine Baron
04-24-2016, 07:34 AM
This is a joy to read. I am so happy that you all were blessed to pull this off, it is so needed. My love and admiration to you, Boaz and especially Becky.

Preacher Jim
04-24-2016, 07:47 AM
Thank the Lord for committed servents

04-24-2016, 08:13 AM

04-24-2016, 08:40 AM
Amen! Thanks Boaz!

04-24-2016, 12:08 PM
Amen and thanks for the post

04-24-2016, 12:47 PM
Amen to all above, especially Pine Baron's comments. So many parents today see their job as only providing THINGS for their children. So many don't feel qualified to "preach" to them. So many have swallowed the liberal mantra that people (including the young) should be allowed to "find their own way." But in the absence of teaching and training, what grows? The same thing that grows in an unattended garden - weeds. Only these weeds grow big enough sometimes so that they obscure their view of what's right and wrong, and fall for one of the other main tenets of liberalism, which is basically, "Do it if it feels good." Is it any wonder, with so many becoming obsessed with "making a living," and neglecting to teach the upcoming generation what they need to know to make their lives good, that we're seeing what we're seeing all around us today?

There are some awfully good young ones coming up today, but they stand out like a beacon in a dark night all too often, and this is a shame. What happens when a culture doesn't train its young to become the rafters and beams that support that culture? Why the culture disappears, doesn't it? How could it do otherwise?

So what we do MATTERS, and what Boaz is doing MATTERS, and we need to do a lot more of this kind of thing. Each of us may feel very inadequate to the task, but aren't we told that if we simply enter the fray, the Lord will bless our actions, even if it's in spite of ourselves? I keep hearing the echoes of that verse, "Oh ye of little faith" here. Most churches have a hierarchy that can help others do something like this.

One more thing that keeps us from doing stuff like Boaz has, is we don't even know what the real goal is, and today, we're told that we HAVE to define the goal if we're to succeed. But that's wrong. All we have to do to get results is to act. And all we have to do to get good results is to act with love and openness and respect. Remember, in raising children, more is "caught" than "taught" by the kids, who are always watching us adults.

Think of it this way. Have you ever known a group of young people who could get together enmasse, and eat good food and maybe play volleyball, softball, or anything of that sort, and NOT have a great time? Just be there to have a good time with them. It's amazing how the barrier walls come tumbling down when kids are having a good time in a good way. And the speakers at these type get-togethers really seem to do well when they're like Tim, and have walked on the other side, and found it wanting, and changed sides and can testify to the difference. Alcoholics who now don't drink are another good source for speakers, though they both need to be at least somewhat adept at speaking. I've been amazed at how many AA members who've been sober a good while are able to come up with so many, many one-liners that really capture those who've never been where they've walked. And they're so GENUINE, too! And above all, I think the young are looking for something and someone who's genuine.

Many have been trained to seek money and fame and fortune and prominence and predominence, but show them something REAL, and they always seem to pay attention. And in my experience, the ones who poo poo it the most, are the ones who simply fear it, but deep down inside, recognize it for what it is. Mostly, they just can't envision themselves becoming Christian, so they try to rail against it, in a sort of "sour grapes" sort of way. "Well, I didn't want it anyway," is what they try to tell themselves. But inside, they KNOW what's real and what has value, and what doesn't. They may choose the cynic's way anyway, though. But if you've put the recognition inside them, of what's of real value, it won't go away, and may be stimulated later. I've seen that happen, too. Something from long ago suddenly comes to the fore, and with other stimuli, results in a long fought conversion.

So if you have any interest in doing something similar, or something different of your own devising that would serve the same purpose, and suit your talents and knowledge better, why not cast some bread upon the water? You never really know what might result from it. Just be sure you pick people who are open and gregarious and fairly low key in the doing of it. We get better results when we LET kids learn, rather than try to MAKE them learn.

Just a thought that's been on my mind for a while now, and yeah, I'm thinking on something for my church, too. They're already fairly good, but who among us can't do better?

04-24-2016, 03:50 PM
Our church doesn't have the fair weather pew hoppers that are looking for free babysitting and feel good singalongs much anymore . We have got down to GOD's work . Time draws neigh .

04-24-2016, 04:30 PM
Doing Gods work with the youth is the best investment you can do....the youth are our most precious resource we have and to help them become one with our Lord is the highest and best thing we can do...thanks Boaz and Becky.....

04-25-2016, 05:24 PM
Amen, Paul. They're MUCH more maleable and open than adults, who all too often, have closed themselves off from perceiving anything they don't want to let in. And the young, even those who don't see like they'd be that way at first, are so appreciative of being led to Christ, too. A little humility and honesty really CAN propel us an awfully long way. And all it takes is some effort, and getting out of our easy chairs.