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View Full Version : Prayer Needed for Youth Rally!

Prairie Girl
04-23-2016, 10:31 AM
Hey guys, we are having a youth rally later today at my church! A few other churches are attending as well. I hope that young people are reached today through the speakers and through the music we will be having. My youth group and I are doing all of the music, and we are also preforming a skit! I am excited for later today, but I hope that more people are reached today that need to hear the gospel and need to see the grace of God!

I attend school in a small community, and I have placed about thirty fliers for this event around the school. I hope that teens will be reached through the ministry that we are providing. Mental insanity is reaching all across the globe at a rapidly increasing rate because people are being isolates and not speaking to other human beings! Some people do not even know what normal is and do not know who God is anymore because of the way they were raised. Most people have the idea that if you live in a small town that you are immune to the mental illness patients that float around, but the facts are that they are not.

Just the other day in my small little community, there was a boy, who was just in 3rd grade which means that he was only about 8, and his mother that lives in the few apartments that are in the small town. The boy woke up one night to see his mother above him stabbing him with a knife. The mother then attempted to try to kill the boy by cutting his throat. Thank God that she didn't know what she was doing and missed his jugular. The mother couldn't find her son at one point and found out that the boy had ran to the neighbors to get some help. The neighbors called the cops, and then the mother decided that she didn't want to pay for what she did or woke up from her rabid rampage and killed herself. Mental illness is spreading at a rapidly increasing rate, and I do not see any near future that does not contain it.

Please pray that these young teens will hear the word of God and come out of any trouble that they are facing. Please pray that we will have guys and girls saved later today! Thank you for reading and praying! God Bless! Becky

Pine Baron
04-23-2016, 10:43 AM
Prayers sent for your gracious efforts.

Preacher Jim
04-23-2016, 04:37 PM
Becky we will be praying till you let us know the details. May the Lord pore His Holy Spirit all over the work with youth and many come to a deeper relationship with Jesus.

04-23-2016, 09:00 PM
I'm a little late today, but prayer for its success. Maybe there are some that take a little time before it all sinks in?

04-23-2016, 09:08 PM
Becky, Didn't see the post till 8 p.m. Hope the rally was great and the Word was heard. Doing Gods work is important even if only one person gets the message....it is the Shepard leaving the flock to look for the lost sheep idea.....planting seeds may take a while to take hold but you will be surprised how many people will be effected.

Father thank You for people like Becky and the people that do Your work. Father, bless them and give them the ability to spread Your Word. Let them see their work sprout results that will be pleasing to You. Amen

04-23-2016, 09:17 PM
May GOD richly bless your ministry!

04-23-2016, 09:30 PM
Prayer sent.

04-23-2016, 10:14 PM
We just got in and she said : I'm goin ta bed as we walked in the house . I'll let her report tomorrow but I'll say it was a success . One young man gave his life to Christ through profession of faith with baptism to follow soon. Much seed was cast upon the wind .

04-24-2016, 01:09 PM
Boaz, I don't think I'll ever stop being shocked at how little it really takes to bring the young to Christ. It just has to be genuine and heartfelt. The young, in their own wisdom, don't even seem to expect people to be perfect. Only sincere and heartfelt and truthful. Y'all did good, bro'! REAL good! keep up the good work, sir! Both of you.

04-24-2016, 03:28 PM
I was on the fringe of this work and not directly involved beyond providing encouragement and prayer . Thats what makes me appreciate it so much more to see the work continue. We have to teach the younger ones or it all fails .

04-24-2016, 06:55 PM
Been gone a couple days, maybe a little late , but prayers for young people, that it may glorify Christ!

big bore 99
04-24-2016, 07:38 PM
Prayers sent for a very worthwhile cause.