View Full Version : HFPC and high pressures

04-18-2016, 02:44 PM
Havent had time to search but is anyone having problems using Harbor Freight PC and Pressure. TOday one of my OC bullets blew my 30 Carbine bolt to smithereens.

04-18-2016, 03:31 PM
I can't think how the coating could have any relation to that whatsoever.

If a jacketed bullet doesn't cause pressure issues, a pc'd one won't.

04-18-2016, 04:47 PM
Not related to PC that I can see. FMJ's are much harder and tighter than anything with a polymer jacket.

04-18-2016, 05:12 PM
Doubt it is a PC Issue.. I would be looking for an overload issue.. Maybe scale or a bridging powder/dump issue

04-18-2016, 05:22 PM
Not exactly sure what went wrong, all I know is the extractor from the bolt is no more. I haven't inspected further to see if anything else is mangled. I shot 10 rounds 8 flawlessly the 8th was a PC spire point boollet from NOE. I have shot 1000's of these without issue in the past all traditionally lubed and sized. Boolet was PC'd then sized to 309, using 12Gr of 2400, same load I have shot in the past. I just want to wrap my head around this.

04-18-2016, 08:19 PM
the boolit could have been shoved back in the case.
I know that's the death knell for a 9m.

04-21-2016, 06:53 PM
I think in my (extreeeeeemmmmmlllllyyyyyy stupid) haste to try these bullets, I believe I forgot to verify the type of powder in my press. I think I may have substituted 2400 for bullseye...

04-21-2016, 10:58 PM
2400 for bullseye or the other way around? I would think bullseye for 2400 would be an eyeopening experience but 2400 for bullseye wouldn't be as catastrophic.

04-21-2016, 11:36 PM
bullseye in the 30 carbine would guarantee a disaster unless you only put in about 5 grains.
12grs would for sure be an over pressure disaster.

04-22-2016, 03:53 PM
BUllseye for 2400, I usually keep a powder measure full of 2400 on one of my presses. I may have changed it out and forgot to relabel it.

04-22-2016, 04:25 PM
yep that would do it ..ka boom

04-23-2016, 09:22 AM
30 Carbine was one of my favorite all time rifles. now it is DOA. may be to expensive to fix at this point. Stupidity killed the cat

04-23-2016, 04:18 PM
http://www.e-sarcoinc.com/m1boltflatearlycomplete.aspx on backorder though.

$90 if it's just the bolt and consider it a cheap lesson.

04-25-2016, 09:00 AM
http://www.e-sarcoinc.com/m1boltflatearlycomplete.aspx on backorder though.

$90 if it's just the bolt and consider it a cheap lesson.

Considering I still have both eyes and all my digits I consider myself lucky and blessed. This is one of the unforgivable mistakes and in my haste and excitement I made would have been a catastrophic error. The site you gave me seems to be awesome, thankyou


04-25-2016, 10:24 AM
I want to actually commend you for posting ..
It just again shows how when reloading you MUST be undistracted and thoughtful of every process..

Thanks and glad you were unhurt physically

04-25-2016, 01:13 PM
Leaving powder in your hopper is the fault here…it is a bad idea, discolors the plastic and things like this happen. "But I put a stickey note on it…" Guess the stickey fell off, they won't even stay stuck on my Mac screen for a week. Put your powder back into the container it came in. If you don't have the time to do that then you don't have the time to load.
Am I hard about this…yes!…but not nearly as hard as a bolt in the face.


Walter Laich
04-26-2016, 12:54 PM
I have all my dillon powder measures marked with round stick-on dots: the grs it's set for, the powder type and the type of cartridge

RD = 5.0 gr of Red Dot

.45 C
R = .45 Colt for Rifle

each dot (usually two per powder measure) gets put on the clear tube then covered with clear packing tape. They don't come off until I want them to

04-28-2016, 04:30 PM
the boolit could have been shoved back in the case.
I know that's the death knell for a 9m.

Only because of the nature of fast pistol powders. You can compress 2400 quite a bit in most calibers & nothing, so I doubt setback was an issue.

04-28-2016, 04:30 PM
BUllseye for 2400, I usually keep a powder measure full of 2400 on one of my presses. I may have changed it out and forgot to relabel it.

Now that would certainly do it.

04-28-2016, 04:33 PM
Leaving powder in your hopper is the fault here…it is a bad idea, discolors the plastic and things like this happen. "But I put a stickey note on it…" Guess the stickey fell off, they won't even stay stuck on my Mac screen for a week. Put your powder back into the container it came in. If you don't have the time to do that then you don't have the time to load.
Am I hard about this…yes!…but not nearly as hard as a bolt in the face.

Well sort of. It's a good idea to put powder away, but I rarely do it if returning to the bench within the week. The issue wasn't leaving powder in the hopper but not keeping track of it.
It's a safety issue for sure, but then I mark my powder measure with the powder inside it, right on top of the lid. Really no way to F that up. In 40yrs, never been an issue, more than 300K rds loaded. So while a good idea, certainly doesn't make one lazy or unsafe leaving powder in a measure.
FWIW, I have three presses mounted, 3 powder measures. At times all three will have powder in them, shock! Again, all are marked.

04-29-2016, 05:01 PM
first off, you should blame the carbine bolt. It is the weak point of the carbine. Broken right lugs are actually fairly common and when they break, the extractor goes flying. Check the receiver for cracks or side to side bulging. If it is ok, then your carbine should be ok. You just need to replace the bolt.

04-29-2016, 08:05 PM
I get your point fred…dedicated presses and or powder measures and you have several that don't generally change. Me on the other hand have to make do with only a few measures and they just throw powders they handle well, then on top of that I'll load for one thing one day and something else the next, especially the turret press…it's a general do-all type press. I suppose I could leave my LNL with powder in the hopper for the .45 ACP but with the shortages of powders out here in Kali even that round gets multiple different powders according to what boolit I'm stuffin in.
SO…for me and my lame brain…I put them away in order to avoid my own sad story here in the forum one day.


04-30-2016, 08:39 AM
I do have 3 Dillon Presses and and Lyman turret Press... The 2 Square deals are dedicated to 9 and 45 and never are used for processing anything but those calibers. I have a Dillon 450 that I use for things like 357/38. I am only guessing the powder was bad as I never found the case the extractor is gone. I was more worried about what damage I had done to my face than as to where the brass/pieces/shrapnel et al... had gone. I may have had a bad case too. I am still just guessing on the problem, but the powder could have been the problem.

05-11-2016, 12:39 PM
All the powder safety stuff is nice. But if you fired 7 of the same thing before number 8 went bang, then its not the powder type in your load that would have happen on round 1. I would suspect either the bullet compressed into the casing or other COAL problem