View Full Version : Prayer request

04-17-2016, 09:05 PM
Much to my amazement the Lord has given me the task to fellowship ( that's probably not the right word ) with the congregation. ( we had 391 today ) I circle around shaking hands tell I find the one who needs to talk.

Today it it was as plane as the noise on your face. A friend who hasn't been in church for a few weeks was sitting drinking coffee lost.I sat down and he told me his tail .

his tail isn't much deferent then any of ours growing old,no money,pore health but its hitting him hard.

I ask for your prayers to strengthen his hart to set his resolve and to give him power over his situation

04-17-2016, 09:22 PM
This man will be added to our prayer list and also for you that God will give you the words and actions that are needed!

04-17-2016, 09:27 PM
GOD please help rl69's friend , he needs your love and healing . Be with and comfort him Lord . Help him in all ways to fulfill the plan you have for him , let him realize he is needed . Give rl69 the guidance and wisdom through you to aid in his trial . Thank you Lord. Amen

04-17-2016, 09:31 PM
It doesn't surprise me at all that you were called into service rl69 . Who better to choose .

04-17-2016, 09:35 PM
Prayers sent

Preacher Jim
04-17-2016, 09:35 PM
Rl69 you are a perfect choice for Lord to use, an we join you praying for the LORD TO help your friend in his time of need.

04-17-2016, 09:36 PM
Praying for our Brother in rl69's church.

04-18-2016, 11:37 AM
Praying for this person

04-18-2016, 12:00 PM
I'm sorry guys his name is joe

04-18-2016, 02:06 PM
Prayers for both of you. Sounds like he's one of those who got old without learning to take himself lightly, and didn't develop a sense of humor and resignation to the facts of getting older. Lots of folks like that. To them, often just picking up the tab for the coffee is a biggie, and a bit of a lift. A smile works wonders, too. A lot of folks get depressed when they find they got old without preparing for it like they should have. We all probably fit that mold to varying degrees. The good part is, if we know Christ, no matter what happens, live die, or whatever, we're gonna' be OK in the end. Many who've died, and came back, if they were faithful and vigilant and brave, have said they can't wait to go back, and they're just waiting for that call to come, whenever and however it finally arrives. Real Christians can withstand anything, even much worse than he has it. And we in America today always think we're underprivileged if we don't have everything we think others have, and this keeps us from appreciating what we DO have - friends, family, and so many things that money just can't buy, and health can't bring. When we learn to count our blessings, we usually find we've been SO well blessed, compared to most who've ever lived on this planet, that it's truly humbling. Our forgetters get us in an awful lot of trouble sometimes! God bless you both.

04-18-2016, 02:11 PM
Father, the man that rl69 is ministering to needs your help. He has found that he is having health and money issues as he ages. Please show him the way and walk with him guiding the way along the path of his life. Father, You can do all and there are some that need more help than others. At this time I ask that you guide him and protect him. In Your Name I pray. Amen

04-18-2016, 02:25 PM
Prayer sent.

04-18-2016, 02:45 PM
prayers that your lost friend finds his way to the path.

Teddy (punchie)
04-18-2016, 02:52 PM
Praying for Joe and you.

04-18-2016, 03:27 PM
Rl69 you are a perfect choice for Lord to use, an we join you praying for the LORD TO help your friend in his time of need.

im not too sure about that. my life is full of sin ,I'm ate up with pride, my marriage is a mess. I'm not much of a people person. In fact Ive always enjoy being alone. But that is starting too change

one thing for sure it is Him if any good comes of it it's defeanetly not my doing

04-18-2016, 03:54 PM
Then why do you feel chosen ?

04-18-2016, 06:03 PM
Because the things that are happing are not of me. my prayers are always to forgive me and not let my sin stand in His way. Like I said I'm just amazed

04-18-2016, 06:29 PM
I understand , been there .

04-19-2016, 04:14 AM
Be with rl69 as he provides encouragement to Joe and tries to help others through you . Stay with Joe as you reveal yourself to him through your love and comfort . Show him the way Lord and reassure him . I ask in your name . Amen

04-19-2016, 09:17 AM
RL69, I have been a Baptist lay preacher for many years. I know what I am saying from experience. The Good Lord will not give you any duty or mission, unless He prepares you for it, opens the doors so it will accomplish His will, and give you all the ways and means to fulfill the task.

It may seem difficult or impossible to you, but the Lord will not fail you. He has a plan and a goal in mind.

He never makes errors, and He has chosen the right person in you.

You friend, Ken

Pine Baron
04-19-2016, 11:47 AM
Brother Ron, I think it's called "Amazing Grace".

04-19-2016, 01:57 PM
RL69, I have been a Baptist lay preacher for many years. I know what I am saying from experience. The Good Lord will not give you any duty or mission, unless He prepares you for it, opens the doors so it will accomplish His will, and give you all the ways and means to fulfill the task.

It may seem difficult or impossible to you, but the Lord will not fail you. He has a plan and a goal in mind.

He never makes errors, and He has chosen the right person in you.

You friend, Ken

Thank you Hickok ! You said it better than I could .
He will put nothing on you that you can not bear . GOD don't make mistakes .

If you accomplished getting that much conversation out of Joe .....You done good . Well heck , what to do now ? You did what you knew to do.............Got us started praying for him . Well what to do now ? There are lots of options . If you think it better by what you know then deal with it yourself , if not then you have the support of those willing to help .

Thats a big point . You know that we here are supporting you . Your church will support you . All are for you including the one true living GOD . We are all in this together .

Preacher Jim
04-19-2016, 02:14 PM
Rl69 I do not know many great preacher and lay workers who feel worthy to do the Lords work. Look at the crooked sticks all through the Bible that God used to draw a straight line to Jesus, Paul called himself the chief of sinners. RL you are exactly the man who can be used by our Lord to minister to your friend. Remember God's grace I'd sufficient to forgive all your sins and make you his tool.
If you need help pm me

big bore 99
04-19-2016, 02:43 PM
Prayers sent.

04-19-2016, 06:17 PM
Thank you guys for the encouragement. Thank you Hickok for the beautiful words. I agree with everything y'all are saying. I know he will make a way.I'm just amazed he has me doing it. I don't deserve the blessing you get for helping. As far as joe I got him hooked up with the preacher. I have us praying for him. Now I have to wait too see what the lords wants me too do next if anything

04-19-2016, 06:19 PM
All this is a true testament of his love

04-19-2016, 06:34 PM
Hickory's right, RL. And you're far from alone in your sin. One of the paradoxes of becoming what I often call a "real Christian" is that you become conscious of things that you formerly thought little to nothing of. It's called being "convicted" by our faith. We humans are born willful, and have to LEARN to do better than before our conversion, and that ain't easy! And the more you try to do better, the worse it seems to get at times.

One thing I've learned, and it may or may not help you, is to just not worry about it, and relax. Amazingly, when we relax, and don't feel like we're fighting sin all the time, and just let the goodness in us flow out like an artesian spring, somehow, we begin sinning less than when we were constantly fighting it. I'm not sure why or how that works, but it did for me. Sometimes I think a simple change in attitude is the "secret" of it. All I know is that when our attitudes change, and we ALLOW ourselves to be happier, without dropping our guard totally of course, our behavior and thoughts change, and become at least a bit more in line with our aspirations.

G. K. Chesterton has often been called the "Prince of paradox," and reading him helped lighten my attitude, and take myself with a bit of humor instead of strict requirements, and believe it or not, it works. It seems counter-intuitive, but .... well, there it is anyway. I just started to realize that if God loves me, warts and all, then maybe I ought to lighten up on myself and start letting myself love and respect me a little more, too. It's amazing what simple attitude changes can do, and staying on yourself hard tends to take the joy our of our lives, and Christ certainly wanted us to enjoy all the blessings He bestows on us, so .... give it a try and see if it works for you. Can't give any guarantees, but it's worth a try. Love seems to have a hard time getting let out when we compress it. That's my theory about it, anyway.

With all the paradoxes of being Christian, I've sorta' learned to laugh at the "logic" we sometimes use, and have come, little by little, to not care as much about "logic," up to a point, of course, and just try the instructions Christ left for us, and I increasingly find that His advice very often beats our "logic." It's funny how that works, but it really DOES work!

Our Faith was NEVER intended to be a ball and chain for us to lug around, so lighten up a little, and quit expecting perfection from our imperfect selves. Helps with our friends, too!

Pine Baron
04-19-2016, 06:52 PM
+1 Blackwater!

04-19-2016, 07:06 PM
Thank you guys for the encouragement. Thank you Hickok for the beautiful words. I agree with everything y'all are saying. I know he will make a way.I'm just amazed he has me doing it. I don't deserve the blessing you get for helping. As far as joe I got him hooked up with the preacher. I have us praying for him. Now I have to wait too see what the lords wants me too do next if anything

Don't worry The Lord will be sending you work .