View Full Version : Why complicate things?

04-17-2016, 06:05 PM
I'm know I'm not the first person to do this, but I have been loading in very large quantities lately, and the bottleneck in the whole procedure is putting 30-40 bullets in a ziploc tub and rattling them around. That makes things pretty slow, and lubesizing or tumble lube isn't an option for me (using bullet feeders and suppressors) I would shake them up for a good 30-45 seconds per load, and then meticulously pick them out (I did away with the hemostats so many here like and use nitrile gloves to pick my bullets up... dusted with powder, they do not leave any marks on bullets picked up) and place them right side up in pretty little rows to be baked. I was finding that the speed of the process was fine when I was loading 200-300 bullets, but left a lot to be desired when I was loading thousands.

I was trying some of the white and silver powder from smokes, and was finding my results not quite up to par (but about what I expected from light colored powders). I don't really care that much how they look, but the coating didn't look nearly as full as it did for many other colors, which come out picture perfect. After shaking like a madman and still getting middling results, I threw a bunch of BBs and powder in my old vibratory tumbler which I never use.

I put in about 250 bullets, and ran the tumbler for about 1 minute. I lifted the bullets with nitrile gloves and just threw them on a pan on some parchment paper, letting them touch and not paying much mind to making them nice and orderly. It's also faster to unload these big containers than rooting around in a little ziploc tub- I could run both hands through, grab a handful, let the BBs fall out through my fingers, and put the bullets on the oven tray. Unloading the ~250 only took a couple of minutes and I was ready to bake!

The results were better than I expected- I assumed that the plastic the tub of the tumbler was made of would be insufficient, but either it just happens to work or the BBs make up for it. My tumbler is a plain harbor freight vibratory, nothing special.


left was vibratory coated, right is hand shaken (both have been sized). With a darker color like blue, green, or red they would look flawless either way- but the speed the vibratory affords over hand shaking, I can't see why I would use any more of the ziploc containers, and it makes up for deficiencies with the colors that are harder to make look pretty.

So toss out those ziploc tubs and bags- just use your old tumbler, loaded up with BBs and powder! Less chance of spillage, many times faster, and a better coat than you get shaking your ziploc maracas around!

I went ahead and threw in a bunch of other powders, because screw using those little cups anymore.



Idaho Sharpshooter
04-18-2016, 12:24 AM
Don't you have any 10-12 year old children or grandchildren? Pay them in 22 shells, it's what I do...

04-18-2016, 12:41 AM
I use that same tumbler to graphite and round the sprue cuts off my buck-shot and black powder balls.
I add some steel shot to the mix to have different sizes in there.

that 'tumbler' doesn't really tumble it spins everything in a circle and jostles it up around.

04-18-2016, 07:17 AM
Excellent post. I have been refining my method as well. First few attempts went OK one batch was a failure.
Reading here helps, and every tid bit of info makes for better boolits.
I don't make as big a mess as before. Lol
Be well

Lloyd Smale
04-18-2016, 07:20 AM
I too have a spare FA tumbler just like yours sitting on the shelf that's never been used. I wonder how it would work using #4 buck I casted vs the plastic bbs

04-18-2016, 09:33 AM
I too have a spare FA tumbler just like yours sitting on the shelf that's never been used. I wonder how it would work using #4 buck I casted vs the plastic bbs

I think the size and material of the bbs helps them coat it better than large balls might, but you don't know until you try.

Lloyd Smale
04-18-2016, 02:42 PM
#4 buck isn't much bigger then bb. they probably would tend to sit more on the bottom of the tumbler though then mixing with the bullets.