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View Full Version : 10 year wedding anniversary

04-16-2016, 09:10 AM
My wife and I are coming up on our 10 year wedding anniversary. She is expecting a nice gift, and I would like to get her something nice that would last. Problem is, I am having a heck of a time deciding what to do for her.

A few weeks ago we were at the BMW motorcycle shop getting some parts for my 1985 R80. She took a liking to one of the new touring bikes and wanted to buy it for our anniversary. I was shocked that she wanted to spend that much money and a little dismayed that she wanted to trade in my "old motorcycle" for "something nicer". I definitely don't want to go into debt to buy a motorcycle, and besides, I really love my "old motorcycle".

So, I am asking for ideas on what to get her. There is always the typical diamond jewelry stuff, but it seems so impersonal. She loves jewelry almost as much as I love guns, but I wouldn't want her picking out a new rifle for me, if you know what I mean. And my interest in jewelry is about as much as a Hi Point pistol so I'm not sure I could pick something she would like.

04-16-2016, 09:38 AM
Good Luck! [smilie=l:been married for 56 years come June and still trying to figure her out :bigsmyl2:

04-16-2016, 09:45 AM
You better ask her , in 30 years I have not been right . Another thing you can't just say get whatever you want that don't like that either . Go figure

Half Dog
04-16-2016, 10:17 AM
Try a bowling ball...lol

04-16-2016, 10:27 AM
A little wisdom on jewelry. Watch JTV or simular jewelry shopping channel with her and note what gets her attention. Just casually leave the tv on one of those channels while you are reading or prepping brass. Just like baiting a coon trap with a shiney quarter.

04-16-2016, 10:49 AM
This June will be 28 years for me. It's gotten to where I like to let her pick what she wants as much as I can. I'm not a real good gift shopper.

She, on the other hand, likes to gift shop. I learned a few times that is she notices me taking an interest in something around Christmas, that something has a tendency to end up under the tree. This year she noticed me looking at a real pretty little Savage 220 that was priced well and would complement my 219 in a shop I frequent. Went back when she wasn't there and asked the guy if he'd set it aside and if she didn't come for it, I'd buy it from him after Christmas. Sure enough, she made her way back there one day it ended up under the tree, I felt pretty sly, but she felt good about it and it was something I wanted and probably would have bought for myself anyway.

Dude, keep the BMW, those are neat old bikes. I have a few motorcycles, but the old KLR650 I've had for years will be with me til I die.

Rufus Krile
04-16-2016, 11:16 AM
Each is different. I learned early in our marriage, however, that most women don't consider a rechargeable flashlight a suitable Christmas or anniversary present. That was 35 years ago and it still isn't funny.

04-16-2016, 11:31 AM
After 44 years of marriage, I speak from experience . . . . "you are toast". :-) LOL

My wife likes jewelry and shiny things and I used to do jewelry for her . . . until the year she opened her present up and started laughing . . . it was identical to something I'd already given her! Duh!!!

I wouldn't go in to debt on a new bike either . . . not if you like you old one so much. Instead, I'd suggest to her that the two of you take some short "date weekends" together . . . . places she would really like to go or things she'd really like to do. And if that is something you decide to do together - follow through on it and don't put it off. Time spent together is important and it flies by much too fast and before you know it, another ten years are gone.

Congats on your tenth and you'll come up with something. Marriage is a "give and take relationship" . . . each partner must be willing to give more than they take and if a relationship is that way, it will last forever. Gifts are nice, but it's important to let her know that she is the most important thing in your life each and every day - just as much and if not more than the day you committed your lives to each other.

04-16-2016, 11:55 AM
my wife got new tires for our last anniversary.

the kid turned to sharp wile disking one of the fields and ripped the outer duel and with large ag equipment you have to have matching treads or you will destroy a transmission. of course that style was no longer made and no used ones could be found, so we shelled out over 3 grand for a new set. she was not upset that her anniversary money for the next 5 years went into tires.

by now you should know what she likes to collect, get her another of whatever that is.

04-16-2016, 12:08 PM
Why does it seem that it is Guy should buy something for the wife? Tell her that the first ten years were for her, the next ten are for you. Let us know how that works out if both arms are not broken.

04-16-2016, 12:58 PM
My wife knows hints don't work ,just tell me what you would like.problem solved.took her 15 years to get it hayho.

04-16-2016, 01:08 PM
My wife and I just don.t celebrate birthdays or anniversaries we may go out to eat at one of the casinos on occasion but other than that no gifts or anything special.

04-16-2016, 02:16 PM
that same strategy has worked for 30+ years for us too.
it used to be one big present a year and it covered everything.
now it's whatever... where you gonna put it anyway.

04-16-2016, 02:39 PM
We are coming up on 50 in July. We have already told the 2 sons(& daughters-in-law) that we would just like to have the whole family, including grandchildren, get together and go to a nice restaurant. In the past, we have done this for birthdays since there are several within 3 months in the spring. Then she and I can go somewhere for a couple or three days and relax.

SWMBO has to have about $10K worth of dental work done so that rules out any thing extravagant.

Geezer in NH
04-16-2016, 03:27 PM
Don't get her an appliance!! married 45 years last March trust me if you do at least let her pick it. :kidding:

04-16-2016, 04:49 PM
Typical. Your wife comes clean and tells you exactly what she wants for her anniversary and you want to pick something else:)

04-16-2016, 06:04 PM
Don't get her an appliance!! married 45 years last March trust me if you do at least let her pick it. :kidding:

Why are wedding dresses white?

Because the dishwasher needs to match the stove.....

Clay M
04-16-2016, 06:32 PM
We have been married for thirty five years, and my wife doesn't care anything about jewelry.
She does love things for her horses. Saddles, and riding gear.

In our marriage, I have found my wife cares more about the relationship than any gift I can give her.

Love, security, and dedication.

My wife is the best. I always said she was God's own personal gift to me thirty five years ago.

Not sure where I would be today without her..

Love your wife, and treasure her.

You may never be so blessed again.

Geezer in NH
04-16-2016, 06:49 PM
We have been married for thirty five years, and my wife doesn't care anything about jewelry.
She does love things for her horses. Saddles, and riding gear.

In our marriage, I have found my wife cares more about the relationship than any gift I can give her.

Love, security, and dedication.

My wife is the best. I always said she was God's own personal gift to me thirty five years ago.

Not sure where I would be today without her..

Love your wife, and treasure her.

You may never be so blessed again.

You have it right! :awesome:

04-18-2016, 10:25 AM
My wife and I are coming up on our 10 year wedding anniversary. She is expecting a nice gift, and I would like to get her something nice that would last. Problem is, I am having a heck of a time deciding what to do for her.

A few weeks ago we were at the BMW motorcycle shop getting some parts for my 1985 R80. She took a liking to one of the new touring bikes and wanted to buy it for our anniversary. I was shocked that she wanted to spend that much money and a little dismayed that she wanted to trade in my "old motorcycle" for "something nicer". I definitely don't want to go into debt to buy a motorcycle, and besides, I really love my "old motorcycle".

So, I am asking for ideas on what to get her. There is always the typical diamond jewelry stuff, but it seems so impersonal. She loves jewelry almost as much as I love guns, but I wouldn't want her picking out a new rifle for me, if you know what I mean. And my interest in jewelry is about as much as a Hi Point pistol so I'm not sure I could pick something she would like.

Good luck getting any value out of an '85 motorcycle on trade in.
I have a 1978 Gold Wing, in 1978 it was a state of the art high speed touring bike.
Compared to some of the new sport touring bikes it is like riding a tractor.
But it is still a better ride than some of the cruisers and two wheeled battleships currently produced.

04-18-2016, 12:20 PM
Try a bowling ball...lol

.................Homer Simpson..........

04-18-2016, 03:57 PM
Jackie Gleason..

Lloyd Smale
04-18-2016, 04:10 PM
you said no jewelry but what about a Pandora braclet. my wife goes gaga for those things and she can even buy the charms she likes and the you and the kids can by her charms later. Look hard enough and you can probably even find a bmw charm or some day cast her up one:bigsmyl2:

04-19-2016, 04:46 AM
Buy the bike you are going in debt in one way or the other. I have found a happy wife is the best investment you can make.

Keep your old bike, the trade in one be much more than the deal you can make.

04-19-2016, 09:23 AM
This is always a problem to answer, but FWIW, I bought my daughter in law a set of ruby ear rings for Christmas. She's a real treasure, and I've long wanted to get her some little something to show my esteem for her, and she's VERY picky about the stuff she wears. I got some small and rather unobtrusive ones, that looked really nice, and were surrounded by little diamond "chips." They look really great on her, and I think she really liked them, because I got a big hug out of it. To meet her exacting standards was a bit of a stroke of luck, I think, but sometimes, ya' just gotta' take a swing and see if it's a hit. Good luck! Sometimes, that's the biggest factor in situations like this. Has been for me, anyway.

04-19-2016, 10:05 AM
I hit 19 years today. Gonna take her out to dinner.

04-19-2016, 06:58 PM
My Wife likes jewelry and she gets a nice trinket every 5th anniversary. Other years it something smaller or a dinner at a nice restaurant. If she likes jewelry, take a chance and buy her something nice. Congrats on #10!

04-19-2016, 08:32 PM
instead of GETTING her something, DO something with her that both of you will remember.

Picknick out in the park, you pack it etc. Go to a lake and spend the weekend just relaxing, stuff like that. Then when you get her that cheesy piece of jewelry, she'll always remember the time she spent with you to get (earn) it. :)

04-20-2016, 07:23 AM
instead of GETTING her something, DO something with her that both of you will remember.

Picknick out in the park, you pack it etc. Go to a lake and spend the weekend just relaxing, stuff like that. Then when you get her that cheesy piece of jewelry, she'll always remember the time she spent with you to get (earn) it. :)

That works too! Nothing says that you can't take Her someplace for a nice weekend and surprise her with a trinket of some sort.

04-20-2016, 11:48 AM
No advice from me, nothing works right.

Don Purcell
04-20-2016, 09:19 PM
Unfortunately you are walking blindfolded through a minefield with snowshoes on. Good luck.

04-20-2016, 10:02 PM
Congrats on 10 years! Just celebrated our 12th with my high school sweetheart. Are you sure she wasn't dropping a hint that she wants her own bike to ride with you?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-21-2016, 10:20 AM
Congrats on 10 years! Just celebrated our 12th with my high school sweetheart. Are you sure she wasn't dropping a hint that she wants her own bike to ride with you?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

She thought about getting her cycle endorsement a few years ago. She got so where she could ride one of my motorcycles around the field, but never got confident on it. She changed her mind about the endorsement one day when we were riding on a back road. Someone pulled out in front of us and I had to take evasive maneuvers. She decided then and there that she didn't have the skills to ride safely.

04-21-2016, 10:56 AM
She thought about getting her cycle endorsement a few years ago. She got so where she could ride one of my motorcycles around the field, but never got confident on it. She changed her mind about the endorsement one day when we were riding on a back road. Someone pulled out in front of us and I had to take evasive maneuvers. She decided then and there that she didn't have the skills to ride safely.

Gotcha. I didn't know the background, so I was taking a guess. Good luck on finding her something. It is always a challenge in my house. [emoji3]

04-21-2016, 05:15 PM
A wise man once said, "The most expensive hobby is collecting EX-wives". I think he also collected full size locomotives.

No matter what you decide to get her, you'll be wrong. That's just the way it is. Save yourself a lot of trouble and just forget to get her anything. You'll still be in the doghouse, but at least you'll have arrived there more cheaply. :)

04-21-2016, 06:24 PM
Gonna be 25 years for me, in a few months.

Before my 10th, I was in a jewelry store browsing and looked up and there was a gold plated rose. Think it cost $75. She likes roses and she was speechless when she opened the box. I done good!!!

It was something I had never seen before, nor had she.

04-23-2016, 09:50 AM
My wife gives me clues throughout the year of things she likes or wants. I try to make a note of those for things like birthdays, anniversaries, mother's day etc.

Powder Burn
04-23-2016, 10:35 AM
Ordered two 2 1/2-3# lobsters from the lobster guy(lobsterguy.com),...they deliver next day. Lot cheaper than motorcycle and you both get to enjoy. My only problem was to find a pot large enough to cook them. Flowers and card will also be required. Think I did this for our 43rd.