View Full Version : Sitrep on my friend

04-15-2016, 09:19 PM
Fellows, I want to thank all of you who prayed for my friend Jimmie, who is pretty well in the latter stages of diabetes. He's a real force of nature, and though he's never been a big church goer, I know of few who DO the things Christ asked of us more consistently than he does. Some time back, he made his profession of faith, but for some time, now, he doesn't get much of anywhere beyond his porch and yard except to the docs he's seen and is seeing. His legs are really the problem. He had a vein stripped via laser, and has had an awful time with the aftermath - lots of intense pain that wasn't going away but was getting worse, and his legs swelled up shockingly, and he was already a big guy, but not terribly fat - just big, mostly, with a "spare tire." Well, he finally switched docs and went to a diabetes specialist. He'd been going to whoever his regular doc referred him to, and was getting worse. Being of sound mind, still, he sought out a diabetes specialist, and in his first treatment, he has responded very positively, and the pain has gone down, and the swelling is already going down, and he's feeling significantly better.

Just wanted you all to know that the combination of the docs and the Lord's benovelence has wrought results that I couldn't be sure we'd be seeing here. Whenever I'm forced to admit things like this, I keep remembering that line, "Oh ye of little faith!" I DO believe in prayer, and its power to heal. And when I pray, I do my best to try to envision the healing I'm praying for, but sometimes, I'm just not that good at it. My fault, and not the Lord's, of course.

Just wanted you to know that your prayers really mattered to him more than you can imagine. Long term pain was beginning to really get to him, as it always seems to. Long term pain changes the brain's chemistry, and he's as tough and tough minded a man as I've ever known, but we all have our human limits, and we all have our time one day, and frankly, my prayer request was posted as a kind'a last ditch effort, so please accept my thanks and appreciation for your efforts on his part. Like I said, he's a true force of nature, and one of my best friends ever, for the past 30+ years, and the world just wouldn't be the same place without him. We talk most every day. It helps him to get his mind off the incessant and burning pain, and really changes his attitude when we talk for 30 min. to an hour, depending on the day, and I enjoy our conversations.

You guys are great, and I'm firmly convinced you stand in good stead with our Lord, and thus, he listens to and heeds your prayers with a little more reliability and relish, I suspect, than the ones rendered by the "average" Christian. Thank you. It matters. And I'm certain it's working.

04-15-2016, 09:23 PM
Great news, Blackwater...and thank you for offering up your friend, for prayer.

04-15-2016, 09:46 PM
Great news, Blackwater...and thank you for offering up your friend, for prayer.

I agree . Put up another request for prayer for him .

04-15-2016, 10:14 PM
Prayer sent

04-15-2016, 11:05 PM
Great news! God guides His people and those who treat them!

Preacher Jim
04-16-2016, 11:51 AM
To God be the glory
Don't stop praying the mountains aren't in the sea yet.

04-16-2016, 01:23 PM
Prayers sent

04-16-2016, 10:52 PM
Amen, guys, and thank you, thank you, thank you! I really wasn't sure how long he might last for a while there. The new doc really seems to be working wonders for him, or what passes for wonders these days in our condition. His whole attitude and outlook has brightened considerably, and I am a firm believer that this is always a big help, too. I've let him know a bunch of very good men who seem to stand in good with God have been praying for him, and he was very humbled by it, and very appreciative. He's always been a believer, I think, and maybe this might bring him to more regular church attendance again. He's one of the most solid worshipers of God and his majesty in the outdoors I've ever met, because he lives it, and drinks it up like very few do today when they get "out there." He was brought up in the church rather casually, which explains his casual attitude about it now, but if he gets better use of his legs again, I have a definite sense that he'll be attending MUCH more regularly, which is always a good thing. And this might get his grandkids to doing the same.

We never really know about all the offshoots of what we do, and I think we always underestimate just how much really is changed by each instance we work in accord with God's will and instructions. I think it'd be very humbling if we truly realized how much changes, down the line, by some of our simplest and most basic acts. But, I think Christ tried to tell us that, in a way, didn't He? Thank you, guys! it matters, and much more than we realize it does, oftentimes.

04-17-2016, 06:13 AM
GOD help Jimmy with his medical problems . Give him relief from his physical pain and help him to build a relationship with you . Give him insight and time in peace to further his life with you in it . Show yourself to him through your love and healing . Thank you Lord . Amen