View Full Version : Id like to experiment. Opinions.

04-14-2016, 02:13 PM
I've been reading for a very little while. I really like to experiment. Especially with hand loads. I load 45 for a m&p and 40 for a g22. I'm looking into pan lubing and I'd like to hear some recipes. Keep in mind beeswax is hard for me to find locally. I'm sure I can order it online but I ha w to deal with my wife then. I'd like to keep it as simple as possible. I have a constant supply of atf at my disposal paraffin and lanolin I haven't located locally either aside from candles but I don't know if I can use a premise candle from say Walmart or if I need to buy paraffin in a pure form. I had thought about melting down a candle and mixing in some beeswax. So let's hear them ideas.

04-14-2016, 03:06 PM
paraffin is alright as an additive but as a base wax it sucks, especially for pain lubing.

you can get B-wax and lanolin right here from Randy rat. [bout as cheap as your gonna get it anywhere and it's clean]
I bought a pound of lanolin from him about 200 years ago and have gave away more than I have used.
you only need 3% in the mix for it to do it's job.

now if your looking for a good base lube to work with and try different things like adding a little paraffin or more this or more that then scroll down a few thread and look at my simple lube recipe.
it does fine without the lanolin, but adding some adds tackiness and flexibility to the lube.
it's called simple lube cause all you do is melt the wax and pour everything in and stir then dump it out to cool.
I made a version with less atf and 2 stroke yesterday and subbed in some alox and a tbs of wheel bearing grease.
it's tacky and flexible and makes a good substitute for felix lube only without all the stirring and cooking.

04-14-2016, 03:48 PM
Any grocery store will stock paraffin in the aisle where they have canning stuff and at craft stores that sell candle making stuff - most do these days.
Lanolin can be bought at health food stores but is spendy. Does go a long way though as mentioned above.
Beeswax can be found at craft stores too but I would also try craigslist.

04-14-2016, 04:01 PM
1 part Dexron ATF to 4 parts beeswax, by melted liquid volume.

Randy Rat has the beeswax.

04-14-2016, 04:17 PM
So you want ideas?

What I found out, if you don't know the basics, that it's a lot cheaper to buy "proven recipe" lubes from randyrat, or White label lubes or Bullshop. Chances of success from just throwin' some ingrediants together, that you have laying around the house, is slim at best. But, I'm guessin' that isn't what you want to here.

So, from what you said about ATF, Junior's 411 lube is something you might want to try.

Or R5R's simple lube

Now, If I hadn't started down the road of soap lube (SL68B)
I would have taken Char-Gar's advice in post #3 of the thread below, and use what he has successfully used for over 50 years.

04-14-2016, 08:41 PM
Strtspdlx,is there a Michael's craft store in your area?If you find one of their 40 or 50 percent off coupons,their beeswax ain't too bad a deal.

04-15-2016, 11:31 AM
Also check the area for beekeepers and sources of honey . The place I buy honey from will supply me with beeswax, it wasn't advertised or on the shelves in their shop , but when I asked the owner if he would sell me some he said sure ! I can get unprocessed or processed and filtered.
Good price and no shipping .
Randy Rat , on this site , he's a vendor , sells it through the mail, .

04-15-2016, 10:42 PM
Call around to your local grocery stores I'm sure someone near you has some beeswax.

04-16-2016, 07:46 AM
I've been reading for a very little while. I really like to experiment. Especially with hand loads. I load 45 for a m&p and 40 for a g22. I'm looking into pan lubing and I'd like to hear some recipes. Keep in mind beeswax is hard for me to find locally. I'm sure I can order it online but I ha w to deal with my wife then. I'd like to keep it as simple as possible. I have a constant supply of atf at my disposal paraffin and lanolin I haven't located locally either aside from candles but I don't know if I can use a premise candle from say Walmart or if I need to buy paraffin in a pure form. I had thought about melting down a candle and mixing in some beeswax. So let's hear them ideas.

You can substitut b-wax with soy wax, cheap and easy to find. B-wax cost 27$ a pound in my area. My receipe is 4 scoop soy wax 14 oz volvoline moly grease, 2/3 scoop dextron atf, 2/3 scoop STP.

It make a softer version of lyman super moly. A bit of parafin would stif it up a litle.

04-16-2016, 08:27 AM
I have shot thousands of rounds without leading using Ben's Red and Ben's ll also.Some of these rounds were gas checked and ran about 1800 to 1850 without leading.

04-16-2016, 09:40 AM
I have shot thousands of rounds without leading using Ben's Red and Ben's ll also.Some of these rounds were gas checked and ran about 1800 to 1850 without leading.

My next lub will ben red. But will use soy wax as b-wax is too expansive.

04-16-2016, 12:08 PM
soy wax is pretty good stuff but It ain't bees-wax.
it's great to add to bees-wax as a softener [flow initiator] and it adds some good feathering capability.
but it doesn't carry the oils in the same way.
I use it in my moly complex lube along with B-wax and paraffin it brings a silkiness to the otherwise rough edged lube.

Dusty Bannister
04-16-2016, 03:37 PM
Not an expert on Soy wax (there are several different melting points) but would suggest you use care to avoid overheating the wax. I also found that after a couple of years, bullets lubed and sized will suffer from lube shrinkage as it dries out. Not a problem if they are already loaded. If in a bag or container, that might be a different story. The specific lube was blended for black powder bullet use and dried out in the container.

04-16-2016, 10:03 PM
soy wax is pretty good stuff but It ain't bees-wax.
it's great to add to bees-wax as a softener [flow initiator] and it adds some good feathering capability.
but it doesn't carry the oils in the same way.
I use it in my moly complex lube along with B-wax and paraffin it brings a silkiness to the otherwise rough edged lube.

I find soy wax more greassy so to speak than b-wax. I have 5 pound of b-wax and it will not be availlable for a many months around here. Bee are being eradicated by pesticide and the hives are not doing good. A big producer in my area says he wont have any wax until septembre and price will rise. Thats gave me the idea of experimenting other kind of wax.