View Full Version : What of your works ?

04-13-2016, 06:15 AM
I'm posting a thread that most likely will draw some criticism . In the past and even on this forum I have been openly accused of self glorification by posting what I consider part of my good work . This is not a vain attempt to gain praise or attention . I don't expect compliments or praise , don't even want that . This is all the disclaimer I'll give to to the intentions of this thread . This is not a prideful thread but a learning experience hopefully .

04-13-2016, 06:34 AM
We are taught to do good work as followers of Christ . In the process of this work and in the spirit of true caring , generosity , good intentions , stewardship , helping and concern humility and most often anonymity are used . To do otherwise is counter productive , any self serving intentions or thoughts of personal gain nullify a work and are just wrong . Glory and praise should go to GOD who created the work .

04-13-2016, 06:47 AM
When you get in the habit of trying to live up to Christ's first and second commandment in becomes second nature and it's hard to NOT try to help in a need .
Matthew 22;37-40
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

04-13-2016, 06:59 AM
Sunday before last we came home from church and started cooking . There were some old folks down the road we thought could use encouragement and a church member that had medical problems and didn't make it to service .

We cooked beans with homemade buckboard bacon , cornbread , fried chicken , sliced onion , fried potatoes , brownies for all . This took some time to prepare and deliver to be able to make the evening service ourselves . But it was rewarding to help these folks .

04-13-2016, 07:13 AM
I want to get new ideas , new ways of doing what we can do in service to others . Sometime it only takes a word of encouragement, card , offer of help , prayer . Some time the project is bigger requiring time and work . What have you found that helps ?

04-13-2016, 08:31 AM
Showing another person respect and dignity seems to go along way for me. No matter who they are or what "baggage" they are carrying, when you treat them with respect, you will have a better place to start with them.

Remember in the days of Jesus, the Pharisees were continually following our Lord, posing questions, watching His actions, and listening to His words. Yet the Pharisees did all this for only one reason,... to criticize, ridicule, and demean the only perfect one who ever walked this earth.

04-13-2016, 10:22 AM
Showing another person respect and dignity seems to go along way for me. No matter who they are or what "baggage" they are carrying, when you treat them with respect, you will have a better place to start with them.

Remember in the days of Jesus, the Pharisees were continually following our Lord, posing questions, watching His actions, and listening to His words. Yet the Pharisees did all this for only one reason,... to criticize, ridicule, and demean the only perfect one who ever walked this earth.

I agree , the pharisees were threatened by the teachings of Jesus . In there mind he lowered himself by being involved with tax collectors , prostitutes , and what was considered the great unwashed at the time .

I also agree that we are to encourage all , a condescending attitude toward anyone will defeat any attempt to gain glory for GOD .

04-13-2016, 10:50 AM
Keep up the good works,I for one enjoy reading your post.God Bless

04-13-2016, 02:29 PM
We do some light 'prepping' and need to use up about 12- 5 gal cans of pinto beans , blackeyed peas , butter beans (lima beans for you northerners) and split green peas. We tried em out and they are longer to cook but just fine to eat . So folks are getting a lot of beans and cornbread . Potatoes are cheap in bulk bags , cornbread is easy . brownie mix is pretty cheap at Sams and so on . Making a meal for shut ins , old folks or just to let someone know you care does take a little time and work but the reward of helping pretty well covers that .

Becky and I have streamlined the process and can get er done quick . Money is always a problem so shopping the bargain bin for meat is every time we go to the store . We have the cheapest places nailed to get disposable bowls , containers , etc . We always tell the baggers at the supermarket we want paper sacks to reuse for delivery. We got this figured out and it's enjoyable , PLUS Becky and I get to work and plan together . (PS ...She makes dang good cookies !)

04-13-2016, 04:32 PM
Keep up the good works,I for one enjoy reading your post.God Bless+1! Goes for me too.

04-13-2016, 05:51 PM
I was driving west to a small town 17 miles away ( very rural area) when I noticed a guy hitch-hiking east. I went on and did my business and on the way back he was still in the same place. I slowed down and I could tell by the 'look' on his face that he needed help. I stopped & picked him up. He said , " I have been praying for help as hard as I could for the last three hours."

He was from out east and spent a month each year walking across the Country and spreading God's word. He was completely exhausted...couldn't even throw his meager possessions in my old car. ( He had a 'backpack' that said something about "Ask me about God"...
I drove an extra 16 miles to put him 3 steps from the motel door he was supposed to stay at.

All the time I was with him, we talked a little about him and a lot about God. He was Keen and Sincere in his 'Duty' to spread 'The Word' .

I asked him if he needed money and he said, " No....but Thanks Anyway."

I have thought ever since then that I did my duty that day....it's a good feeling....

If this is what you are asking for, I have a couple of others....


04-13-2016, 06:07 PM
Good work is good work Dale that qualifys . Ya did good .

04-13-2016, 06:25 PM
When Becky was little I'd throw a couple of push brooms in the back of the truck . Already have a church picked out on the way to where ever we were going and we would stop and sweep the front sidewalks and main entryway . This would be during the week days when no one was there .
Got 'caught' a few times but besides a little conversation no one ever even asked why we were there . We would just load up and leave , laughing about how we didn't get 'caught' .

Kids/children need to learn to work for GOD if you want them to understand good work . Plus if done in a positive way they enjoy doing it . We quit sweeping when she got older ..........Bigger fish to fry .

04-13-2016, 06:33 PM
Boaz, if anyone has claimed that you were trying to agrandize your own self, I don't think they read your posts with an honest and open heart, and thus, I don't think you need to worry. There'll always be people like that, even among we who call ourselves "Christian." And we Christians have been paying for THEIR mistakes for millenea now, too! Don't let it bother you. Anyone who reads your reports with an honest and open heart knows that you've only made those posts to show the power of God, and His Word, and NOT to emphasize yourself. For me, they've been inspirational, and are only meant to inspire and maybe motivate someone to do something similar for the feeling and blessing they'll get from doing something similar, or something else they think up that would suit them and their situation better.

People do NOT do what you have posted for their OWN benefit or agrandizement very typically, though a few do in fact do that. Humility permeates all your posts, and to think you were doing it for such haughty reasons is simply not believable, but of course, that doesn't keep the cynical or haughty from viewing it as such.

Just keep up the good work, as stated above. Don't EVER let the naysayers affect what you choose to do and try. No doubt, all those bikers, et al did NOT convert to Christianity, but who knows what that might have contributed to one day, somewhere at some time, contributing to that? That's why Christ bade us to cast our bread upon the waters. We may never know how that bread might end up even long after we're gone from this earth, or how a single person we've helped bring to God might affect many others.

Our efforts do not end when we've done something. They echo for sometimes many years, and even for generations. So don't EVER let the naysayers divert you from what the Lord puts in your heart to do. EVER!

04-13-2016, 06:55 PM
This whole thread to me is to try and get those not doing to learn the enjoyment , fulfillment of doing work for our lord . You have to experience it to understand it . The second thing is to get new ideas as to future work . We do most anomalously if at all possible , we want no credit . To GOD goes the glory , it is HIS work not ours .

Thank you Blackwater .

04-13-2016, 06:58 PM
Where is preacher jim on this thread.............THERE is a man doing good work !

MT Gianni
04-13-2016, 07:09 PM
While He knows, some of service begins with words. Do you build others around you up sincerely or tear them down? Are you looking to help out or ignore others. In the West we live differently, Neighbors all attend each others brandings for the chance to work hard together. In general, teenagers are used as muggers, drag a roped calf, hold it down, spot an attacking momma cow and work hard. All for the chance to wear home filthy ripped coveralls and a good lunch. The time will come when people help you as well, and for fun. When you see someone with a flat tire do you stop even if it is just for an extra set of flashers? We visit some older people we know on a regular basis just to see if they need some muscle or repairs. I am over 60 but can still fix a lot of things. I believe the difference is if you are seeking out opportunities or ignoring those less fortunate.

04-13-2016, 07:16 PM
While He knows, some of service begins with words. Do you build others around you up sincerely or tear them down? Are you looking to help out or ignore others. In the West we live differently, Neighbors all attend each others brandings for the chance to work hard together. In general, teenagers are used as muggers, drag a roped calf, hold it down, spot an attacking momma cow and work hard. All for the chance to wear home filthy ripped coveralls and a good lunch. The time will come when people help you as well, and for fun. When you see someone with a flat tire do you stop even if it is just for an extra set of flashers? We visit some older people we know on a regular basis just to see if they need some muscle or repairs. I am over 60 but can still fix a lot of things. I believe the difference is if you are seeking out opportunities or ignoring those less fortunate.

A good post . There is much work to do .

Preacher Jim
04-13-2016, 10:25 PM
I am here been reading and one verse keeps coming to mind 1 John 3:16-17-18 the next Mathew 25. We do what we do because Jesus points and his servants move to accomplish His work. And He gets the credit for we are his servents.

04-13-2016, 10:36 PM
You are right Jim ! Thank you .

04-14-2016, 01:45 AM
I do not believe in God.

My closest neighbor is over 1/2 a mile away and he does not have a car or running water. He is a couple of years older than I am but has aged badly. I check on him almost every day and take him into town (25 miles) or pick things up for him when needed.

I do not see myself as serving God. Helping him is the right thing to do. Sometimes it is as simple as that.

04-14-2016, 04:48 AM
I'm glad your helping your neighbor , sounds like he could use some help .

04-14-2016, 07:31 AM
... Helping him is the right thing to do. Sometimes it is as simple as that.

You nailed it.

Preacher Jim
04-14-2016, 07:48 AM
In so much as you did it unto the least of them you did it unto me.

04-14-2016, 08:45 PM
God uses even non-believers, his wonders to fulfill. And dverna, it's up to you whether to believe or not, and having the kind of ethics you do, you're closer to belief than you know. Ethics always have an author, but you have to be open to Him. As a man thinketh, so shall it be. Good for you for helping your neighbor. You obviously have a good heart. I pray that you'd simply open it so you can see what is truly real. But again, it's all up to you, not me.

We Christians sometimes speak of having helped "save" someone, but I have a different view. I guess I'm a bit of a renegade because of some of the fine distinctions I make, but I believe NOBODY ever "saved" anyone. All we can do is talk, and relate the things we've been taught by others. It's up to each individual his or her own self whether to open up and let any of it inside, for fair and unbiased consideration, or whether they continue to decide to deny God. And so it is for you and me and everyone. We ourselves have to open up ourselves or remain closed, and nothing and nobody but us alone can do this for ourselves. I just hope you find the key for you to simply open up and let it shine inside. It's always a revelation when that happens, and I don't have the words to adequately describe what it's like, but you'll know it if you let it happen to you. It's not something that you can truly seek out. It finds YOU, if you just let it.

And thanks here too for helping your neighbor. You're half way there already. I just hope you don't let yourself stop there.

04-14-2016, 10:32 PM
Many preachers will not touch this part of the book of James thinking it contradicts the offer of salvation from our Lord . It does not , it speaks of real conviction .
James 2;14-26
Faith Without Works Is Dead14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
18 But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your[a (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James+2%3A14-26&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-30312a)] works, and I will show you my faith by my[b (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James+2%3A14-26&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-30312b)] works. 19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! 20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?[c (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James+2%3A14-26&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-30314c)] 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? 22 Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? 23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.”[d (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James+2%3A14-26&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-30317d)] And he was called the friend of God. 24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.
25 Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way?
26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

Preacher Jim
04-15-2016, 10:44 AM
Amen boaz

04-15-2016, 12:19 PM
Great post, Boaz. We Christians have been trying to find and follow the truth for millenea now, but unfortunately, the easier things are for us in life, the less diligently we really SEEK the truth, and often, we just assume whatever we do after our conversion is perfectly OK. Christianity is a life-long affair, and we never quite truly find it, really, but get occasional glimpses of what it's supposed to be, and what we're supposed to do. And that has, traditionally, seemed to be our great Achilles heel.

Far too often, we let our own desires reign and call it "God's will." HAR! Can we be silly or what? But with the tendency today for folks from any and all philosophies, to have swallowed the PC tenet that we're never supposed to be wrong (and especially not to admit it!), and "one idea's as good as the next, and all are due equal consideration, we very easily and fluidly slide into all sorts of "backsliding," and pretend our will is God's.

The first step to solving ANY predicament is to recognize the problem. PC tries really hard to keep us from doing that, and it's surely and awfully effective at doing that. But we don't HAVE to follow PC philosophy. We do it by selecting it over a humble, honest and sincere effort to know and execute the truth and God's true will. Are we humans sumthin', or what?

But as I said, it doesn't HAVE to be that way. It's just what we all too often choose. And it really IS a choice only we can make ourselves. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, and all the cares and concerns we feel (often rightfully) that we MUST deal with, we often give the Lord's will short shrift, and follow our own immediate "needs." This is the reverse of what we have been instructed to do and be like, but we do it anyway. It's like some sort of human inertia that seems to virtually compel us to "keep on truckin'" without much reflection or consideration or reconsideration of our aims and direction. Thus, we simply allow ourselves to be diverted away from God's true will for us, and we keep chasing our tails almost compulsively. It's just how we've come to behave, really, and if we step back and take a real look at it, it really doesn't make any sense. We've been admonished to attend to what's permanent, and let the temporary things in life kind'a take care of themselves, as much as we can, but do we listen? Nope.

We make all manner of excuses for what we do, as though we could fool God himself, and tell ourselves we're "good to go." And this is us CHRISTIANS I'm talking about here! What the profane do is more understandable when they do it, but WE are supposed to be BETTER than that, aren't we?

I look back at my own history, and I see many places where I could have, and probably should have done so much better. If there's anything more humbling, what could it be than that? But it involves simply admitting when we've fallen short or done wrong, and THAT is taboo these days! So, we all too often just resist or deny ourselves the simple benefit of admission of our own sins and shortcomings.

This is where I think the Catholics have it all over my own Baptist faith. In their confessionals, Catholics MUST confront and verbally own up to their sins and errors. This gives them the great advantage of having to confront their humanity, and God's divinity, and the value of forgiveness for our sins and shortcomings.

Each sect of Christianity has its strengths and weaknesses, and each thus offers encumbent advantages and disadvantages. I went to a Jehovah's Witnesses wedding this past Sat., and it was one of the best and greatest weddings I've ever been to in my life. The real (and not feigned) love that existed between everyone there was truly heartwarming, and it was a truly joyous and happy occasion. The bride and groom were black, and wonderful people, and there weren't many whites there - maybe half a dozen - but I never felt out of place, and once the ones I'd never met before, or didn't remember meeting some time in the past, found I was just "one of the boys," we had zero problems and interacted just like real Christians are supposed to.

We Christians so often separate ourselves from other Christians on the basis of what sect we grew up in or adopted somewhere along the way, but that is probably our most foolish activity we all too often practice. Yes, there's real and abiding value in theology, but NOT when it separates us one from the other. The study and consideration of theological points is supposed to edify us, and help us grow, and NOT to separate us.

Somehow, I have a sense that Christ just looks at us and what we say, do, think and feel oftentimes, and just shakes His head and says, "My, my, my! What fools these mortals truly be! But I love them anyway." That last part is the miracle of Christ, in its essence. How He came down and became fully human, and fully divine all at once, and shed his blood on the cross so that we might yet live in spite of our natures and behavior, is the most impeccable evidence we really have for His true divinity. Temporal entities simply cannot manage doing that!

But to this day, at this late date with all the idiocy and denial and haughtiness and cynicism that surrounds us, IF we'll just admit our sins, and turn away from them, and pay homage to our True Lord, He will reach down His mighty hand and heal our nation. And He'll do just that, too! IF we'll but simply do our part. It's that last that makes our works so essential and indispensible. And we also have to, in our cynical and profane world of these "modern" times and "modern thinking," have to be very wise in how we go about doing what we do. Instead, we all too often jump the gun and just rush in like a bunch of nitwits, when what is needed is a sober and very methodical and logical and humble approach. And that's humble but firm and unintimidated. After all, what do we have to be un-firm nad intimidated about, when we know what all we've been promised? Can there be any real fear when we know that even if we all die, which we all MUST do one day, we simply go to Heaven? Fear of the unknown will always be with us, but I've seen a number of people at various stages of belief die, and the ones who truly believed, and really tried to practice what God instructed us to do, always just "went to sleep," just as it's said in the Bible in a number of places, without struggle or resistance. That's how my Mom and Dad both died, and a number of others. Others struggled, as though they were wanting "one more chance." That is hard to watch, but if we do, it HAS to make us think, and realize just how critical our beliefs, which many seem to take for granted these days, and take very casually, truly are, in the end. Would that we'd learn these lessons when they could do us the most good!

But still, it's a personal choice we all must make, and DO make, consciously or without real and valid consideration, and for whatever reasons we elect to make them for. It matters, whichever way we go, and there truly are consequences for our decisions we make in this regard.

I played around with my beliefs for many years - decades! As I've aged, I've become more and more tuned in to it all, and have - FINALLY! - realized just how crucial and consequential our beliefs and actions truly are. That's late in life and I have much to "make up for," but I'm just grateful for the chance to do so. It's a benefit not all are granted in this life, and that's no small thing!

And the wonder of it all is that through the years of just trying to pay attention to all that happened around me, I really haven't done all that bad, compared to many, but I've surely been humbled by how little I've really done. If there's anyone here who couldn't have done MUCH more, I suspect they're few and far between. And the irony seems to be that the ones who've done the most are the ones who are the most humble, and convicted that they should have done even MORE!

Paradox pervades Christianity. This is just one of many, many examples of how it works counter-intuitively so often. If that's not an indication of a supernatural influence, what could be?

Thanks for a great OP, Boaz. We all need to wrestle with this issue more regularly, maybe especially in times like we live in today.

Teddy (punchie)
04-15-2016, 01:34 PM
Have to take time to go over all the post.

But I love all humans, if you are helping , so be it and good wishes for all of you.

Some love God , some are just good people. I show them love in return. If they ask about Jesus I try to show teach if I can. Never know how we effect people.

God Bless , keep up the good works !!

04-15-2016, 05:46 PM
Have to take time to go over all the post.

But I love all humans, if you are helping , so be it and good wishes for all of you.

Some love God , some are just good people. I show them love in return. If they ask about Jesus I try to show teach if I can. Never know how we effect people.

God Bless , keep up the good works !!

Good post Teddy .
Love thy neighbor as thy self . It has no restrictions to it .

04-15-2016, 09:36 PM
Last two years we put up yard crosses in our community . No charge and installed them . Bought a Harbor Freight table saw , brad gun , we had everything else to build em .Showed Becky how to build them and put them in . She did all the work . She learned a lot about measuring , power tools , figuring out problems , talking to people , etc .
She put up over 200 crosses in our area , lol , people were stopping us on the road wanting a cross because they saw them popping up everywhere . People asked how much ? We just said they are free and we will put it in for you . Most didn't know how to react and up till we thanked them for taking one and left they thought we were going to proselytize , scam them , ..........there had to be a catch ! There was no catch , never asked what church they went to are any questions , thanked them , told them it was a pleasure and moved on . Many stood in the yard with their arms folded watching us drive off down the road still trying to figure it out .
It was funny , rumors started that some weirdo church was invading the community , we just moved here and were trying to make friends , etc . To start Becky wanted to paint some sky blue and some white . People were asking what the different colors stood for , trying to make more out of it than what it was (we changed to all white). I personally was asked point blank...WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS with great suspicion . They just couldn't believe it was just a father and daughter allowing people to show their faith .

I sat in the truck if possible and let Becky do ALL the talking and work , this was suppose to be a learning experience from start to finish . People hugged her , testified , thanked her , one lady cried and said she wanted one really bad but didn't know where they had come from it was hot and they offered us a drink . Nearly all offered a donation but was politely turned down and recommend that they donate it to their church youth program . We took NO money !
About one out of 20 turned her down ........not a bad average ! Two people were mean to her , both older women . The first one was gripy and said to come back the next day . Next day she said people were not suppose to let others know they were Christians , GOD didn't want that . Second one just got angry and shut the door in her face . A few days later we were going to put more crosses up . I had her make two pans of brownies , told her what to do . Went to the first 'mean' lady's house and Becky told her that since they didn't want a cross she made them some brownies . The woman said were sternly she didn't want them . I told her it was time to dust off our sandals and move on . We went to the next woman's house that shut the door in her face . Becky told her the same thing , she shut the door in her face again , didn't say a thing . Becky got in the truck and said ; It's time to dust off our sandals again . We gave the brownies to some folks who took the next crosses and moved on .

It was an amazing experience for both of us . Made some new friends . Becky learned a lot . One more step learning to serve .

When she gets out of school we will start the cross project again . we got about 100 ready to paint .

04-16-2016, 05:25 AM
When Becky was 11 I bought a lot of cinnamon toothpicks off ebay . She had learned to make bookmarks by weaving yarn in Girl Scouts. Had her go door to door selling them for a dollar each . We didn't do it every day but spent quite a bit of time on it , I followed her in the truck . We worked at it on and off for about 3 months .Church camp for her age started in June .
At the end of May she gave the money to the pastor in a Folgers coffee can as discreetly as possible before church started . She gathered over $500. dollars , enough at the time to send 4 kids to camp .
I could have just given her the money to donate but that would have taught nothing . The price of gas , toothpicks , time , it actually cost more than she contributed but lessons and service was learned .

04-16-2016, 06:32 AM
About 18 years ago I started hiring only ex cons . So many had come in looking for a job and over and over they said ; No one will give me a chance , I want to get right but no one will hire me , I'm trying .............. I heard this repeatedly .

The state of Texas had a program where they would place them with you and pay their wages for 6 months plus other assistance . I hired from their pool but refused any assistance , want nothing from it but to try and help.
Got some interesting employees in the process .
One was charged with stealing radioactive material with intent to sell .

Pedophiles , sex with a minors .

Murders , one killed both his in laws with one shot, The mother in law was hiding behind her husband , one shot killed both . After he left for another job he committed suicide later.

One was a gang banger (had a lot of those) . Drugs with intent to sell and multiple charges of ....Theft of a corpse.

One had been a 'cook' for the Mexican Mafia , Arian brotherhood member the swat team swarmed the shop and found drugs of his .

Two have committed suicide while being employed, one was 20 years old , name was Kelly . OD'ed on heroin. Went to the funeral , it was sad .

I think I'll stop there . I could talk a long time . Swat team has swarmed the shop twice , couldn't count the times law enforcement has hauled em off in cuffs . Them calling me to get em out of jail (never bailed one out).
The police station is a half a block from the shop , I know many of them . Brother in law is a justice of the peace , etc . I have never to the best of my knowledge been suspected in these activity's, heck , I'll turn em in myself . I have worked with the sheriff's department , police , state (multiple agency's) and even the Feds .

In conclusion . This has been the most bitterly disappointing work I have ever attempted . It's been like living on the set of 'Trailer Park Boys". The positive results have been practically zero . I could write a book on what these folks can get into . Everyone of them are involved with drugs , morality doesn't exist for them . I will be ending this work soon but have learned much . You take the bad with the good and move on .

04-16-2016, 08:13 AM
Boaz just a thought. The lack of results my be the point. "What you do for the least of these you also do for me."Jesus died on the cross for all, not just the ones who would follow him.

Im also reminded about the thorn in Paul

Preacher Jim
04-16-2016, 11:44 AM
Rl69 you have picked my point 1. We can post the good things we do but rob Jesus of the glory. Guys I have never done one good thing! But JESUS has done much higher things because I surrendered my will to be used.
Most folks don't know my name but they know what the Lord has done through the use of the ministry, it is all about Jesus.

04-16-2016, 12:50 PM
Ya'll are right .

04-16-2016, 01:24 PM
Matthew 6:3 comes to mind regarding the OP's intent here. Our Pastor has taught us to give and be quiet about it so as not to be boasting or a hypocrite.

Matthew 6:3 NIV (http://www.biblestudytools.com/matthew/6-3.html)
3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
Verses 1-4 (http://www.biblestudytools.com/passage/?q=Matthew+6:1-4) Our Lord next warned against hypocrisy and outward show in religious duties. What we do, must be done from an inward principle, that we may be approved of God, not that we may be praised of men. In these verses we are cautioned against hypocrisy in giving alms. Take heed of it. It is a subtle sin; and vain-glory creeps into what we do, before we are aware. But the duty is not the less necessary and excellent for being abused by hypocrites to serve their pride. The doom Christ passes, at first may seem a promise, but it is their reward; not the reward God promises to those who do good, but the reward hypocrites promise themselves, and a poor reward it is; they did it to be seen of men, and they are seen of men. When we take least notice of our good deeds ourselves, God takes most notice of them. He will reward thee; not as a master who gives his servant what he earns, and no more, but as a Father who gives abundantly to his son that serves him.


Sorry for the NIV would rather work in a Scofield, don't have the software for it.

04-16-2016, 06:02 PM
I'll not post farther . To those offended I offer an apology , it was never my intention to offend anyone . I will remove the pictures and leave the text .

I give my word I'll not speak of any works in any manner here in the future .
I'm good for my word .

04-16-2016, 08:14 PM
I hope you change your mind on posting about your minnestrys I enjoy reading about how the lord is working in you and Becky's life.

04-16-2016, 08:21 PM
Boaz, that is disappointing to hear. Did our Lord stop speaking the truth because it offended people? Certainly not!

Whether you continue telling us of your adventures serving Him or not, do not cease what you have been doing. Be not ashamed of our Lord, and when we have to stand in front of Him, His blessed son Jesus will be there to say the He is not ashamed of us.

And, just a little reminder, when Jesus walked in Jerusalem, He was the most non politically correct person the Pharisees had ever seen... Stay strong, of good courage, and ever faithful.

04-16-2016, 08:26 PM

Preacher Jim
04-16-2016, 09:02 PM
Boaz my thought not directed to you but to all to remember who is using you to accomplish His work. Never take me personally unless the Holy Spirit slaps you. All of us need to remember who points and why good is accomplished.

04-16-2016, 09:04 PM
Boaz, you sound shocked…don't take it that way. Don't stop your good works, just don't talk in such a manor that some stiff neck atheist could poke it in your face and yell, hypocrite! Christ is the one to notice your works and notice He does. Think of the haters out there that constantly try to get over on you…wouldn't one see this and try to say, "look how he brags! Christians, heght!
To point out how someone might give to the neighbor or needy is one thing but to show how you do it is the 'private part' between you and our Savior. I hope that you understand, I'm not trying to rain on your parade and I appreciate what you've done…it's just for...'you to do' and 'Christ to know'.

I hope that you understand as I am no teacher of scripture…my Pastor did such a great job of explaining this to us that I have never forgotten the lesson.
I have been chewing on this for a while before saying anything, didn't want to at first, thought that you might take my intentions wrong…hope not.

May the Lord bless and keep you as He prepares the path before you…charlie

PS…No offense was taken!

04-17-2016, 01:00 AM
With respect, I highly doubt Boaz was boasting as implied by some. As for the scripture referenced from Matthew, if one would read the whole lesson in context, they'd find a lesson about the condition of one's heart. The Pharisee's were boastful- Boaz is not. Right out of the gate in verse 1, He said "don't do things with the intent of being seen by others". Boaz has very plainly stated his heart in the matter, and anybody who sees something different oughta look again. In my opinion, he's doing exactly what Hebrews 10:24 tells us to do- provoke people to do good works.

Hebrews 10:24
[24] And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:

04-17-2016, 06:43 AM
Let this one slide off the board . I am not upset with anyone that posted here . We all are entitled to our own interpretation of his word and his instruction in our lives . What may be for me might not be for you . We sometimes forget that not only are we to be a living example to non believers but also to other Christians trying to build a relationship with their GOD. I have layed it down , I'll not be a source of / or cause division . Thank you for indulging me in as far as you did and my thoughts are for you and with you . Thank you

Preacher Jim
04-17-2016, 07:50 AM
Boaz you do not have boast about you in you. Sorry my trying to keep folks focused on why you do the work you do was misunderstood. To Jesus be the glory! American

04-17-2016, 08:16 AM
There is no problem Jim . I'll be talking to you soon , need some advice . Need to talk to a few more here too . I value the opinion of many here .
Thanks !

Teddy (punchie)
04-17-2016, 08:44 AM
HI Boaz and all that post that feel the need to do so about life's works.

Just look at what they said and did to Jesus !! Look how they use words, and actions to a negative return.

Good works may not save anyone, but Jesus and God tell us, not to Hide The Light. Tells us to invest the gift
to gain a return. If we produce no good fruit, we will be or should be burned and done away with, ashes to ashes
dust to dust where we came from. I try not to Judge, but that said we all have opinions.

Some go as far as saying if your not part of a church or the right church your going to Hell. I'm not going to say that.
Love is love, and unless I find a verse that a Church (person) is going against a law of God (Jesus) I say nothing. If I do say it only once, if they have a Harden Heart so be it. If they are Blind pray they can see. Also pray for not having a better way to teach, show, make them understand. I leave it all up the the Lord.

Keep of the Good Works !!
Learn From One an Other !!

God Bless !!

Do it for Glory Of God ( Jesus ) !!

Pray for God ( Jesus ) , ask for help, ask for what you need,
Love him ( them, Church, all of his children, followers ) as best way you can, in the best way you understand !!

Last all I can do At distance to help any trouble soul.

Jesus I Pray for a quickening of the spirit to help them that need Guidance !! Theo

God Bless !!

Preacher Jim
04-17-2016, 09:00 AM
Teddy well said, Amen. We need more Acts 2:42-47 Christians the key word, Devoted

04-17-2016, 04:11 PM
Amen, Teddy! We will NEVER know the slings and arrows that Christ did! I don't know where we ever got the idea that life was supposed to be one constant string of complete harmony with everyone holding hands and singing Cum Bay Yah, but even the briefest and most cursory consideration reveals it to be a fictional pipe dream. And yet, many who know this simply don't use it in their planning or expectations. To be "human" is truly one interesting and sometimes frustrating proposition!

An old mountain boy buddy once said something I'll always remember. In his humble, mountain boy philosophy sort of way, he said, "You can break anybody's rules but your own." I've always remembered what he said in casual passing. But mountain boys, the good ones, are just like that, and their philosophies just kind'a flow outward from them as they live the simple mountain life. Awfully good folks if you get to know any of them well, and become accepted into the group. Some amazing folks, really.

So Boaz, as long as you don't violate your OWN rules that you've established for yourself, don't sweat it. You weren't put here to satisfy other men. Just yourself and our Maker and Savior. You're doing good, and Lucifer would LOVE to see you stop that. Keep on truckin', brother! We're closer to our destination every day!

04-17-2016, 04:33 PM
Nothing ministers like a meal! Hospitality, charity and generousity are close kin. Read through the book of Luke and in every mention of Jesus he is at table, leaving or heading to a meal or feast; sharing, teaching, encouraging, sometimes admonishing or rebuking (the Pharisees in particular). And as Paul writes in Ephesians, we were created for good works that He prepared beforehand.

04-17-2016, 08:03 PM
No need to worry , my service will continue . Thank you .

04-17-2016, 08:41 PM
Nothing ministers like a meal! Hospitality, charity and generousity are close kin. Read through the book of Luke and in every mention of Jesus he is at table, leaving or heading to a meal or feast; sharing, teaching, encouraging, sometimes admonishing or rebuking (the Pharisees in particular). And as Paul writes in Ephesians, we were created for good works that He prepared beforehand.

Jesus always seemed to be feeding people. The crowds of thousands to the disciples on the beach after the resurrection. He even told at least one person he brought back from the dead to be given a meal