View Full Version : Am I missing a washer??

Mike W1
04-11-2016, 08:48 PM
Did a little rough measuring (and I'm not good at it) but it seems to me there ought to be another washer in addition to the belleville washer on my Lyman sprue plate bolt. Indeed both molds I checked had 2 of the belleville ones so that the plate could be adjusted. Haven't checked but those 2 molds for comparison. Anyhow I put a 1/4" washer up there with the belleville one which made more sense to me.

Am I missing factory washers on there?

The 1/4" washer I used is a bit large and the thought of drilling out a smaller diameter one isn't a chore I'm looking forward to. Haven't actually cast with the molds yet though to see if it made adjusting the sprue plate any easier.


country gent
04-11-2016, 09:43 PM
You can drill out a washer simply. You need a piece of heavy flat stoc and a heavy larger washer. Drill and tap 2 1/4" 20 holes in the flat stock 1 1/2" or so apart. a set of dividers set to 3/4" will lay these out nicely. Drill and tap these 2 holes. No super glue the washer to be drilled over the center mark between the two tapped holes. set the heavy washer over it with its larger hole roughly centered. 2 Pieces of flat stock with a 1/4" hole for strap clamps and spacers close to the thickness of the 2 washers . 2 bolts and tighten down tight. The straps will clamp the washers down tight an be out of the way and leave room to drill thru. Save this little fixture for next time and its quick and simple.

Mike W1
04-11-2016, 11:14 PM
Will give that a try if I ever get done with the outside chores. Thanks.