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View Full Version : Do we have GOD given power ?

04-10-2016, 01:58 PM
Anyone here may correct me . Don't we all have the GOD given power of Prayer ? GOD has allowed a way to convey our thoughts , concerns , requests , our praise , our fears , our appreciation , our love , our joy , our hopes , our expectations , our disappointments , our plans , our failings , our regrets , our understanding and our lack of sight .

What are we expected to do with a power that enables us to gives us the ability to intercede in behalf of others in need? The ability to improve our relationship with him ? The power to effect change in others lives ? The ability to change our own lives and our family's lives ? Even the ability to affect the lives of people here on this forum . Unlimited ability . Unlimited power GOD given . That GOD has endowed us with the ability and power of prayer is an awesome responsibility . We are able to affect the outcome of things to come , it is a gift from the one true living GOD that gave his only son to save us . Our prayer is compounded by praying together , working together .

Lets don't waste it , instead use it to glorify him . I personally feel strength added when using that ability here . Thank you

04-10-2016, 02:29 PM
There are many who do not care what a person does as long as it doesn't "embarrass" them.
Others feel that if you MUST pray do it at home, or in church.
Still others don't want you to pray at all. Reason? Who knows.
Then there are the God haters who in their heart & minds feel conviction and want to destroy the feeling of conviction, by destroying you and religion.
Prayer opens the line of communication between you and God and it is always better sometimes to talk to God then to open your heart to "loved ones" who at times are not sympathetic or are scornful.
Prayers asked for and offered up here I think is a good thing for everyone who reads them.
It is best to please God more than man.

04-10-2016, 07:08 PM
Fully empowered by God for Gods glory, Yes we have the power and should exercise that power as we are permitted. What an awesome responsibility to be able to tell the Almighty God our prayers and concerns. You worded it well Charlie, I thank God that I have a place like this that I can come to and ask my brethren to pray for my requests and that I can pray for them!

04-10-2016, 08:56 PM
It's an awfully fine point, but my view is that the power, really, is all from God, but we have been given the opportunity to request that power be used on our behalf. Just semantics, really, and I won't quibble over that. This is a really good point, Boaz. And Hickory and USMC just fill it out a little more. This is, I think, one of the things that the atheists and agnostics and other deniers all resent about us Christians. They have no counterpart on which to call when they're alone and in the "rain," and they resent our having someone to call upon for help when they have nothing. It's kind'a like the theory that we take all the money available and spread it around equally (socialism). That theory has never worked anywhere it's been tried, either, so I guess it's no surprise they'd kind'a naturally go together. Ain't it funny how all that works? Almost like it was planned from the beginning, isn't it? ;^)

04-10-2016, 10:00 PM
Prayer is the bridge GOD provided to be able to reach him , to be with him while we are here . We were never intended to be separated from GOD , he wants to be with us .

04-10-2016, 10:14 PM
It's an awfully fine point, but my view is that the power, really, is all from God, but we have been given the opportunity to request that power be used on our behalf. Just semantics, really, and I won't quibble over that. This is a really good point, Boaz. And Hickory and USMC just fill it out a little more. This is, I think, one of the things that the atheists and agnostics and other deniers all resent about us Christians. They have no counterpart on which to call when they're alone and in the "rain," and they resent our having someone to call upon for help when they have nothing. It's kind'a like the theory that we take all the money available and spread it around equally (socialism). That theory has never worked anywhere it's been tried, either, so I guess it's no surprise they'd kind'a naturally go together. Ain't it funny how all that works? Almost like it was planned from the beginning, isn't it? ;^)

Atheists and agnostics (I personally don't believe there are agnostics) do have the power of prayer but to admit it or use it would would be the admission of GOD's existance . They deny themselves that power .

04-11-2016, 06:32 AM
Good points all. And I've never thought of prayer as a bridge, but you're right. Thanks for the thought.

04-11-2016, 07:21 AM
I remember an old saying that people use to say "There is no atheists in the fox hole"I wonder if that is true today?

Preacher Jim
04-11-2016, 07:40 AM
Read Psalms 13

04-11-2016, 07:49 AM
I agree with Boaz.....we are suppose to minister to others and pray. Centuries ago....The Pharisees and Rome put Jesus to death. I know that God sent his son to save us.....but the deed occurred and to today it is still playing out. Jesus posed no threat; never threatened Rome and only tried to minister and model to his fellow Jews and aliens. We need to pray for ourselves, our families, our friends, and other people in need. Some people are too shy or embarrassed to ask for our prayer help but our prayers for our site, our families and friends covers those in need. I pray that people who need the help to contact one of Our Chapel members and ask for help, prayer, and it can be done confidentially in their name without revealing the individual. We stand ready to help....please join and or ask for help and we will deliver.......Paul

04-11-2016, 07:53 AM
I agree Paul .

04-11-2016, 08:04 AM
I remember an old saying that people use to say "There is no atheists in the fox hole"I wonder if that is true today?

We have one here from Lake Erie, " Even an atheist will call out to God for salvation during a storm on Lake Erie."

04-11-2016, 06:53 PM
If Paul had been from Georgia he would have said something like this in Ephesians 1 starting in verse 19: You believers got access to the same Almighty power that blew Jesus out of the grave and put the whole world under His feet. Don't be shy about using it for My purposes in the name of my Son!

04-12-2016, 01:19 PM
And prayers don't have to be long to be effective.

"Help me Jesus!!!" has been cryed out by me many times over the years.

04-12-2016, 01:28 PM
Thats VERY good point ! Many times I have simply asked ......God help us .

04-12-2016, 01:32 PM
Thats VERY good point ! Many times I have simply asked ......God help us .

After all he knows better what help you need than even you do.


04-12-2016, 01:33 PM
I agree with Boaz.....we are suppose to minister to others and pray. Centuries ago....The Pharisees and Rome put Jesus to death. I know that God sent his son to save us.....but the deed occurred and to today it is still playing out. Jesus posed no threat; never threatened Rome and only tried to minister and model to his fellow Jews and aliens. We need to pray for ourselves, our families, our friends, and other people in need. Some people are too shy or embarrassed to ask for our prayer help but our prayers for our site, our families and friends covers those in need. I pray that people who need the help to contact one of Our Chapel members and ask for help, prayer, and it can be done confidentially in their name without revealing the individual. We stand ready to help....please join and or ask for help and we will deliver.......PaulAs Boaz affirmed, your words are true. Our Bible tells us that the body of Christ, has many parts. We as believers are that body. When one part of the body suffers, the entire body suffers. When one part the body is exalted, all the parts of the body is exalted.

We are to pray for each other, as we are all of the same body, the body of Christ.

James 5; 13-20, (A favorite chapter of brother Boaz)

Pine Baron
04-12-2016, 01:45 PM
And prayers don't have to be long to be effective.

"Help me Jesus!!!" has been cryed out by me many times over the years.
Followed by a heartfelt "Thank you Jesus".

04-12-2016, 03:10 PM
As Boaz affirmed, your words are true. Our Bible tells us that the body of Christ, has many parts. We as believers are that body. When one part of the body suffers, the entire body suffers. When one part the body is exalted, all the parts of the body is exalted.

We are to pray for each other, as we are all of the same body, the body of Christ.

James 5; 13-20, (A favorite chapter of brother Boaz)

Hickok you know I like James , lol . Although I quoted that in lay terms you picked up on it . Being a fundamentalist I still believe in the anointing . James recommended it in the time of the new covenant .

Mark 14;24
Jesus said;

“This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many,” he said to them.

04-13-2016, 08:01 AM
Same here Boaz. We anoint those who come forward in our Baptist church and lay hands on them and pray.

04-13-2016, 06:53 PM
Hogtamer, thanks for the translation. You truly DO speak Jawjaese! ;^) And even more significantly, it shows you understand the meaning behind the words, whether in the KJV or in Jawjaese. THAT is what's important. Thanks for the good, Christian humor.

country gent
04-13-2016, 06:57 PM
God gave us the ultimate power the power of choice, he didnt makke us good or bad mean or nice He gave us the power to choose what we wanted to be.

04-13-2016, 07:02 PM
God gave us the ultimate power the power of choice, he didnt makke us good or bad mean or nice He gave us the power to choose what we wanted to be.

I agree .