View Full Version : Jesus wept

Preacher Jim
04-09-2016, 09:23 AM
That was over the condition of the spiritual rejection of Israel. He is probably pouring buckets of tears over our country. Remember prayer changes hearts but I take faithful prayer for our country.

04-09-2016, 09:25 AM

04-09-2016, 01:00 PM
If he could see this country now after he suffered and died to teach us by example he would cry again . I pray we can try again to make this a nation under GOD .

04-09-2016, 07:12 PM
I posted not long ago that when I was a child our nation was great because God was included in everything we did....since the 60's our country has consistently pushed God out of every part of our lives and passed laws that are contrary to our religious upbringing....just because the govt says it is the law does not make it morally right. The govt has steadily punished those that tried to assert their religious rights at the expense of immoral acts.

I pray: Father, please bring greatness back into our lives. Show us Your might and bring our acts back into a line with Your teaching. Father turn our hearts and immoral acts into positive acts that allow us to show others the way to You through Your Son Jesus. I ask this in Your Name......AMEN.

Lead Fred
04-09-2016, 07:33 PM
We have fallen from grace, and will never regain the Godly country our parents had.

But dont worry, Jesus is coming soon, and he will square away the world, and deliver us from libtards

04-11-2016, 06:40 AM
Paul, you're so very, very right. I saw Ed Young, pastor at Houston 2nd. Bapt. Church (I believe it is?) on TV Sunday, and he said something that I found significant. He asked what "culture" was - its definition. He said it was the "glue" that holds systems of values together. I'd never thought of it that way, but instantly realized he was right. And THAT is why our traditional American culture has been and continues to be attacked on all fronts now. And it's shocking to see how many, particularly among the young, who are falling for the idiotic rhetoric and rationalizations from the left. The left's aim is to destroy this nation as it has traditionally existed, and it is SO hard for me to understand why we're falling for it in such numbers. God ain't the only one crying, I assure you! But he IS, I'm sure. Thanks for a great post.