View Full Version : Thank you for today

04-06-2016, 06:54 AM
Lord please help and guide us today give the strength to be steadfast in thought. Be with us and make us aware of your presence . Help us to help others as we go about another day you have granted . Let us live every day as our last to spread your love through living example. Be close and quicken us with the message of your holy word . In Jesus name I ask . Amen

Pine Baron
04-06-2016, 08:17 AM

Teddy (punchie)
04-06-2016, 08:42 AM
Yep from here to , Amen

04-06-2016, 05:41 PM
Amen! This is probably the most common thing we typically leave out of our prayers. It's been said that time, including "today," which is really the only time we really have in which to do things, is merely eternity projected into our finite universe. But "today" is really the only time that we really have in our hands, in which we just decide who it is we'll serve this day. Being granted another day is like being chosen to play on a ball team. Today was lost to all those who died yesterday, and all the days before back to the beginning, and there are always many of them. Yet we remain, and God waits to see what we'll do with our time today. May it be some sort of service and honor to our Lord.

04-06-2016, 10:00 PM
I will not dwell on it but most folks think they will live a long life or just refuse to think about it . Your own experience should serve you better . We are not guaranteed tomorrow . Each day is to be treasured till our Lord takes us home .

Preacher Jim
04-07-2016, 05:50 AM
Woke up today here on earth Lord so there is something that you want me to do today.
Lord please help me fulfill what you want me to do today. Your will is the most important thing i have to do and Lord I will only accomplish this if your Holy Spirit guides my steps today. Please Lord help me put myself out of your way use me to reach the goal you have for me today.
Lord be with all who are on this forum to let you guide them to witness, serve, and help someone to see you in them, our country will only be turned back to The Father if we confess our sins and return one by one to following you.

04-07-2016, 05:54 AM
Amen, Thanks Preacher,just how I would have said it[smilie=l:.

04-07-2016, 06:43 AM
Powerful Boaz....trying to do exactly what you prayed for....thanks, Paul

04-07-2016, 05:06 PM
Here's an interesting story about "today" that I think fits in here, and that some will find appropriate to the discussion here. When my son was married, they honeymooned up in north Ga., and one of the things they did was float one of the white water rivers up in the mountains, the Chatuga. It's really rough, and has killed a number of people, but they had a great and very exciting ride. As they were about to leave the site, Tara noticed her diamond wedding ring was gone from her finger, and he was crying and searching everywhere. To my son's credit, he told her, "I don't love the ring, I love YOU, and we can get another ring." She was inconsolate, though, and almost as an after thought, as it was getting pretty dark, she finally decided to leave the search, and they put up a little improvised sign giving their phone no. and address and asking for the return of the ring if anyone found it. A few days later, when they'd gotten back home, my son got a call. A local fellow up there gave David his name, and said he'd gotten up that Sunday morning, and simply had the feeling that there was something God wanted him to do that day. So after church, he just rode around, without purpose because he wasn't sure what it was that God wanted him to do, and he just simply found himself at the rafting site, and saw the sign about the ring. So, he just walked around, and then he said to my son, "I found your ring." Just about as deadpan as he could have said it. This made my son feel just like it would have made you or me or anyone else feel when he heard it! He was elated! He wanted to pay the guy for his effort and for sending it back, but he would have none of it. He just said, "I'll put it in the mail to you tomorrow," and that's what he did. They got the ring a couple of days later, and she's worn it ever since.

This is the kind of mini-miracle that so heavily impresses us. I have a good idea it's part of what keeps my son the kind of man he is. A young black man came to his store once, dressed nicely with a tie on, and said he was out of gas, and was on his way to Savannah to a job interview, but had no money. He asked my son if he'd be good enough to trust him for just enough gas to get him to Savannah. He said he knew some kinfolk there who'd see to it he got back, but he needed to get there for the interview. My son looked him over, especially in his eyes, and decided to trust the young man. He filled his tank, and gave him $20 to eat on or do whatever he might need to, and sent him on his way, not really expecting to ever see or hear from him again.

Well, a bit over a month later, he got a letter in his mail. It was from the young black fellow who wrote to say he got the job, and had a $100 bill inside which was from his first paycheck. He thanked my son profusely for a simple act of trust, that to him, had meant so very much. I walked in his store just after he'd opened the letter, and he let me read it. You could see on his face how glad he was he'd not taken the usual cynical attitude many would have likely taken. He's had a number of things happen that have firmed up his very real faith. I thank the Lord for such things. We all need to see and hear about things like this more often, and I offer it here as a source for what I hope will be a little greater understanding of how our Lord really DOES work in our world, even today.

And to help us realize, that sometimes, we don't really "KNOW" quite as much as we THINK we do, and that some of the things we "know," like that the young man with the tie would never be seen or heard from again, just ain't so. I've found number of instances where remembering both these events helped me trust when I was hesitant to do so. Not all of them wound up working out quite so well, but in every case, I was NOT sorry I'd done what I did. I just hope the stories help some of you make some good decisions. If someone's obviously just out for what they can get, I've on occasion just smiled, said, "Hey, I know what you're doing, but I'm a Christian, and I don't care. Here's (a dollar or whatever), and I pray God will bless you." They never seem to expect this, and tend to go away when I've done this. It's as if they haven't heard anything like that in so long, they've forgotten how to react to it. So they just walk away. Charity is so often lost in the cares and worries of "today," that we forget to fill it with good stuff, and just let the natural cares of everyday life control us, instead of visa versa. May we learn yet again the real value of "today," and of charity, and of God's will for us each day.