View Full Version : Becky plays !

04-05-2016, 11:14 PM
Sunday we went to church and cooked all day till time for evening service . Had to deliver the food to folks and squeeze in this short video we wanted to do for ya'll . The Lord in his infinite wisdom waited to raise the wind level till Becky got through so my playing wouldn't affect you in a negative way .


04-05-2016, 11:17 PM
Thanks...very good and I liked the little duck, in the background.

04-05-2016, 11:20 PM
lol , Yea , got a mud hen in there !

04-05-2016, 11:54 PM
Boaz, please convey to your lovely and talented daughter, my appreciation for her music. I have two mid-teen sons who play an assortment of instruments and listening to their music always gives a spiritual lift.

I look forward to hearing my son's sons or daughters play music for me.

04-06-2016, 12:54 AM
Nothing soothes the soul like good music. Thank you Boaz and Becky.

04-06-2016, 01:05 AM
Loved it! Thanks for sharing!


Piece of cloth, placed over microphone, blocks out wind noise. Hahahahha! Ask me how I know.

04-06-2016, 05:13 AM
Thanks Becky.
Keep a close eye on Dad for us.

04-06-2016, 07:35 AM
Excellent, The scene with the beautiful playing was so relaxing.

Teddy (punchie)
04-06-2016, 08:41 AM
Just a beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Nice and soft like sounds of nature.

I'm not one for all the up beat heavy bass music. Like to hear more then bass in a song, voices and other instruments. Not all songs need to have thunder in them.

04-06-2016, 09:02 AM
Tell that old man to deflate his chest,I know he is very proud of you.Well done Becky,God Bless you and Boaz

04-06-2016, 10:03 AM
Love to hear that song. What a great young lady you have been blessed with. Correct me if I am wrong, but is she not your grand daughter? Regardless, what a blessing she is.

04-06-2016, 10:55 AM
Love to hear that song. What a great young lady you have been blessed with. Correct me if I am wrong, but is she not your grand daughter? Regardless, what a blessing she is.

jmort your pretty close ! She is my daughter . LOL , your not the fist to make that mistake! I actually had to think about having a child later in life and decided to , I have never regretted that decision . I had some experience though , my dad was 51 years old when I was born . He was 70 when I finished high school , I never found a downside to having an older father.
Having that experience prepped me to give it a chance myself . I have never looked back , she has been one of GOD's greatest blessing in my life . I was 47 when I got her , I'm always telling her I love her TOO much ! I miss buying her cute dresses , carrying her around , showing her how to count and write her name , simple things . Next year she will be 18 , an adult ............where did the time go ?
She has made all A's except for one B this year , taking duel credit college courses . In band , many activity's ,active in church, Loves GOD . I'm satisfied !

04-06-2016, 05:30 PM
There's really something hauntingly beautiful about a flute, and my thanks to Becky for a great job. I love a good harmonica, too, and I'm really sorry the wind drowned most of it out. Wish I could play one, but I've never quite gotten the hand of it. And now, with neuropathy hitting my hands, guitar is even worse than ever. I don't know what particular sin I committed that made the Lord figure He'd let me know good music, and how to make it, but not be able to execute it myself, but whatever it was, I am truly sorry for it. Music doth have, indeed, the power to soothe the savage beast in all of us.

04-06-2016, 05:56 PM
Boaz, the wife and I both listened to Becky and greatly enjoyed the music. Tell Miss Becky thanks!

04-06-2016, 10:03 PM
I thank you all for your praise !

04-07-2016, 06:53 AM
Absolutely breathtaking. Thanks....Paul

04-07-2016, 04:31 PM
One other thing I've thought of, is I've never, to my knowledge, heard a flute played when it didn't cause a hush over the whole crowd there. I think there's some sort of "magic" in some instruments, and the flute is one of them. Its haunting sounds will always mesmerize me. Thanks once more. Really enjoyed it.

04-07-2016, 07:30 PM
Thanks guys! I enjoy playing my flute in church and have received many comments about it. I enjoy playing by myself and with the band in school. The first instrument I picked up when we went to see what instrument we wanted to play was the flute, and I did not even pick up another instrument because I was perfectly happy with my flute. Also my dad wanted me to play something that I could play by myself and later on in life. In other words... not the tuba. That song is one of my favorites to play other than "The Old Rugged Cross." I appreciate all of the support I have received from ya'll and I hope ya'll have a wonderful rest of your day!