View Full Version : HOW DO YOU JUDGE ? Do you trust ?

04-04-2016, 10:24 PM
I'll tell a story .
I was working on the slash L ranch for Howard Lyles (as good and hard a working man as I have ever seen) in 1968 and after working cattle all morning we stopped at the Wildcatter Cafe in Archer City Tx to eat lunch . There was 5 of us , pens we worked cattle at had no water so unloaded the horses and watered em behind the cafe , pulled the saddles and loaded em back up .
Howard had went on in .
He was meeting two other ranchers there . We all got a hamburger and whatever while the three bosses talked about buying some steers and rotating them around to different wheat pasture and such , trying to make a plan . Pete Parish was one of them , had a good size place in Archer County . The third I'll leave unnamed , he had a big place , was in his 70's , born in the last century . He still rode and worked hard . He was know as one of the orneriest folks around , hard to get along with and fight at the drop of a hat . He was old school , He was also illiterate , he could neither read nor write . Saw many when I was young that couldn't read and lived by their work or wits . Pete and Howard were figuring on napkins , figuring pasture , how many head, expected gain , market at time they would sell , initial money needed , division of labor , etc . They would explain and push the napkins over to the old rancher who would stare at them blankly and push them back . You could tell the old man was gittin aggravated , they were trying to be honest and explain everything in detail . Howard pushed another napkin in front of him and the old man shoved it back without looking at it and said . I trust you both ...I got the money ....just buy the cows.

I still remember this well . We all judge ....how well do you trust ?

Ural Driver
04-04-2016, 10:27 PM
With a few exceptions, I'll trust most anybody till they gimme cause not to.

04-04-2016, 10:34 PM
Trust comes over time. It requires judgement.

04-05-2016, 07:28 AM
I trust the Spirit of God. There's folks who I've met who looked a certain way, but there was a peace inside of me to go ahead and do business with them. I've never been burned by following after peace. On the other hand, I've done business with people when I ignored the uneasiness in my spirit, and chose my own reasoning instead...steamrolled would be the word that comes to mind.

04-05-2016, 08:13 AM
In my business, we trust that you tell us the honest truth about what we ask, personal questions...... Until you prove that you are dishonest, then you are gone from us forever.... Kind of like a line in the sand...... Personally I think I am like that also, but I do read between the lines, and trust my instincts.

Oh, and there is a big difference in me judging your actions, and the government /society judging you. Atheistic society likes to throw that scripture back in our faces without understanding it.

04-05-2016, 08:59 AM
I have personally had many atheists tell me they read the entire bible . Only problem is they read it to disprove the existence of GOD , not to open mindley explore the possibility of his existence.

04-05-2016, 09:04 AM
I try not to judge, but trust has to be earned.

I have an ear pretty well tuned for the sound of the brown smelly stuff.
That is a trust killer.

Flash in the pan, new ideas, new ways of thinking ends up being moving on to someplace new.
If you live in one small community for 20-30 years you start seeing that the people who are still here 30 years later are the ones who are conservative. They don't rush into anything. They have deep pockets, with reserves. They never go all in, so they never have to leave the table. Maybe they don't win the big money.
But they will still be there decades later.

So anything that suggests you are not inclined in that direction has a direct impingement on trust.

I could care less what your politics are. But if I am going to trust you, it has to be for the long haul.

Any smell of your hand in my pocket is a deal killer.

Whatever I might think of someone walking down the street makes no difference.
But if he then comes up to me asking for money or my time all that I have seen is weighed in the balance.
So I am not judging them, I am judging how much I feel I can trust them.

Not many pass the test.

square butte
04-05-2016, 10:03 AM
The older I get - the more easily I trust - or know who I can trust. My trust meter has improved with age - And trusting is who I want to be. The Good Lord helps me with this. He also helps me to know when not to trust. If I get it wrong - Heck, there is always something to learn about it. It's just how I want to live.

mold maker
04-05-2016, 10:27 AM
The only times I have been burned is when I followed my heart instead of my inner sense.
Trust is definately won and lost by your past and once lost, is almost never regained.

04-05-2016, 10:44 AM
Trust in God,in"o" never trust.

Outer Rondacker
04-05-2016, 10:46 AM
The only times I have been burned is when I followed my heart instead of my inner sense.
Trust is definately won and lost by your past and once lost, is almost never regained.
This is well said.

I trust every time I make a deal for my work. A hand shake and thousands of dollars on the line several times a week. I produce the product and payment is made. I have only have been burn once but it turned out ok. These people I trust in, I do not even know. The ones I do know and share time with at local events, I have put trust in and been burnt every time. Over money, work, honor and more. The ones you know expect it and the ones you dont respect it. Not always true but makes you think.

04-05-2016, 11:33 AM
If a fellow can't read or write, he must trust that others are honest.

If a fellow can't read or write, he must be tough and ornery to keep honest people honest.

I can read and write and tend to be trusting. But at age 74, when it comes to who to look after 99% of the folks will look after themselves. If they can look after you and help themselves in any way, they will, but if they can't they won't. That is how I expect people to act and have never been disappointed. Darn few folks will look after you IF, it costs then anything they TRULY VALUE.

The bottom line is what we expect from others. After 37 years as a Pastor, the above is what I expect. I trust people to act in their own real or perceived self interest. I have met a few who have surprised me and been truly "other centered", and they are the true noble men and women of God's Kingdom.

04-05-2016, 02:21 PM
First year I worked there was during the summer and any other time I could work while going to school . I was low man in the pecking order . Howard told me to plow the Brown field one day , had already plowed it with a hamey and needed to run a one way over it , pretty clodded up to plant oats . Field was about 3 miles south on the Little Wichita river . It was named for the people that settled it . The stone foundation of the house and the well was all that was left . There were 2 sandstone grave markers out back of the house , always wondered about the story that happened there .
Since I was low man Howard told me to just ride a horse to plow . Kind of hurt my feelings .......didn't even rate a pick up . Went to the horse lot and picked the best ropin horse out of what was brought up . Had him saddled and Howard come up and said they might need him today , pick another . Well my feelings were plumb bruised at this point so I got mad and stuck my pickle loaf sandwich in a bag in my shirt , picked up my half gallon water jug and just started walking to the field . Didn't even deserve a decent horse !! The others watched me walk off to the river , nobody offered to take me .
Finally got to the field and cranked up the 930 Case , plowed hard all day , didn't stop but to eat my sandwich under a tree . Plowed till pert near dark , nobody could say I wasted plowing time because I walked .
Sun was going down and getting dark when I parked the tractor , Starting walking fast to get to the house . I was boarding down the road from the ranch house so had about 4 miles to go in the dark . Rule at the place I was staying at was that you be there at meal time or you didn't eat so no supper .
I was about half way to the pavement and saw headlights comin .
Howard past me , turned around and came back driving slow beside me . He said ...get in and I'll take ya . I kept walkin and said I didn't need a ride . He kept driving slow beside me and said ...It's a nice evening for a walk , could do you some good . He left .

04-05-2016, 04:47 PM
Over half a century in Kalifornia, raised (somewhat) by a father whom I respected, but could not trust. For me, giving people the benefit of the doubt has rarely worked out. Trust must be earned and few have earned mine.

Don't know who said it originally, but Louis L'Amour once said, "If you expect the worst of people, you can't be disappointed." On the brighter side, if you expect the worst and someone proves wrong your negative suspicions, it's cause for celebration.