View Full Version : I could use some prayer .

04-03-2016, 06:49 AM
Worked yesterday , came home and Becky mowed the yard while I vacuumed, did laundry and such . When she finished I went down back by the shed and was showing her how to change oil and do some maintenance on the riding mower .
It was pretty warm outside . I started getting lightheaded and dizzy . Told her I had to go to the house and sit down . Legs wouldn't hardly move and had to stop and hang onto the fence , couldn't make it. She ran and got a folding chair . I sat there a good while and finally made it to the house .
I'm feeling ok this morning but weak . When you pray today throw in a word for me . I think I just overdid it too much and it was just a passing thing . I would appreciate it , I don't need to get down . GOD will help . Thank you .

04-03-2016, 06:58 AM
Will do Boaz, good morning.

Preacher Jim
04-03-2016, 07:02 AM
Lord we lift Boaz up and ask you to strengthen him. Lord you guide him as to what to do if you gave him a warning or if this was just fatigue speak to his heart and guide him. Lord you are the author and perfector of all healing and we pray for Boaz to be healed so he may continue to help others.

square butte
04-03-2016, 07:36 AM
Prayers sent up for you this morning

Pine Baron
04-03-2016, 07:41 AM
Prayer sent.

04-03-2016, 07:55 AM
Prayer sent, drink more water old guy!!! worked for me.

04-03-2016, 08:05 AM
Prayer sent Boaz

04-03-2016, 08:34 AM
Heavenly Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God Of Israel, our God,

Look down upon thy son Charlie, grant him healing, good health, and the peace and comfort that knows no bounds through Your infinite grace and love. Lift our brother up, as we stand upon thy words, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

So we pray as righteous men and women for Charlie, not righteous in ourselves or by anything we have done, righteous only by the sinless blood of Christ Jesus that covers us, for in His Holy name we pray Amen.

04-03-2016, 09:17 AM
I'll send a prayer as well but think a visit to doc should be in order ...

04-03-2016, 09:31 AM
Prayers sent but heed what 4718Dave said and go to the DR.

04-03-2016, 10:21 AM
Praying for you Brother. You have been through a lot and are still fighting the good fight. Praying that you live out your full days in health and not sickness.

04-03-2016, 10:32 AM
Prayer sent.
On a side not my mom had the same thing happen she went to the dr and they found an artery that was almost blocked.
They put in a couple stents and now she is good as new.
She has always worked like a Georgia mule.
She is 70 and still bucks fruit lugs full of all the northwest has too offer!

Take care and be safe


04-03-2016, 10:41 AM
Prayer sent

04-03-2016, 10:56 AM
prayers sent Boaz,,,
And now you need to find out WHY this happened.

04-03-2016, 11:38 AM
Sincere Prayers for Love, Mercy, Faith, Strength, Healing, Good Health, and Wisdom......


04-03-2016, 04:12 PM
Boaz, don't take this too lightly, brother! God does indeed reach down His mighty hand to heal us, but often, I think he expects us to make it as easy on Him as we rightfully should, and just do our part in the process. If we don't put forth our own efforts, after all, what does He have to bless and make fruitful? Just makes sense to me, and these things are a sign of something not being quite right somewhere. It might indeed be a simple passing thing, but it COULD also be a warning sign of something of significance and danger. So, don't fail to go to a doc and tell him what happened, and ASK him if he can run some tests that might reveal or deny any underlying condition you need to know about. Could be a hear blockage, small blood clot, a sign of CHF, or a lot of things you and I don't even know about to ask.

That's how my kidney failure almost killed me. I just took the warning signs as "just a passing thing," and nearly paid for it with my life. Don't be as negligent as I was! Go get some confirmation. This ain't the kind of thing it's wise to guess at, or make assumptions about. Forewarned is forearmed, and CAN save your life, or at least a whole lot of very unpleasant troubles (and usually very expensive to boot). You mentioned recently about stopping some of your meds. I personally think a lot of meds are prescribed for the $$$$ involved, but we CAN stop something we NEED, as well, and it's really hard to tell when to do what. I'm a believer in questioning what a doc says or gives you, but I'm also a believer that they're our best source of good info, even if some of it is sometimes driven by $$$$. Sometimes we can make TOO many assumptions, and test their Rx's a little TOO much.

We can't afford to lose you here, and Becky CERTAINLY can't afford to lose you, so gitchurse'f on to a doc and at least ASK him if tests can be run to SEE what it might mean. I speak here from bad experience myself, which is why I point this out to you. Godspeed, my friend, and God Bless!

04-03-2016, 07:40 PM
Good advice from the fellows.

Friend, do go and get checked.

All the brothers and sisters will keep you lifted up in prayer.

04-03-2016, 07:48 PM
Had similar thing. Was dehydration. Even in colder climates, you loose a lot of water working aorund outside. Here in the SW Desert, we know all about hydration. Also keep up your electrolyte intake when doing physical stuff.

Keep an eye on it and if it happens again, see your doctor. Your body tells you if you are doing something wrong!


04-03-2016, 08:03 PM
Prayers sent. Make an appt with your doc.

04-03-2016, 08:08 PM
Heavenly Father, Please attend to Boaz's medical needs. It appears that he might have gotten overly hot or worked too hard and overheated. Please allow him to rest properly and rejuvenate him through rest and Your love. Father, Boaz is such a vital member the constantly does for others and is hesitant to ask for help on his behalf...but I am asking You to cradel him in Your loving arms and heal him through rest. These things I ask on Boaz behalf because all is possible through You. Amen.

04-03-2016, 08:19 PM
Heavenly Father we come before Your throne asking for Your comfort, Peace and healing for our brother. Father we ask that You minister to him in ways that will get his strength back and he will be able to carry out his daily tasks. Father we come asking that we give all honor and praise to our Great God for all that is accomplished in our lives, Amen!

04-03-2016, 08:21 PM
Done! Best of luck on a speedy recovery!

04-03-2016, 08:29 PM
Guys I appreciate your concerns , I haven't been having any trouble lately at all compared to a year ago . I can do more now and think the old work thing is trying to take holt , Reason I haven't been on the forum today to speak of is Becky and me were having a 'cook a than' making meals for a lady thats down in her back and some old folks down the road . Made fried chicken , beans , fried potato's , cornbread , onions and brownies and been working since church got out to get it made , packaged up and delivered . I dropped Becky off for the evening service , I was nodding off during the service this morning and I'm tired so took Becky but I'm too tired to go . I'll pick her up in a bit .

I was feeling better and honestly think I have been trying to be the old workaholic me .......which will not fly at this late date . I'm going to take it easy a few days and keep an eye on it . I would solicit your prayer , I'm not ready to croak yet . I have unfinished business here .
If I honestly think it's a problem I'll get it checked out but my opinion of doctors is at a low point right now . I know you all pray , just try to squeeze in a in a quick thought for me and tell him Boaz sent ya .
Thank you all !

Ken in Iowa
04-03-2016, 08:52 PM
Dear Lord, I pray for your blessings on my brother. Heal him and give him the strength to keep serving you.

04-05-2016, 11:39 AM
I would still ask for your prayer , I thank you for your effort in advance .

04-05-2016, 12:11 PM
Paying for your continued progression and restoration of your health so that you may live out your full days in the service of the Body of Christ.

Pine Baron
04-05-2016, 12:36 PM
We are getting older and that is a fact. A wise man once said "A man has got to know his limitations", another fact. Maybe try to not think of it as "slowing down" so much as " being thoughtful". And Charlie, "Pride goes before the fall". Be safe, be well. God bless you.

04-05-2016, 12:58 PM
I thank you , still getting dizzy when I bend over or try to do anything requiring any effort . Thinking is cloudy but not hurting . Got a yearly physical on the 14th , might clear up by then .

Geezer in NH
04-05-2016, 01:03 PM
Prayers sent please see Dr. when it happens again 911 get the parameds on the way so you may survive.

Preacher Jim
04-05-2016, 04:18 PM
Boaz get thy self to the doctor. God only uses overnight delivery after we do our parts. Besides I don't have many friends and I am selfish don't want to hunt new ones

04-05-2016, 05:17 PM
YA what he said !!! don't be a stubborn old fool . Prayer sent too !
Boaz get thy self to the doctor. God only uses overnight delivery after we do our parts. Besides I don't have many friends and I am selfish don't want to hunt new ones

04-05-2016, 05:53 PM
I'm still on blood thinner . Got to go to a cumiden clinic in the morning for a monthly check, if they don't think it's the thinner I'll go to clinic care . Frankly I have a lot more faith in prayer than doctors . They are the one's that got me in this mess . I appreciate and understand but keep praying . Thanks

04-05-2016, 09:03 PM
Prayers sent

Preacher Jim
04-05-2016, 09:19 PM
Boaz my twin brother, I am going to the pulmonary cardio interist. I don't like or trust doctors i fully rely on the Lord but He works through doctors to. Besides you can't witness to them till you get to talk to them. You have them captive when they are in the room with you.

04-05-2016, 09:37 PM
I don't know who's got who captive . Last time I went I donated $50.00 to his church youth group , them dang Catholics are pretty slick ! LOL

04-05-2016, 10:03 PM
Frankly I have a lot more faith in prayer than doctors . They are the one's that got me in this mess . I appreciate and understand but keep praying . Thanks

Boaz, you have all our prayers, but as has been said, we're not 10' tall, bulletproof and immortal any more, and God DOES expect us to do our due diligence, I believe, so he'll have something to bless, so gitchurse'f to a doc, brother! Don't be like the cat that sat on a hot stove lid, and now won't sit on ANY stove lid, hot or cold! I think we've all had some bad experiences with docs guessing wrong. They're human just like us. But don't let that keep you away from the good they CAN do! That old saying, "too soon old, too late smart" echoes in my own mind pretty regularly, so don't be as dumb as I was. It nearly cost me my life, and we can't afford to lose you and Becky certainly can't! As Nike says, "Just do it." We want you to stick around so we CAN pray for you!

04-05-2016, 10:15 PM
Boaz, I know it is late....but my better half had my day planned for me.....Father, Please continue to heal Boaz and lead him to the doctor. Whisper into his ear that he is not 18 anymore, even though his mind thinks so. Father have him listen to his body and whisper into his ear that he has a lot of Your work to do in Your name. Father, Boaz is very important cog in "Our Chapel" and heal him. This I ask in Your Name....Amen.

04-05-2016, 10:35 PM
I understand . Up till around 10 years ago I could have got an arm cut off and would have figured it might take 2 or 3 weeks to grow a new one but thats history. Becky is going to lose her mom early , I'm all she's got . I need to hang around a while .

LOL , bout 8 years ago I was trying to cut the sidewall out of a radial tire to use the rubber to fix a machine . Was using an old green river skinner knife . It was dull , knew I ought to stop and sharpen it but kept sawing and hacking at it. Well I nicked a vein in my wrist and a lot of blood was spurting and made the knife and rubber hard to get a grip on , started cussing , most here have had a fight with an inanimate object probably ? Bench I was using was covered in blood , my son was working in the back room and heard the cussing . Came out and stood there watching , then he said ..Dad your bleedin bad . I said ..DON"T WORRY ABOUT IT !! Then he said..You need to go to the emergency room ! I said ..Go do your work , leave me be !! 'All this time I'm hackin at the tire from hell' , He kept standing there and finally he said ..DAD! Your spewin blood ! I got to thinkin about it ............SPEWIN BLOOD ? Never heard spewin connected with blood , started laughing and told him to get the paper towels and black tape . I survived and have a tale of hard headed stupidity to tell .

Teddy (punchie)
04-06-2016, 08:32 AM
Look for better doctors. One that have a soul and hopefully believe in God. Religion is important, but just so they try to follow the bible.

What symptoms you are having need to be checked out. Not sure of your age or all of your health history. Can be a simple cold, few, sinus thing to ears to a hole list of other things.

Hope you feel better.


04-06-2016, 06:01 PM
I think we've all had experiences like yours, Boaz, but what we could ONCE get away with, and what we can get away with NOW, are two distinctly different things. I love stubborn people. It shows persistence, determination, resolve, direction, purpose, and lots of good and admirable things. BUT .... and this is an awfully big "BUT" ...... ANYTHING can be carried to an extreme, and when we carry things to extremes, they never serve us well.

Dizziness is a warning sign that something very potentially serious is wrong, and YOU NEED TO KNOW WHAT IT IS. Guessing in your own mind just ain't gonna' cut it, bro'! You need to see a doc, and likely have some blood work done to see if your meds need adjusting. A number of us wouldn't be here today if it weren't for our meds, probably, and the wonders of modern medicine and science. It's practiced by fallible humans, and thus, there'll always be some error involved, but that is NO EXCUSE to paint them and what they do with too wide a brush, and pan them all because they're not 100% right all the time. I used to think the same way you are now, but I learned, by nearly dying, that maybe I ought'a reconsider. I did, and now let the docs tell me what THEY think. You and I can suppose and project and guess all we want, but it'll never be as good as a decent doc's "educated" guesses. They have the experience and knowledge to know MUCH better what's important or threatening than we do. My own hubris in this nearly cost me my life. Wise up, brother! Go see the doc! Get some blood work if you need it. It's a LOT cheaper to treat things BEFORE they become serious problems, than it is AFTER you're really in a crisis and your life is on the line! You're an intelligent man, but intelligent men CAN be led astray by their sheer stubborness. I know. I tried. Very nearly lost the whole ball game, and you can't do that to Becky and us. Go see the doc, and tell him EVERYTHING that you've noticed. When you do that, you shouldn't be shocked if he asks you about things that you hadn't thought to add in, and this is how a real diagnosis works. But YOU have to play a very active part in it, simply by relaing everything that you've noted. Then turn it over to him and the Lord, and deal with it as best you can on an ongoing basis. Stubborness can be admirable, but it can ALSO be a darn way to leave this earth earlier than necessary! So man up for Becky and our sakes. Meds aren't miracles, and need to be changed or modified after a while. This may be all you really need, and it might be you need to take less of some of your meds, or get a lower dosage. But you'll never know 'till you find out. Like Nike says, "Just do it."

04-06-2016, 09:42 PM
Went to the clinic today . They said my blood pressure was low and the blood thinner level was low and combined with the heat 'could' have been the problem . They bumped up the Warfarin (thinner). I go for blood tests tomorrow for my annual physical on the 14th . Thats all I know right now . I ain't hurtin and still mo-bile , takin it easy .
I thank you more than you know for your concern and prayer , even appreciate you riding me about going . I know many blood kin familys that don't show as much concern . Thank you .

04-07-2016, 10:03 AM
And Boaz, we are your blood kin, "washed in the blood," of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

04-07-2016, 10:21 AM
And Boaz, we are your blood kin, "washed in the blood," of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Hickok ! Brother you just made my day !! More than an excellent point of fact .
Thank you !

Preacher Jim
04-07-2016, 12:09 PM
glad you went but thankful for your answered prayers, God is good, all the time. AMEN

04-07-2016, 12:16 PM
Doctors are fighting satan just like we are, except our's is a spiritual war and the doctors are fight on the temporal realm. Most doctors probably don't think of it like that, but they are in direct opposition to satan, generally. Regardless, thank God for modern medicine. Sounds like you are headed in the right direction health-wise.

04-07-2016, 04:07 PM
I thank you more than you know for your concern and prayer , even appreciate you riding me about going . I know many blood kin familys that don't show as much concern . Thank you .

I'm sitting here smiling. You and I have much kinship in our ways. I think neither of us likes embracing bein' smart, but we CAN if we get enough razzing about it. Good on ya', brother. Glad you at least KNOW now what was likely the cause. Low BP can do some real funny things. And maybe the blood work will help explain why it was too low. These things happen as we get older, and none of us really likes to think of ourselves as Chicken Little thinking the sky's falling. But we can be TOO hesitant to go to a doc, TOO, and they bury folks every day due to that. Thanks for tucking your prideful aspirations to invincibility inside and gettin' to th' doc. It matters WAY too often!

04-07-2016, 08:44 PM
How your test go?

04-07-2016, 09:36 PM
Went to the clinic today . They said my blood pressure was low and the blood thinner level was low and combined with the heat 'could' have been the problem . They bumped up the Warfarin (thinner). I go for blood tests tomorrow for my annual physical on the 14th . Thats all I know right now . I ain't hurtin and still mo-bile , takin it easy .
I thank you more than you know for your concern and prayer , even appreciate you riding me about going . I know many blood kin familys that don't show as much concern . Thank you .

This is what happened >

04-07-2016, 09:50 PM
Yes sir how did your test go today.

giving blood has never bothered me but it can be hard on some

04-07-2016, 09:57 PM
I will not hear the results of the blood test til the 14th , during my annual physical . Doctor will put it all together then . The gears of medicine turn slow . Keep praying when you get a moment and thank you . Giving blood doesn't bother me at all .

Preacher Jim
04-08-2016, 05:26 PM
Hey twin we are going to win i read the end of the book. Keep fighting the rascal is defeated, he trying to slow us down but prayer stops him everytime.

04-08-2016, 06:33 PM
lol , I agree Jim ! As I have said before.................When GOD shows up things start happening .

04-09-2016, 11:09 PM
I thought Sunday I had a stroke but have figured out the problem !! I had T M F withdrawal symptoms ! Yep thats what it was all right, figured it out today after inadvertently and quite accidentally taking the cure thinking all the time I was doing something wrong in the process. Been feeling guilty but healthier since bout noon ! Only thing to worry about is being re addicted to the cure again .

04-11-2016, 12:53 PM
Well isn't that special! Glad you found out the problem and its source. We who've always pretended to be 10' tall, bulletproof and immortal don't LIKE admitting we've got little chinks in our armor, but they're there, and now that we're not as tough and "bulleproof" as we usta' be, it's time to start paying attention a lot more closely. I'm so glad you found the problem! Good on ya' for not turning away from it and pretending you're still immortal!

04-11-2016, 01:11 PM
Yep ! Just needed an infusion of (TMF) Tex Mex food ! No self respecting Texan should go over a year without enchiladas , chili rellanos , quesadillas , covered in queso , refried beans , rice with tortillas sliced onion and fresh jalapeno on the side ! I was suffering from Tex Mex deprovation !
Heck ! I nearly shorted out my system and went into over load ! Took Becky and her mom to eat at a Mexican joint and had me some . Fixed me right up ! The curative power of Tex Mex can not be overstated .

Texans are just built different , thats why most of the old ones still have scars on the palms of their hands also .

Preacher Jim
04-12-2016, 08:34 PM
And in the morning as you pray for ice cream thank God for the blessing of good food. I sure miss the tex mex food

04-12-2016, 09:18 PM
LOL , when I was roughneckin on rigs a standard lunch was a jar of Trappy's jalapenos and a box of cheese crackers or a jar of Trappy's jalapenos and a bag of pork skins . Those days are gone ! But I still require a certain amount of hot per meal ...................just not quite as much . Gettin old has drawbacks .

daniel lawecki
04-12-2016, 09:30 PM
Prayers sent but please go to the doctor you owe it to your family.

04-12-2016, 09:38 PM
Thanks Daniel , last couple of days I have felt one heck of a lot better . I thank you all for your prayer and concern . Was a time I wouldn't ask for help .
I go for a physical Thursday (annual) . They will have my blood work up so We will see .

Pine Baron
04-13-2016, 08:59 AM
Please keep us updated. Prayers continue.

04-13-2016, 09:07 AM
Praying now .....

04-14-2016, 01:51 PM
Went this morning . Low blood pressure (heart issues) and low kidney function were the only issue . No new medicine just said to exercise as much as possible and stay on the diet . It will be ok , just need to go slow and steady , take off more weight .

04-14-2016, 02:06 PM
Thanks for the update,now try to behave, please.:razz:

Pine Baron
04-14-2016, 04:08 PM
Thanks for the update. It's not "going slow", it's being "thoughtful". Anyway that's my rationale. Drink lots of water, cut out the sugar. :takinWiz:

04-14-2016, 08:03 PM
I appreciate the advice , bout time I started taking some . I'm really doing pretty good .

Bout 8 yeas ago I started staying tired all the time . Got to where every time I sat down at work or anywhere I'd be asleep in 5 to 10 min. Was nodding off driving . Didn't tell anyone cause didn't want to hear it . At work I'd sleep all day long in my chair , they had to wake me up to get info . Everyone at work said go to the doctor,didn't want to hear it . I woud cook supper as soon as I got home or I'd sit down and sleep till Becky told me it was time for bed . I knew I had sleep Apena but didn't want to get it checked out .

I traditionally had everyone in the family over for barbecue and all the trimmins on Easter . Had most of it ready the day before but still had plenty to do getting ready . I stayed on my feet the rest of the day , they all showed up and I sat down . Tried to stay awake but in about 15 min I fell out of the chair asleep Heck ! the whole family was there , they thought I had a heart attack . I just came up fast and said it was an accident , everything was fine . Only problem was I did it 2 more times in a couple of hours .

Next morning my brother in law came in the shop sat down crossed his arms and just started talking , I was asleep in a few min. He started screaming ...HEY !.......HEY! .....HEY! He woke me up and I was mad for him hollering at me . Tried to stay awake but couldn't then ........HEY!.........HEY!.......HEY!! I was fit to be tied , he just kept his arms folded and started talking normal again each time. It happened 2 more times and I was MAD !
The last time he leaned over at me and hollered ..DO YOU REALIZE YOU GOT A PROBLEM ! ARE YOU GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT OR DO I NEED TO !!
I didn't have a leg to stand on for excuses . Told him I go in for a sleep test . I did and got a c pap machine. Used it at night for 3 days and have never had another problem . Everyone else was afraid to say anything but he and I were like brothers , he stood up and it worked . I thanked him several times later .

04-14-2016, 08:27 PM
Apnea is a treacherous thing! I got diagnosed back in 2000. Couldn't tolerate the CPAP, an' still sleep with mild 02 at night because of not being able to use the CPAP. When my weight's down, I do good. I've eased back up and gained back the 25 lbs. I lost. I was down to below 240 after the kidney failure incident, but that is NO way to lose wt.!!!

If there's anything more difficult for an old country boy to do than to diet strictly and pretty severely, I don't know what it is. It's a lot like forcing a square peg in a round hole, but with a big enough "hammer," it CAN be done. It's just hard to sustain indefinitely, but I keep tryin' to learn new tricks, even if I am gittin' to be an' ol' dawg.

Ain't this gittin' old "interesting?" Every day, it's just us and God, and our consciences. All I really know, is I'm REAL glad God definitely has a sense of humor, an' loves us. Otherwise, we'd all have been gone a LONG time ago!

04-14-2016, 08:47 PM
I'm the stupidest member on this forum . I know I am because I remember all and every stupid thing I have done. They are many . lol

04-14-2016, 09:00 PM
Hoping you feel better with each Day this Spring & through the Summer.
I am praying that your guardian angel stays close, & protects you . Saint Anthony too.

Don't beat yourself up over the past failings.... I have done the same , & now must dwell on the positive .

04-14-2016, 09:52 PM
Matt I'm not really hard on myself for mistakes, we have all made them . Most don't want to admit them but heck we make mistakes every day , it's called learning . Takes a certain amount of confidence to admit them , use them to teach others or yourself .
I need all the angels watching me that I can get ! Thank you ! And I'm slowing down ... I hope .

Maybe some day I'll tell the story of when I got out of high school and rode a Honda cycle to Arizona . Ended up working in a gold mine with some crazy as heck cult folks in the Superstition Mountains outside of Apache Junction ............Now that was a mistake !

Preacher Jim
04-14-2016, 10:01 PM
If we wrote a book on the stupid things we have done in the name of growing up we would make folks think we were bragging. It is a good thing Jesus forgives and removes our sins as far as the east is from the west. I would never want anyone to walk the paths before Christ and I pray they find the Lord as their savior and walk with Him today. It gets better every day.

04-14-2016, 10:16 PM
I agree Jim , makes a difference . The old stuff is lessons learned or just make a funny story . Doesn't say who you are today .