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Bad Water Bill
03-31-2016, 05:20 PM
Our DOUBLE moderator has a real reason to be proud.[smilie=w::drinks:[smilie=w:

Idaho and West Virginia Join the Constitutional Carry Club
“I appreciate the support and the information [GOA provided]. I look forward to spreading it around to both my colleagues and constituents!” -- Constitutional Carry sponsor in West Virginia, Del. Saira Blair (R)
Not a GOA member yet? You can join Gun Owners of America (http://cqrcengage.com/gunowners/app/thru?ep=AAAAC2Flc0NpcGhlcjAxXd9XLskYL1Iv15nobVcGs9 UODA4GRnppgsTugPs75I5k1kfsWjSci6CcNfxsc0tZ-zVwKDvmvD0mIarl1DMgeLdtNqoR2CjsFv4j6rjobQwxmAV1k49 KUu9qXs9z11cPH5mtZ0n09p_sMbpAz2zwgA&lp=0) today for only $20!
Bloomberg Loses, as GOA-backed Bills Become Law in Two States
Now there are ten!
Idaho last week became the tenth state to adopt Constitutional Carry, and the second state to adopt such a law this year. https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/5QL7LoitNPOsu-Yq-pgBMqrm6pMFQXnYQ3zlRK_wA335oqr2630hLNz5ithlXyNybQW jbrNCqXTxmmjdRWgqBPI0CFmWbYbj2abKBwvBxcfrDM3d8TBh_ zo=s0-d-e1-ft#http://cqrcengage.com/gunowners/file/o8vutT38RaR/kickingontheus.jpg
Earlier in the month, West Virginia legislators overrode their Governor’s veto of a GOA-backed permitless carry bill which was sponsored by 19-year-old Del. Saira Blair (R).
Then, Gem State followed suit last Friday.
The victory in Idaho was especially gratifying, as residents ignored the thousands upon thousands of dollars of advertising that Michael Bloomberg was pouring into the state.
Bloomberg bought several ads -- encouraging people to call Governor Butch Otter in opposition to Constitutional Carry.
Initially, the calls were running 5-1 against the GOA-backed bill, although it appeared that many of the anti-gun calls were coming from out-of-state.
Gun Owners of America responded by joining the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance (ISSA) in encouraging phone calls into the Governor’s office -- and the ratio soon improved to a 50-50 split.
ISAA was a powerful force working inside the state for Constitutional Carry -- providing daily alerts and Facebook postings on the bill’s status.
In enacting Constitutional Carry, both West Virginia and Idaho now join other permitless carry states which include Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Maine, Vermont, Wyoming, and most of Montana.
The West Virginia law takes effect in early June, while Idaho’s goes into force on July 1, 2016.
Help GOA pass Constitutional Carry laws across the country. You can join Gun Owners of America (http://cqrcengage.com/gunowners/app/thru?ep=AAAAC2Flc0NpcGhlcjAxZ8ljESEvxVzEzYZZQJ16Sv jfZMI3RLhVHG3mlvV99DPiX5FoBza9lVWcU1DcfzC1wxZ7s4iI kMwIm9FbC7blX7GPgkIvd7h5-WW6E4iCM4rp2PKv4xJioNzNft70qsyakeJyuKuzqcoNC_lMktX kGw&lp=0) today for only $20!
Grassroots Activism Overcomes Establishment Opposition to Constitutional Carry
As indicated above, getting permitless carry enacted in Idaho was not an easy task this year. https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/IUbgOjbO5BmGP4ylAWauxCR2eAyvqocwpb8Y9lkTvrUZPH8zFI 2KDuk2FIzgzYWD28RALhEZlNOOsMcyB2vfSfqrBZKkINtai5YI gN3eZ2XBHVCIcSgx67-AcBgIRmFIlRw=s0-d-e1-ft#http://cqrcengage.com/gunowners/file/EIStvVH4Ic3/larryprattandgregpruett.jpg
There are three powerful Republican chairmen in the House chamber who did not want permitless carry, and they had successfully blocked this legislation for quite some time.
But GOA and ISAA worked tirelessly to support a clean Constitutional Carry bill that didn’t take away rights from existing citizens as part of a so-called “compromise.”
ISAA sponsored a Constitutional Carry rally last month and invited GOA’s Larry Pratt as a guest speaker to address the crowd in front of the capitol.
Ultimately, it came down to a battle between the Establishment versus the People.
Here’s what Dean Weingarten at The Truth About Guns (http://cqrcengage.com/gunowners/app/thru?ep=AAAAC2Flc0NpcGhlcjAxLXAv5dop3q0xNLb1fm7xDS 1gt2WVnjbAufYj1YxSHmzWMn45ZBj-k5wZ5uyJWXGOIWlChp4Ju37kBHiFJLZ9ponKJStOlgXt359Ksi FSUQ9jEovSydzkzdJ8763vMEPeRUhwlR1Ql4-2en8CGWyO4or1hqmUJsiO90ZhFv9Ho66fyTy1We5h_ZzqDUOMJ rKAQrlHPCnQi1S1QMyePNTGbuxgCEIR3T-pTGl1Drbn0qS-Qi4-eHjF1MJ69RYqp94rtMMg4BOQ1tA9ZlcjKA7VqV3TDNxyfT_cXh lO1cgfqeM&lp=0) had to say regarding this epic battle:
Two powerful chairmen and a powerful chairwoman oppose permitless carry in Idaho…. These three representatives control three of the most powerful committees in the Idaho legislature. They can pass bills and stop bills. They can prevent bills from ever seeing the light of day….
If these three Chairs are against you in the Idaho legislature, it does not matter very much who is for you. It takes the overwhelming force of a higher power to overcome the resistance of the massive legislative clout of these Chairs. And that’s exactly what happened.
The overwhelming force was the force of the voters in Idaho, organized by the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance. At a recent rally, a thousand pro-Constitutional Carry demonstrators showed up at the Idaho capitol.
This is why groups like GOA and ISAA exist -- it’s to put heat on intransigent legislators.
We are here to remind the representatives of the people that they’re being watched and that they must uphold their oath of office -- or else suffer the consequences.
The loud voice of the grassroots has made a tremendous difference in recent years -- in defeating gun control at the national level and passing Constitutional Carry across the country.
Please continue to stand with Gun Owners of America (http://cqrcengage.com/gunowners/app/thru?ep=AAAAC2Flc0NpcGhlcjAxCkbDLKzOa_ieJxIlzdjJOe 4U21jr04vx38MlvyBy5WmoWewUpohxC4-L0Xc5QTSvxg8wN3X5BdfxKCXdP3K5xcb4JfLRM-96UMCXvuiICujzSmNT4C56VPLDxizcL9rRngLTXnM9fLiPJhfi eVstyQ&lp=0), as we work to repeal even more restrictions on your right to keep and bear arms.
In liberty,
Erich Pratt
Executive Director
Gun Owners of America
P.S. Thank you so much for your continued activism with Gun Owners of America. It’s making a difference. You can see other “Good News” victories from 2015 by clicking here (http://cqrcengage.com/gunowners/app/thru?ep=AAAAC2Flc0NpcGhlcjAxxxKKbHWKHxq37Ea7zsY2TW rmGGBAqibVYUvvHG21O3U5zPsm1ny29hVROnzJpn3J9Og2Vt0y HJX9HnczNBbmMJphbSh4tG-gyKDMMP5daaySPOyho_VpkvFJKG3oFZHZdXFfmZRX-q6FbuTOgMig2g&lp=0).

Yes I will AGAIN be making my voice heard here in Springfield Il this coming Wed April 6 at our IGOLD protest march.

How many other Illinois members here will be joining this OLD man?

03-31-2016, 07:35 PM
Can someone tell me just what this does? Here in Utah you could always open carry but net a permit to conciled carry. So long as your not a criminal. Is this what Constitutional Carry is?

03-31-2016, 08:05 PM
Is this for residents or nonresidents also? I know Vermont is both.

03-31-2016, 09:31 PM
Constitutional carry is the right to carry a concealed weapon without a permit (the governments permission) just like you can open carry.

03-31-2016, 09:43 PM
we had both open and concealed carry before.
you couldn't carry within city limits without a permit.
but could on the other side of the sign.
if you wanted a permit it cost 45 bucks and was a shall issue.
if you wanted reciprocity with other states you took the class and got that permit.
if you wanted to carry concealed in your vehicle all you needed was a hunting license.
these law's apply to citizens of the state.
and nobody much cared nor followed them here anyway.

I take a little personal satisfaction in this new law though.
since we had some umm out of state people move in and incorporate about a 1 mile stretch of highway and some surrounding homes into a little city just outside of town here.
their whole purpose of throwing money around was to keep people from carrying guns through their little utopia.
this fully voids their BS [little smile here]
I don't wanna say what statecalifornia they are from, but I'm sure y'all can guess.

anyway they are the same jerks that took the American flag down from in front of their business and refused to put it back up when asked by the city council.
they lost just about everyone in town as clients but still do just enough business from the highway to barely keep going.
I'm working on getting my buddy from the city to go out there and plow the highway all winter then send their fair city a bill for salt and sand and fuel and time in the spring after it all adds up.

Bad Water Bill
04-01-2016, 08:40 AM
An elderly couple decided to sell off their 240 acres on both sides of a river and return to their family home in Europe.

A BIG city feller bought the place then the trouble really began.

The first thing he did was cut loose all of the fishing boats that were either tied up to the pier or beached ashore allowing all of the boats to flow down stream and over the dam.

A week or so later he realized he was not getting any mail.

15 mile drive to reach the local P O and was told he did not have an appropriate mail box on the highway (the old folks always had a warm lunch waiting when the mailman came by so no box was needed).

He was informed that since it was now mid winter he could not install a proper mail box because the ground was frozen solid BUT the P O still had one X L box available within their office at XXXX per month if he wanted to get any mail.

Guess whos boat went over the dam?

Next his phone was shut off for nonpayment (no mail box so no bill arrived).

Guess whose husbands boat went over the dam?

Then it snowed and the county snow plow dumped ??? feet of snow into his drive way.

He was informed that the plow would do his drive for $20.00 per year BUT that had to be paid by the first of Sept so the county could fund gas money to clean his drive.

You can guess what drivers boat went over the dam.

Yes this is all true as I visited that town for over 50 years and it was a boat that I had driven over 350 miles to give to the phone operators husband so he had a way to put some good muskies on the table for his home.

04-01-2016, 04:35 PM
Thanks, guys, for some very inspiring and beautiful stories. Sometimes, a simple explanation is insufficient, and the haughty just have to have it "busplained" to them in a manner they can understand, and can't deny. Allowing idjits to continue their depredations on decent folk always yields what it has always yielded. ONLY countering them adequately for their level of understanding can hold them and their idiocy in check. Thanks. Very heartwarming!

04-02-2016, 11:15 PM
Those idiots move out of Kali and Kalifornicate wherever they move to.

04-03-2016, 09:32 AM
They move to escape the restrictive laws and then get the same laws passed where they move :killingpc

AK Caster
04-03-2016, 02:26 PM
An elderly couple decided to sell off their 240 acres on both sides of a river and return to their family home in Europe.

A BIG city feller bought the place then the trouble really began.

The first thing he did was cut loose all of the fishing boats that were either tied up to the pier or beached ashore allowing all of the boats to flow down stream and over the dam.

A week or so later he realized he was not getting any mail.

15 mile drive to reach the local P O and was told he did not have an appropriate mail box on the highway (the old folks always had a warm lunch waiting when the mailman came by so no box was needed).

He was informed that since it was now mid winter he could not install a proper mail box because the ground was frozen solid BUT the P O still had one X L box available within their office at XXXX per month if he wanted to get any mail.

Guess whos boat went over the dam?

Next his phone was shut off for nonpayment (no mail box so no bill arrived).

Guess whose husbands boat went over the dam?

Then it snowed and the county snow plow dumped ??? feet of snow into his drive way.

He was informed that the plow would do his drive for $20.00 per year BUT that had to be paid by the first of Sept so the county could fund gas money to clean his drive.

You can guess what drivers boat went over the dam.

Yes this is all true as I visited that town for over 50 years and it was a boat that I had driven over 350 miles to give to the phone operators husband so he had a way to put some good muskies on the table for his home.

What does this have to do with the subject the OP posted about right to carry laws?

04-03-2016, 06:16 PM
UUUH Bill is the o/p.
he was relating a story to me, and to everybody else about how a community can come together to deal with a jerk until they either go be a jerk somewhere lese or decide they are the problem and stop being an ******.

04-03-2016, 07:39 PM
They move to escape the restrictive laws and then get the same laws passed where they move :killingpc

Amen! It's just like when the Atlanta yuppie scum move out to the mountains to "get back to nature," and once there, they miss the malls, shops, and convenience stores, so they go and create EXACTLY what they left to start with! I think if we shot a few, and just tarred and feathered a few of the remainder, maybe the rest would go back and consider themselves lucky? The north Ga. mountains are nothing like what they once were. The shops and fast food places keep some in spendin' money, but it sure has taken a bit out of what these places once could offer, and not much good has come of it, while so much has been lost! But I'm an old swamp rat, and I see things a little differently than most at the outset, so .... YMMV?