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Preacher Jim
03-30-2016, 07:57 AM
many of you are not comfortable writing a prayer but you adding an amen or the word praying adds power to the prayers here and let's the person asking for prayer know you care and are praying for them. I comforts them to know you stand with them in their time of need.
In my first church I asked an old saint to dismiss us in prayer, he did not pray out loud, he simply said, amen and everybody shook hands and left the building. Great prayer one of the members told him.

03-31-2016, 09:33 AM
I agree Jim , Amen's acknowledge and agree with prayer offered by others .

Preacher Jim
04-01-2016, 09:35 PM
I was asked why I posted this three times. The answer is because years ago I was one who would not pray aloud or think of wording a simple prayer. I finally realized that amen was my way of agreeing with the one who did. Those of you who do not want to write be like I was and agree with the prayer. When we stand together in agreement the power of the Holy Spirit is loosed to work to bring about the answer to the prayers and 3 is the number for the trinity.

04-01-2016, 10:19 PM
I remember myself also like Jim not wanting to give prayer in a group or public situation like a funeral , wedding , group or the like . I was too afraid I would mess up . Over time it gets to be second nature to just speak your thoughts to GOD honestly . I have NEVER known of ANYONE saying anything bad about a person giving prayer to the Lord . How could you ?

I don't use big words , some do and thats fine . I speak a prayer like I write one here . Short sentences usually . I try to say each thought separate , my prayer does not flow like many , generally to the point . But heck thats just the way I do it . Everyone is a bit different as it should be . It just ain't hard and there are not enough to give prayer in a public setting . LOL , it's really simple here because you can use spell check (praise the Lord for spell check !) and redo any errors or improvements before you post it . Give it a shot ! I would love to see more posting simple prayer . Remember the weight of a prayer is not the length or words it's the message in it .

04-02-2016, 06:10 AM
Lord please help us in our honoring of you and helping others in prayer . Help us and guide us in our words and conviction to praise and do your work . Thank you Lord . In Jesus name I ask it . Amen

04-02-2016, 06:47 AM
many of you are not comfortable writing a prayer but you adding an amen or the word praying adds power to the prayers here and let's the person asking for prayer know you care and are praying for them. I comforts them to know you stand with them in their time of need.
In my first church I asked an old saint to dismiss us in prayer, he did not pray out loud, he simply said, amen and everybody shook hands and left the building. Great prayer one of the members told him.

First post in the Chapel, And I am reminded of this.

Rom 8:26 And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.

04-02-2016, 07:00 AM
Jim very good points.....verbal and silent prayers are answered. An Amen from another person duplicates the prayer and adds to its power by reinforcing the origional prayer. The important point is that people communicate with God! For those that are not comfortable for penning a prayer I truly understand. It is hard to say verbally what we think. Last night at dinner at a restaurant, we said a blessing and soon after another group said a blessing. But saying blessings is still not as common as I would like....giving God thanks for what he has given us.

Silent praying may eventually lead to verbalizing prayer....like my parents told me .... "If you think it you might as well say it!"

May God bless us all and lead us to minister to our families, friends, and others.....our truly calling is to spread the Word! Amen