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View Full Version : Twenty cylinder-fulls of Mihec .512 525

John in WYO
03-27-2016, 10:17 PM
Nice mould.

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q58/JohninWYO/image.jpg1_zpszjjlg0dd.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/JohninWYO/media/image.jpg1_zpszjjlg0dd.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q58/JohninWYO/image.jpg2_zpsfhhk9gcz.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/JohninWYO/media/image.jpg2_zpsfhhk9gcz.jpg.html)

03-28-2016, 02:21 AM
Good looking boolit there, bet it's a thumper on both ends.

Lloyd Smale
03-28-2016, 08:05 AM
what you shooting it in. I know another John from Wyoming:bigsmyl2:

03-28-2016, 08:47 AM
Must be a .500 Linebaugh soon to set off earthquake detectors! :holysheep

John in WYO
03-28-2016, 09:53 AM
what you shooting it in. I know another John from Wyoming:bigsmyl2:
One of his .500s.
I know him, too.
My avatar is where I turn to his house.8-)
Good to hear from you, Lloyd.

Lloyd Smale
03-28-2016, 11:04 AM
was at his house once about 6 or 7 years ago. One of his best friends Al is my best friend too. Havent made it out there in years. Old age and a bad back makes driving that far pretty tough anymore.

03-28-2016, 11:49 AM
Hey Lloyd, ever explore back extension with nutrients to heal disks? Wife had an accident that bulged disks to press on nerves so she could not walk. I said "no surgery." She went through spine extension and it fixed her right at the start. It was expensive since it was a chiropractor not covered by insurance, called elective. The machine he had was computer controlled and the only time Carol could sleep was in the machine. She could walk out after a treatment. How about one of those Teeter hang up things?

03-28-2016, 02:58 PM
John in Wyo,

I'm going to be in Fremont County next week for a family reunion and shoot-a-thon. Are you in the vicinity of Riverton or Lander?

Nice looking revolver boolits. I load 50 cals too, but only for the 50/70 rifle.

03-28-2016, 03:57 PM
I think he is near Casper.
so by western standards he is near Lander and Riverton since they are pretty much the next 2 city's west of him.
[150 miles or so]

bring your boots and coat.
we got snow for the next couple of day's [4"s last night] which means it's going that direction next.

03-28-2016, 09:03 PM
Ha, ha! Yes, typical weather for Wyoming. Shirt Sleeves to parkas in a few hours.

John in WYO
03-28-2016, 11:33 PM
Yes, by Western standards I am just south east of Casper.
About 160 miles and 2.5 hours.
Been through Riverton and Lander many times in my travels across the State.
Shoot, when we have to go to Jackson it's no big deal. About 8 hours on the road, too.
Really. Not a big deal by Western standards.
I drove 10 hours one way to Rexburg, ID to get a pup a few years back. Second Best decision I made in coyote hunting dogs. The first was in Powell, WY for a pup.

Scharfschuetze, sorry I can't make it to meet you. I'm on-call for the next 7 days at work.

Keep your snow. We had 14" last Wednesday. It's not all gone yet.

03-29-2016, 12:37 AM
Well it was a thought. It's too early for prairie dogs so we'll probably just shoot at the Lander Valley Sportsman's Range near Lander. It gives us about 900 yards of fun on the rifle range and a 50 yard pistol range.

Describing distance in driving hours is the mark of a true Wyomingite.

Lloyd Smale
03-29-2016, 07:32 AM
no. never much believed the the chiropractor thing. They really messed up my buddy. Ive had 3 operations now on my discs and the same ones are starting to go bad again and I'm sure fusion is the next step. The steroid shots do nothing for me anymore. I'm not really ready for fusion yet. Told my wife when I have to crawl to the living room in the morning, then Ill consider it. Right now I can still do about anything I want as long as I'm willing to deal with a bit of pain. But that can be said about most over 50 here that had to work for a living.
Hey Lloyd, ever explore back extension with nutrients to heal disks? Wife had an accident that bulged disks to press on nerves so she could not walk. I said "no surgery." She went through spine extension and it fixed her right at the start. It was expensive since it was a chiropractor not covered by insurance, called elective. The machine he had was computer controlled and the only time Carol could sleep was in the machine. She could walk out after a treatment. How about one of those Teeter hang up things?

03-29-2016, 10:20 AM
no. never much believed the the chiropractor thing. They really messed up my buddy. Ive had 3 operations now on my discs and the same ones are starting to go bad again and I'm sure fusion is the next step. The steroid shots do nothing for me anymore. I'm not really ready for fusion yet. Told my wife when I have to crawl to the living room in the morning, then Ill consider it. Right now I can still do about anything I want as long as I'm willing to deal with a bit of pain. But that can be said about most over 50 here that had to work for a living.
I was hesitant too. Carol was a basket case. But every single person that got injured at work, shoulders and knees most but also backs. Heavy work loading airplanes. None were better after surgery and most were worse and lost their job.
But you have been cut already and I wonder how a disk can be fixed that way? They can heal themselves when pressure is removed and is what the machine did. No cracking or manipulation, just stretch in a controlled manner with nutrients.
It was amazing to see. To see Carol get up and walk and it has never returned to bother her makes me a believer in letting yourself heal.
Same as allergies. I had them all my life, scratched to blood and was told it was eczema. NO, it was being allergic to everything growing. I did not dare go into a timothy field or my eyes would swell shut. I could walk in one door and out the other and if a cat was in the house, I was a wreck
Then years ago I stopped breathing when falling asleep, leap out of bed in sheer panic but Nyquil fixed it. Went to quacks to get all kinds of medicine, nothing worked.
I found an allergy doctor, Found only two things that did not bother me, dogs and mold-mildew. Walnut was a curse. I got shots for 5 years, adjusted in time. After the very first shots I could sleep and it has not returned. You need your body to fix itself.
A friend had asthma bad and went to my doctor for shots. He fixed her. She has been good for years now. Yes, just allergens your body can't fight off. Pollen is here and then gone for another so you can't make immunity fast enough. Short term exposure will not work.
I have a great fear of a doctor with knives or needles. All they see is dollar signs. Last time they tried to feed me all kinds of pills, blood pressure or fats that caused me troubles so I take nothing today. I watch friends dying from pills. Some take handful's but I will be here after they go.

Lloyd Smale
03-29-2016, 11:09 AM
yup I had to chuckle at this ankle replacement I just went through. Total hospital bill (just the hospital) was 85k. I operated on there an stayed ONE night. The surgeon who did the work got 9k for about two hours work. Which I even thought was reasonable compared to that hospital bill. If I didn't have insurance id have to sell everything I own to pay for just one operation. Sure picked the wrong line of work. I chose to be a lineman which is a job that destroys your body and the pay is middle of the road. Should have went to school like ma told me to and operated on lineman for 4500 bucks an hour. But then id would have had to put up with working with yuppies all day long instead of MEN.

03-29-2016, 12:29 PM
Got that right, real men and many times real women too.

03-30-2016, 05:18 PM
Guys I assure you that no Doctor or Hospital gets anything close to what they bill to insurance companies. Insurance companies just won't pay it. They get an agreed upon Fraction of their bills. Why they even bill these ridiculous charges is beyond me. Insurance companies don't care they pay what they want and nothing more. Obama did a great job of negotiating the fees in the Insurance companies favor and telling everyone we could keep our doctors.

What pisses me off is that when I take my wife who doesn't have insurance to a doctor, and pay cash, they all want to charge us what they bill insurance and we have to fight every single bill. They should be charging about 20% less for cash than they actually get paid from insurance simply because there is no paperwork to file and no wait to get paid!

To your point:

I have had back problems for my entire life and a good Chiropractor who only adjusts what is necessary and doesn't just rotely adjust everything from bottom to top every time is what needs to happen. I have been seeing the same guy for 36 years, and I have to go to him about 2-3 times a year. He does "Muscle Testing," which directs him to specific areas and then adjusts them in order to get me going again. I have to drive 75 miles to see him in Tujunga CA and believe me I wouldn't do that if it didn't accomplish the intended goal. He's a Martial Arts Champion and has been for his entire adult life and he is also a survival guy and just returned from Front Sight where I finally, after years of pushing, got him and his wife to go.

It pays to be friends with your doctors!

Everyone's discs get stressed as we get older. Gravity is the main reason, and hard work or accidents are others. My guy recommended an Inversion table for me and my wife the last time we saw him a few weeks ago. I have one to pick up next time I go to Vegas in a week or so.

Lloyd I gotta tell you that trying one out might help you a bunch. I'd find a friend who has one and try it for a few days or a couple of weeks and see if it made a difference before you bought one. (Teeter Hang-Up) That way you could see if it helped or not. It will take a few days to get used to hanging upside down as the blood running to your head will make you think it's going to explode. This passes.

There is a better than even chance it would benefit you some amount even though you have had surgeries. But you won't know until you try and they aren't that expensive especially if you find one second hand. At this stage of the game any benefit is better than no benefit. Being in pain all the time just makes you grumpy. We don't want to be Grumpy now do we?

Also I don't know if you take a hot shower every morning? ,,, but I have to just to get moving. I also do some stretching exercises while in the shower with hot water blowing on my back while bending over and stretching my legs and lower back. If I don't do this I am essentially stiff as board until late morning.

hope some of this helps in some way. I know what it is like to be hurting.


Lloyd Smale
03-30-2016, 05:23 PM
Randy my wife works in billing in our local hospital and said that people without insurance pay more then people with it. She said insurance companys are powerful enough that they can negotiate for cheaper rates.