View Full Version : PC smear, how to remove?

chris in va
03-26-2016, 08:05 PM
I have some powdercoat smear that isn't coming out with Chore Boy. Any common chemicals that will remove it?

03-26-2016, 08:32 PM
I doubt that it is pc smear. And if it was, the brass would drag it out.... Probably leading. But that is my guess. OK, just because I haven't seen it does not mean that it does not exist :) see other Thread your pc is probably not cured enough... Yep soak in acetone won't hurt metal.

03-26-2016, 08:35 PM
http://www.permabond.com/blog/2014/09/11/adhesive-debonding-stronger-adhesives/ One of these? Acetone or Methylene Chloride?.

chris in va
03-27-2016, 04:09 AM
Acetone, thanks. I'll try it.

03-27-2016, 08:56 AM
I had trouble with pc fouling when I tried it . I used harbor freight red , shake and bake on a 45 acp . I got real good coverage that passed the hammer test , and I thought it was the greatest thing since inside plumbing . I had been pan lubing with a cake cutter and lee swirl a lube ( very messy and time consuming ) . I baked me up 3-4 hundred of those little red devils at 400 for 20 minutes . O boy it was going to be nice , so I loaded me up a box and off to try them out . After running 50 through the gun I come home pull the gun barrel and it was covered in grey tire like substance a lot of it . Well I had been using store bought hard undersized bullets so lead cleaning was not new to me . I dropped the barrel in my jar of peroxide and some thing else I forget weather vinegar or alcohol , but it always softened up the lead so I could just wipe it out . But not this gunk wow I scrubbed with every thing I could find brass brush and Every gun cleaning chemical in the house including the wife's name polish remover . When I finally got it cleaned up I ordered a magma lubesizer . I was told possible under cooked but I checked my toaster oven it was right , and at 20 minutes that were well done I could beat them flat with a hammer and pc did not flake off . Shame to I was all about painting some bullets . I don't know what happened may cleaned the bore to clean or with something that stuck to the pc . I'm not knocking pc , I wish I had experienced the joy . One day I'll try again .