View Full Version : The Lamb of God

03-25-2016, 07:48 AM
Today ..... many many years ago the Lamb of God died for us to save us....ponder that and reflect on his ultimate sacrifice for you and me and all believers! AMEN!

03-25-2016, 07:59 AM
Yes…Lamb of God, then…now…he is to return as the 'Lion of the Tribe of Judah'…not much explanation needed there!…AMEN

03-25-2016, 05:15 PM
Thank you for the reminder Paul . He gave us the gift of eternal life with his sacrifice . We can never repay that debt and he still loves us .

03-25-2016, 06:56 PM
Great posts, both, and exactly what I believe. After all the theorizing and arguing about what the Bible's words mean, there's a time when it'll pale in contrast to the question, "What have you done for me?" And I think somewhere within us, we all know the gravity of what Christ did for us, that we might have all that we've known in our lives, and whether we label any particular part of it "good" or "bad," it's still part of OUR life, and at least we've had the opportunity to show that we're not JUST willful and haughty ALL the time. Does he weigh things, the good and bad on a set of scales, and make his decision on the balance thereof? I think not, probably. I think that because that concept negates the simple element of God's Grace, which is really the ONLY means by which any of us CAN be redeemed. I think any conscientious study will reveal that to anyone who seeks for answers about God, what He's like, who He really is, how He operates, and why He does things the way He does them. We all too often look for answers WE can understand, when we know at the outset that our simple ability to understand is VERY limited, and that we can likely never really understand what God and Christ and the Holy Spirit are really like. I think the beginning of wisdom is simply understanding that this is OK, and that we really don't HAVE to understand it all. All we really need, when all is said and done, is simple Faith, and enough humility to accept what we do not, and maybe cannot, really understand. Maybe that's yet another reason that we were admonished to "study to show thyself approved?" It seems to work that way for me, but each of us must find our own particular facet of God's reality through which we can seek to know Him better. And it's in the search that we are edified, and maybe justified, to whatever extent we CAN be justified, in just following what He has left us to ponder.

If anyone here gets it all figured out, PLEASE fill me in. I have a lot more questions than I do answers, and every time I think I've discerned another little glimmer of what Christ did or that God intends for us, I come up with three new questions as a result. Again, maybe this was intended from the beginning to keep us humble? I've found that the more humbly I approach God's and Christ's words, the more clearly they seem to be understandable, as though scales had been removed from my eyes. YMMV. That's just my own experience in this life, and I'm just grateful to have had the wonderful opportunities and challenges that I've had in my time. I had aims and intentions as a young man, but it seems the Lord has something else in mind for me than what I had for myself. I don't think I have to state who won that battle, do I?

And at Easter, and on Good Friday, I think the most appropriate thing any of us can do is be very contritely thankful that the Son of God did what he did so that we humble, willful and mischevious mortals might have a shot at "life more abundantly." If that's not humbling, what could be?

03-26-2016, 09:44 AM
How does it feel Blackwater...to be 'witnessing' to the choir for a change. I've followed your post over there where you have been attacked from every angle, I don't have the 'perseverance' for that any more…sometimes you need to 'backhand' someone across the 'pie hole' to give them an opportunity to really hear you, on a forum that's impossible and all you get is 'drive by posters' firing 'wild shots' at you for the fun of it.
Since our short lifespan here on Earth is but a 'blink-O-the eye' as compared to eternity I think that we are here to witness what sin really is and learn to hate sin as the Father does and have the opportunity to willfully choose Christ Jesus who 'went to prepare a place for us'. Why else would we be left on a planet controlled by an 'X-Angel' so powerful?
Remember Ephesians 6…this knowledge and the fact that God's Grace covers us as a bubble of Armor and protects us from all that as we now await His 'Glorious Return'!

03-26-2016, 10:27 AM
Thank God for Jesus. Most important day in history, by far.

03-26-2016, 10:30 AM
And our Lord and Savior came to offer Himself up for all people, while knowing in His heart, many of those He came to die for would reject Him and turn away.

03-26-2016, 11:30 AM
He still gave all that we may have everlasting redemption even for us sinners.

Preacher Jim
03-26-2016, 03:24 PM
Every time I think about the crucifixion I remember it was my nails, he was paying for my sins.

03-26-2016, 03:27 PM
Thanks for the kind words, OS OK. I went there to see how my perceptions and convictions would stand up, and since the beginning of time, doubters have found all manner of ways to simply take a swat at believers, whatever they post, so my little experiment and challenge to myself hasn't worked out quite like I'd hoped there, but that's pretty typical of all our endeavors here on this side of the Great Veil. I'm just a dumb country boy with a decent education (for a country boy at least) and a pretty good supply of highly varied experiences that have formed my opinions, ideas and views over time. Like good wines, we all mature over time. I just felt it was time to cross swords with some of different perceptions just to see how mine would fare. So far, I've seen no reason to change or modify them, and really, that's kind'a disappointing, really. I don't want to be a teacher. I want to be a student, and LEARN. Not much has been learned there except the reconfirmation of just how willful, petty and malicious some folks can be. But they're not everybody, and there's still a lot of good folks there, many of whom don't seem to contribute a lot because of just what you cite - general attitude that exists there. But then, what's life without a challenge, and did not Christ tell us to go among the unbleievers and at least give them a chance to perceive something more than cynicism and doubt? It's not the pleasurable part of belief, but it's what we're supposed to do - do battle with evil in whatever form we find it, for evil, left to fester and grow, always gets worse. When challenged, its fires grow, but it's size tends to diminish. Ain't it funny how that works? Those who are unconvertable will always holler the loudest and longest, and it's not pleasant, to be sure, but .... well, dying on the cross wasn't pleasant either, so how can we justify doing only the pleasant things when Christ took a totally different approach to our sins? Just makes sense to me. But then, when you really think about it, the entire Bible makes sense, and where it doesn't seem to, it's always due to our misunderstanding of it, or our lack of enough info TO understand it. That's been my own experience anyway.

It's just nice to know that there are still those over there who see things as they really are, and not just as we wish they were. Thanks. It matters to me.

03-27-2016, 11:37 AM
From where I stand…having viewed this Earth/occupants since 1950, I liken the experience to living in a petrie dish…the 'unspoiled areas' grow smaller and smaller as the mould grows continuously and at an ever increasing rate around me. I liken the 'mould' to 'willful sin and ignorance of Gods simple truths and resulting laws'.
Have studied in depth the times before Noah as those times have peaked my interest since 'Academia' has tried to run over anyone that tries to untangle the ooParts and hidden history/forbidden archeology of those times. It was the time of the 'fallen angel', 'Nephilim' and their contribution…'Raphaim', that has always interested me because Jesus said that the end days will be liken to the days of Noah. That prospect used to terrify my imagination until I learned how to live in Gods unpurchaseable 'Grace' and now realize more than ever before that all this 'trouble and unrest' and 'murder and mayhem', that 'growth' in the petrie dish is 'screaming out'…the fact that…Jesus draws near…Praise be to the Holy Father God as his Son returns as the 'Lion of the Tribe of Judah'…we will move on from 'Civilization' as Satan sees it.

03-28-2016, 06:33 AM
I understand how you feel, and feel much the same. The whole world seems to be choosing up sides, and that always precedes some kind of contest - usually violent. It's interesting how I no longer hate or fear dying, but increasingly fear living in sin, dishonor and ineffectualism due to lack of effort on my part. It's tiring sometimes, but what's "tiring" compared to what Christ did on the cross, and all for US, and not Himself? When I consider what He did for me, it kind'a re-motivates me and keeps my perspective more appropriate to whatever lies before me. And the humbler he makes me, the more appreciative I become. Ain't it funny how all that works? And it's all by the wondrous Grace of God. How could we NOT be in awe of Him?

03-28-2016, 05:49 PM
Today ..... many many years ago the Lamb of God died for us to save us....ponder that and reflect on his ultimate sacrifice for you and me and all believers! AMEN!

Technically... it wasn't "Today." It was before the first day of Passover. Which this year is April 22. Easter is just the cultural holiday we use to celebrate as a secular society. ((sorry... I'm a Messianic Jew. Technicalities sometimes urk me, but I'm SUPER grateful we're able to freely worship God's Passover Lamb every single day of the year!))

Praise Jesus. He is worthy of all honor and glory. The differences between the Gregorian calendar and Hebrew Calendar just give us an excuse to give Him honor and glory for His death, burial, and resurrection twice this year!

03-28-2016, 06:58 PM
I have heard of Messianic Jews , they believe Jesus was the Christ , Savior , Messiah don't they ?

03-28-2016, 07:56 PM
davidheart. You are right....I fell into the trap of Good Friday....still, the results were the same....God kept his promise; Jesus made the supreme sacrific; and we, the unworthy received the grace......IMHO.....Paul

03-28-2016, 09:34 PM
Thanks for the info, David. I have little knowledge for the Jewish faith and its particulars, but I've long had a soft spot for them. My Mom was orphaned at 15 in 1932, one of the worst years of the Great Depression, and I know she had to have a very hard time for a while. But in Savannah, a Jewish lawyer and his wife took her in, and cared for her, and he made Mom his secretary, and she was apparently very good at her work. She was so appreciative of what "Mr. Sam" had done for her, and for the great morality and character he displayed, and thus taught her, that I believe that to this day, what she passed on to me is at least partially due to a fine Jewish man of great moral character, and that ain't no small thing these days, or ANY day, for that matter.

For me, it's amazing what we who believe in the God of Abraham, and maybe especially those of us who believe in Christ, can do when we work together on the basis of our commonalities, and forget our more trivial differences. It seems so self-evident that I don't really "get" how so many miss it. Our form of worship and the particulars of our beliefs are really nowhere nearly as important as our simple BELIEF. How so many seem to so consistently divide themselves over the tiniest theological differences seems, at least to me, something God has to settle, not us. Yet, so many, many seem intent on thinking ONLY THEY have the "keys to the real kingdom!" HAR! I wish I could EVER think such a thing! I DO have things that I believe, and like to argue about in hopes of firming them up or modifying them. Untested belief isn't worth a lot, really, is it?

So it'd be a real treat for me and others here if you found reason to post some of your own beliefs. I suspect many of us have little real understanding of your own faith, and I for one would very much like to learn more of it from someone who actually KNOWS what it's all about, rather than someone who heard it from a friend, who heard it from his friend, etc. I think you understand what I mean.

So please consider this an invite to post a thread about messianic Jews. I think a lot of us here would be interested when you have time for it.

03-29-2016, 07:12 AM
davidheart, I agree with Blackwater.....would love to know more....Paul

03-29-2016, 06:37 PM
If we 'Christians' would study our 'scripture' more closely we'd find out that the 'secular' differences we have...have no merit for existence…that's mans doings there!
Heck…people still think that "God helps those that help themselves!"…That is found 'nowhere' in scripture!
It's sad but this is the 'falling away' that was prophesied.


03-29-2016, 07:13 PM
There is not that feeling here in the Chapel . We for the better part don't even know what church the others attend . It works out pretty dang good . It's a place to not worry about differences and concentrate on common ground . Prayer , praise , helping each other and doing good work . There are no rules , we just try and live Christs second commandment .

03-29-2016, 09:42 PM
Excellent point, Boaz. And utterly correct. I haven't seen the least sign of anyone even inquiring about which sect we feel into. And I use that word "fell into" pretty accurately, I think. Mostly, we all come to Christ as a result of whatever sect our parents or friends belonged to, and few change sects, and that's for many reasons. I myself have come to have reason to highly regard Catholic theology and services, but I doubt I'll even leave my little country church. As Mercutio said in "Romeo and Juliet," "'Tis neither deep as a well
nor wide as a church door, but 'tis enough .... 'twill do." And for me at least, that pretty well sums up what I think individual sects are all about - just another path to knowing, and hopefully understanding a little about God and Christ, and what they've done for us all, no matter what sect we came up in. The important part is that we all DO worship Christ, from whom we take our collective name, and all the in-fighting that occurs is all to often due to petty jealousies and the money thing, than all other reasons combined, I think. Churches can't run without money, it's true. Nothing here can. But when it garners more attention than the purpose for which they're built, I kiind'a lose interest rather quickly.

There ARE good reasons for us to argue theology and theological points, of course, but we, I think, were admonished to keep ourselves banded together, and mutuallly supporting each other, and NOT the kind of in-fighting that has marked far too much of our history. And the deniers USE our frailties against us to justify, or try to, their denials. In that way, we sometimes work in the exact REVERSE of what we were commissioned to do by the One who is supposed to be our Leader and Guide. But do we listen and heed? HAR! We're mortal, and willful creatures, and we too often don't get that right. Our answers to theological questions should be for US, and not necessarily someone else. If they have a different view, that should be THEIR and God's business. And NONE of us really KNOWS enough to put someone else's perceptions and beliefs down. I tend to look at such things as being for my own personal edification and beliefs, and am quite content to mark others' perceptions as different, and just try to remember them and allow myself at least the option of changing my mind later, should I find reason to do so. This is yet another reason why I believe the one most significant and important aspect of a Christian's life should be his or her humility. It just keeps us open to further learning, for one thing, and keeps us from being haughty and self-indulgent, or becoming self-satisfied - which is the death, I think, of OPPORTUNITY to learn more. But that's just me and if anyone wants to see it differently, be my guest. This pursuit of Christ is the most personal pursuit we'll ever make in this life, and we each have to do it as best as we know and can learn how to pursue it. And it should be no big surprise, that with all our experiences being so different, one from another, that differences in perceptions are inevitably to arise, especially with some being at different stages of belief on a rather broad continuum of possible positions we find ourselves at in each stage and time in our lives. Learning is just what we're supposed to do, and anything that stands in the way of that is limiting, and how can anyone want to limit our understanding of so wondrous and significant a thing as our understanding of our Lord? Yeah, we can be counter-productive in our efforts at times, but weren't we admonished to keep learning? If we do, one of the things that I at least have learned several times along my own personal journey, is that I don't know nearly enough to discount the experiences and perceptions of others. Sometimes, it's taken a while to re-learn that when I needed to, but ... well, what's a dumb country boy like me got to do but constantly redirect his path from time to time? This is a "learn as you go" thing, this pursuit of understanding of our Lord, and all that He has done for us. And our ability to understand scripture, too, is so often so limited. I know now, when I read some verses, I just have to smile when I realize how many levels of messages there are in a single verse, and how differently it may apply from one situation to another. It's awfully humbling, and again, it's that humility that enables us to keep learning, even sometimes when we might not be too keen on it, in spite of ourselves.

Like I said, if anyone gets it all figured out, PLEASE explain it to me! For now, I have the tools I have to work with, as best as I can figure out how to use them, and a lot can at least sometimes be accomplished with them. But I don't kid myself that I have ALL the tools that I sometimes need. Like the carpenter or machinist, that's when we have to improvise, and figure out how to use what we DO have to get the job that needs doing, done. And none of us has ALL the tools we need, but we DO have more to work with than we usually think, I believe. We all too often just don't use them, or don't sometimes use them as wisely as we probably could with a little more thought about the task to be done. Again, what a humbling thing! But that doesn't excuse us from not trying more than we usually do. And mostly, we just need to consider HOW to use what we have to get good things happening more often.

Yeah, I know this is wordy, and a bit complex and involved, but .... it's just what I find myself having to offer here, in hopes it might prove to be of some small use to someone at some point. Like I said, we all learn slowly and progressively, and I've learned valuable things from some of the strangest places and people, that it's almost startling looking back on them. Wisdom is often found in the most unlikely places, and most often, all of us simply don't notice it, and we don't because we're so caught up in what's going on in our lives, and we just don't take the time to simply consider the common things in our lives. But when we do, whole new worlds of perception sometimes open up to us. This is why I love the river and woods so much. It's just a good time and place to simply think about all the little things around us, that we so often miss. There's much we can learn from doing that, if we just let it sink in, instead of batting it away because we're so busy. Young men have a young man's concerns, and we older ones have ours, and with the end of our lives being consciously nearer, we just tend to think about the more serious things in life a little more thoroughly and seriously. I guess that's the real origin of that old saw about "Too soon old, too late smart?"

And OS OK, you sound like someone I'd really like to sit with and talk to. You've obviously done some serious and clear thinking in your time. It's hard to find folks like that today, and you express yourself very well, too. Maybe one day we could do that. As I told an 80+ year old friend recently, it's hard to find folks who want to talk about the serious things in life, and who can and will do so with civility and edification as the thrust of the conversation. But I could say that about a number of folks here, too. Would that we might have such an opportunity one day!

03-29-2016, 10:10 PM
I understand we all have questions but talking theology here is wrong . There is not a need to drive people away . The pit is the place for that . It will come to hard feelings here.

03-29-2016, 11:35 PM
Mr. Blackwater…thank you for the kind words.
Somewhere around my 40+'th birthday I stopped and rededicated my life to Christ Jesus and made an effort to understand the history of the scriptures in themselves, how they came about…why are there so many different versions of the 'Holy Bible'…try to understand how and why some scripture was not complete, why some books were not included, ie. 'the Book of Enoch', which explains the Fallen Angels (Nephilim) & the Rephaim (giants) and that time at and before Noah...why not include it in the 'official Canon' of scripture, especially since it has been quoted from in our Bible?
It took the last 26 years of prayer to God to give me 'discernment' and to open my eyes and heart to the truth in this world. That lead to other truths that were revealed and it has snowballed since. It is a rough thing to swallow these things that 'rock' your 'perceived' understanding of the world around you.
Our scripture is 28% prophecy and almost all of it has come to fruition except that of Daniel and 'the End Days' and our 'Blessed Hope' in Christ's return. To realize that of all the prophecy that has been fulfilled, has been fulfilled 100% accurately and without exception...If that fact alone doesn't make one more firm in their convictions then I don't know what can! Just to understand these few things made it a "Deal Sealer" and I have always had to understand or figure out life's events in the light of scripture…as there are 'no other explanations' that bear the truth complete. It has been by the 'dirty little hands of man' inspired by Satan himself that we have such confusion and half truths in our lives. Our Churches today are all described in detail in the 'Letters to the Seven Churches' as penned by the last surviving Apostle John in the Revelation account. Our pulpits compromised, the Body of Christ weakened within his very house…every detail described then in 95 AD coming to complete fruition today. Nobody wants to hear these things…we pick and choose the scriptures we want to live by and make some up…our fellow Christians go to Church on Sunday to be 'entertained' and to take their 'cleansing Sunday shower' and then go out and live like 'hell' the rest of the week. These are not comforting things to realize and nobody wants to hear it. Our Nation has turn its back on God, removed crosses and scripture from public spaces, we are prideful and haughty, our customs are blasphemous and we murder millions of unborn children every year as if to be 'sacrificed' at the foot of 'Satans throne'. Every time Israel turned its back on God they were 'warred on by conquering nations around them and taken into captivity' for hundreds of years until they once again sought Gods forgiveness and returned to his 'Grace'. Our Nation is no exception to the rules, we are next. These days we are living have been prophesied and the whole story is there for anyone who endeavors to understand and I am good with that even though I pray for a different outcome…I'm good to go with Gods plan.
Yeah…I too enjoy chewing the scriptures and would welcome a long chat with you too.


03-30-2016, 08:52 AM
OSOK, your thoughts are very close to mine. Good post.

03-30-2016, 12:23 PM
Confusion is a very simple concept that may be injected into 'any' given endeavor to change or divert the outcome.
In science and Academia in general…we build our theories with evidence at hand and when we come to 'voids' we bridge them with 'assumptions'. Together they lead to 'hypothesis' and become the building blocks for higher investigation…then 'white papers' are published for the consumption of the 'gods of academia' and then it becomes the 'laws' that govern their thinking. This concept is akin to building 'foundations' out of 'big stones' set in place on 'rubble'. Eventually something comes loose and the entire structure is threatened. This is not to say that everything we have discovered is of this nature…some science is rock solid…at the same time and from time to time, they, 'academia' make profound steps of discovery that force them to 'back up' and rewrite their paths of discovery…remove the 'rubble assumptions' in their foundations. In the mean time 'academians' 'poo-poo' attempts of other scientist/archeologist/(fill in the blank)…who are of a differing opinion and go out of their way to 'discredit' anyone who disagrees with their premises.
Theologians are not immune to this process.
Now all you have to do is throw in a very powerful 'third party' who does not want mankind to succeed in Gods plan and you have all the 'trimmings and trappings' of modern civilization. War and rumors of war since 'creation' only to a higher degree of technical innovation in 'mass murder' of every species…Oh, did I mention anywhere…"Nobody wants to hear this!"
In my limited view, this confusion is like trying to climb a tall Redwood Tree by going out every limb on the way up and 'assuming' that you are going to find a 'shortcut' to the top.
By my not being influenced by the 'academian' methodology, and 'in search of' the truth, I have been forced to leave all the 'unknowns' and 'uncertainties' out on the table each time I get to a point where I want to have certainty. "If it don't fit…you must acquit!" Akin to putting a picture puzzle together…you cannot force the pieces into places where they don't fit…hence the leaving them on the table for further consideration at another day. This is superior reasoning rather than 'backing up' from time to time to rebuild the foundation…
I could go on for a long and uninteresting time about this…the 'bottom line' for me is 'don't build knowledge with bravo sierra', BS.

03-30-2016, 03:47 PM
WOW! I think your posts are the most powerful and accurate synopsis of modern life and why things are what they are now that I've ever seen here on this board or anywhere else. You, sir, have managed to say EVERYTHING one might want to know in a very short, simple and very pointed and accurate manner about why our modern world and life and our country is as it is today. You are one very eloquent and sincerely studied man, and I'd dearly love to talk with you, though I suspect most of what we'd do is likely shake our heads in affirmation of each other until we got to the finer points, and then it'd get instructive and interesting. I can only hope we'd have the chance to do that one day.

03-30-2016, 04:41 PM
Thanks B…don't give too much credit as I'm just a simple man with no original revelations to reveal, only observations from where I stand…just have been successful in keeping my 'pie hole' shut when someone else has the floor…'learned that trick in the Marines'.