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View Full Version : DIY Camo Dip Kits

03-21-2016, 03:10 PM
Has anyone messed around with these camo dipping kits?


03-21-2016, 06:29 PM
Looks expensive and dangerous to use. Where's the safety data sheet on the materials, they don't list it?

Dancing Bear
03-21-2016, 06:39 PM
First post hawking a business?

10-04-2016, 04:11 PM
I got one of their $59 starter kits and it worked great. Did 2 pistols and still had some left over...

10-05-2016, 08:09 AM
I gave up camo on stuff long ago. Unless ducks, geese or Turkey I don't bother.
I used to use a face net until I needed glasses and found I did not need it for deer either and they have never been spooked by my stainless guns. What is it with a camo arrow???
I have worn snow camo when all the leaves are on and found it best with deer crossing a field and walking under me. Blaze orange is as good as it gets too.
Noise cocking the gun, snapping off a safety or motion is more important.

10-05-2016, 08:36 AM
It is amazing what animals will ignore as long as it doesn't move upright or make a lot of noise.
When I was trying to get close pictures, I would sometimes get down on my hands and knees and kind of crawl towards deer and they would mostly ignore me. When I straightened up to take the picture, they would bolt.
I used the same technique on squirrels. They would come over to me to find out what I was.

10-05-2016, 10:00 AM
We human animals are fooled by it. In hunting situations you want to be easily seen by other hunters and hikers. Camouflaged equipment is no problem as long as clothing is noticeable. For those times when you do want to conceal yourself from other humans then camo clothing along with camouflaged equipment is the way to go. Catching poachers comes to mind. Just watch where you lay your camouflaged equipment on the ground as it can be difficult to find in leaves.


10-05-2016, 10:23 AM
You want to camodip bullets?

10-05-2016, 10:28 AM
Yes, the human eye is fooled. But gun season needs you to be seen.
I was ML hunting on state land in Ohio long ago, early season. A black man had a deer hide over him to get close to deer. He was seen and a warning went out. I don't know why someone did not shoot him.
The best was also in Ohio when blacks made a circle around a rabbit. They closed the circle until they were shooting at each other. I watched from a high point.
Sound shots are another thing.

10-05-2016, 03:07 PM
Sometimes it's good to use camo to hide from the chattering squirrels, screeching blue jays and other critters that will give away your position to the deer.

10-05-2016, 08:10 PM
Deer pay no attention to other critters or if you break branches from your tree that are in the way. They hear those sounds all day and night.
Most camo is way too dark too. Deer can't see the sticks on your camo or a leaf. They see a big, dark BLOB where it should not be. They know every stick, branch and stump where they live.

10-05-2016, 08:22 PM
They know every stick, branch and stump where they live.

My dad told me stories about hunting with his daddy, many moons ago. Gramps hunted wearing a plaid Woolrich jacket and his pipe was always lit. Very seldom did he return empty handed. The old man said when humans enter the woods, they're walking through the deer's bedroom. You better believe they'll notice something different, you would too if someone planted a tree in your bedroom. Color and smell mean a lot less than profile and movement. Once I started applying these lessons, I became a much more successful hunter.

10-06-2016, 08:50 AM
I found long ago it is better to blend with the sky then a tree. My camo is always light and I like an old brand I can't remember the name of. I have several patterns and one is snow camo. ASAT is good stuff too.
I jumped a doe from a bed long ago at 10' with a white "T" shirt on while checking for acorns before work. I stamped my feet at her and she came back to bed. Just act like a deer. The foot stamp is a recognition signal. Never freeze up. You have to move like a deer. I have been in the middle of a feeding herd many times. Once a youngster was running around, playing and stopped right next to me, I could have reached out and petted him. In gun season it was always orange and they just can't see it.
I walk the yard with my little dog on a leash and deer have come right up to us, they are not bothered by my dog either, she sits and watches them, never barks.
Fox and deer get along fine and even play. Fox urine has pulled in bucks. They hate a skunk like nothing else. Years and years of playing with and observing deer, their actions and how they relate to each other and me has been a wonder.
Deer can't keep track of each other so when they walk near dark, all the front deer have the tail up, wagging side to side like bowling pins but the last deer has the tail down.
I found if you bust a herd, stay put because they lose each other and most come back to pick up scent of the leader.
If you track in snow with other hunters in the woods, when you get to a clearing, stop and wait. Deer will run into a hunter and come back on the same trail. I can't count how many I have tracked down and shot. I have seen a deer in the thick at 100 yards and made her come to me and my freezer.

09-18-2017, 01:40 PM
We have used a few kits with very good results....

09-18-2017, 02:36 PM
Mostly useful for marketing stuff for nubbies