View Full Version : I Would Like To Say Thank You

03-20-2016, 07:45 AM
I Would Like To Say Thank You
This last week on this forum has been an amazing revelation to me . Our friend and brother in Christ Hickok lost his son tragically and unexpectedly . I watched the members of this forum rally with love and concern to provide relief and support for Hickok and his family. It was a blessing to me to witness and be involved in the out pouring of care in his time of trial . I was overwhelmed with the volume of incoming pm's requesting to donate or seeking information on how to help . You folks nearly wore me out using my keyboard and I thank you for it .

An event like this doesn't happen every day on the internet , but it did here . The good in people is still there, this forum is a testimonial and proof of that . Our Lord has shown himself to us this week , he is with us .
Thank you

03-20-2016, 01:47 PM
Well, Boaz, it wouldn't have happened at all if Hickock hadn't let you know, and you hadn't let us know, and if we didn't have this segment of the site to post on (Thanks, No. 1!), so it takes a lot for things like this to happen, and your work here is far from the least of it, too. So thanks to you and Hickock for just letting us know, and to No. 1 for giving us this place where it could happen. Nothing ever happens for a single reason, but for a convergence of a number of reasons and factors. Life will always (and HAS always) presented us with all manner of trials and challenges. These are the things that ultimately change and shape us according to how we deal with them.

Having associations like the folks who frequent this place is more valuable than any cynical "modern" will ever give it credit for. It's sad that more won't open their eyes and hearts and simply realize the very real value and power of prayer, but that's their issue to work out, or not, as they choose. Ultimately, everything in life is between each individual and his God, and while we try to be as good an influence as we know how to be, it's always still up to them, and them alone what they do with it all. God made it that way, so I know it's how it has to be. He understands far more than we ever will, that Trust and Faith in Him seems to be a real no-brainer, but again, many choose otherwise.

Thanks for what you do here, Boaz. It's important and it matters. Ain't it funny how what people are on the inside still comes out, even in this etherous electronic realm?

03-20-2016, 01:58 PM
"we...have this segment of the site to post on (Thanks, No. 1!)"

"So thanks to you and Hickock for just letting us know, and to No. 1 for giving us this place where it could happen."

"Thanks for what you do here, Boaz. It's important and it matters."

Yes, yes, and yes. Completely agree.

03-20-2016, 02:30 PM
A slight thread drift...Would the 3 of you support a daily Prayer Thread for our Great Country? All would be welcome to Pray and ,Goodness knows, our Country needs God's Help right now...

We could put it in "Our Chapel" or ...maybe No1 could add another sub- forum just for this.....Thoughts Gentlemen?

Preacher Jim
03-20-2016, 05:17 PM
Castalott, you are welcome to post a daily prayer thread here for our country. It will be the fervent prayers of believers that will heal this land, politics won't but God can.
Post your prayers.

03-20-2016, 08:32 PM
I am so blessed to have a forum like this that I can bring my prayer requests and concerns to and know that I have like minded Brethren here to lift up each other and pour their hearts out to GOD. I want to say that I really love and appreciate all of you for being there when the call comes, Thank you for supporting Bother Hickok and his family in time of need!