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View Full Version : I Would Like To Say Thank You

03-20-2016, 07:04 AM
I Would Like To Say Thank You
This last week on this forum has been an amazing revelation to me . Our friend and brother in Christ Hickok lost his son tragically and unexpectedly . I watched the members of this forum rally with love and concern to provide relief and support for Hickok and his family. It was a blessing to me to witness and be involved in the out pouring of care in his time of trial . I was overwhelmed with the volume of incoming pm's requesting to donate or seeking information on how to help . You folks nearly wore me out using my keyboard and I thank you for it .

An event like this doesn't happen every day on the internet , but it did here . The good in people is still there, this forum is a testimonial and proof of that . Our Lord has shown himself to us this week , he is with us .
Thank you

03-21-2016, 10:18 PM
I second the praise of this forum and it's members.

It's rare for such a big group of people from countries all over the world to not only talk about their hobbies but to actually care about their "pals" on the forum and do whatever they can to help.

I hope that never changes!

03-21-2016, 10:26 PM
Thank YOU, boaz, for being the shepherd in this great cause. You have been incredibly diligent and committed to helping our brother. I know you didn't do it for praise, but you are to be commended for your sacrifice of time and effort to help one of ours in need. I am inspired!