View Full Version : Alloy weights??

03-19-2016, 10:15 PM
I finally found the Lyman 61 I have been looking for today but I had to buy some alloy to get it. The guy I bought it from said that 1/2 of it was Lyman alloy and 1/2 of it was Cerrosafe. The stuff he pointed to as Cerrosafe was printers type so I assume that it is not Cerrosafe but probably Linotype. Since he was not asking Cerrosafe prices I decided to take a chance. When I got it home I found a Lyman mold in one of the boxes so I am pretty sure that the ingots are not from Lyman. I was weighing the boxes and even though the ingots are pretty much full, 64 of them only weighed out at about 50 pounds. I thought the ingots were supposed to be about 1 pound each.

So here is my question. Is there a significant weight difference between different alloys? Could the ingots be what he thought might be Cerrosafe? Sounds like it was his father in laws stuff and he really didn't know much about it. I am going to see if I can find someplace local to have it tested but thought I would ask about the weight while I looked.

03-19-2016, 11:02 PM
http://www.lasc.us/CastBulletNotes.htm this may be helpfull

03-19-2016, 11:45 PM
As day & night, depending on the Sn/Sb content.