View Full Version : fluxing with bees wax with some honey still intrapped

03-17-2016, 04:36 AM
So, I know there are some Beekeepers here. I have a couple of hives and have some wax from crush extracting. Too small an operation for an extractor.

Can I use this wax that has some honey in it for final fluxing in my bottom pour pot.

Honey has moisture in it. Tinsel fairy time?

It also has sugars that would presumably produce carbon.

Or, do I need to wash, heat and clean it of honey?

Just trying to be lazy and skip some steps.

Thanks, Tim.

03-17-2016, 07:32 AM
Well honey contains water and flux should be stirred into the melt which means at least some of the flux would be under the surface which is a very bad idea with moisture and molten lead. Clean it up or use it for candles but don't use it as flux.

My two cents.

Jerry Liles

Ballistics in Scotland
03-17-2016, 08:18 AM
It is easy to solve this problem. Just melt the wax in water (not necessarily boiling) and stir. This will dissolve the sugar etc. and mix with any water in it. Then let it cool and lift the cake of purified wax off the top.

country gent
03-17-2016, 10:47 AM
You could use this as is by setting it on top of the melt and letting melt and sit for a min or 2 allowing water to steam off, dosnt take long at 700* temp. Water boils at 212 and vapors around 230*-240*. Dont allow it below the surface or work it till water has cooked off. Warming a spoon or ladle and melting into it the floating this on top of melt to start will get the water out and then can be fluxed with it

Wayne R. Scott
03-17-2016, 11:31 AM
I would set the wax out near the hives and after a warm day or two there will be no honey on the wax. The bees will clean it up and leave the wax.

03-17-2016, 12:32 PM
Sounds like good advice. Again, I was just trying to be lazy.

The bee cleaning method does sound like a good idea too, as my girls are just now getting out and there is not a lot of forage out yet. Any honey fouled stuff I have left out for cleaning in the past, was left well away from the hive to discourage robbing though.

03-17-2016, 03:38 PM
The bees will clean it up and leave the wax.
That's clever: Put them lazy sons'o'bees to work for ya!

03-17-2016, 10:46 PM
if I want a small amount of very clean bees wax.fist I soak it in water for a few days then let it dry a bit.i use a ball canning funnel put a coffee filter in it on top pint or quart jar.put this in the oven at about 150 to 175.This works well for making thing like lip balm and such. for fluxing down and dirty just melt in a double boiler honey and all or after the water soak.pour into a container and pop out the piece of wax.then wash off the honey.a little dirt in the wax wont hurt for fluxing.

03-17-2016, 11:00 PM
I just buy my clean, honey-free, moisture-free wax and save all that time. But do what you must.
Just watch out for entrained moisture! And the fairey.

03-18-2016, 12:30 AM
I melt all my bees wax and form cakes with it for lubes and fluxing its not a big deal to me plus I love the smell of bees wax lol. I rarely use lube anymore since I found powder coating but still have wax around for fluxing. If you let the wax melt and steam off any water before trying to stir the pot you will be fine just be aware you must wait even a cold spoon will surprise you.

03-18-2016, 09:41 PM
Or, y'all could do like I do and just use sawdust/wood shavings to flux with. No stinky black smudgy smoke to deal with, just a little wood smoke!

03-19-2016, 01:25 AM
Or, y'all could do like I do and just use sawdust/wood shavings to flux with. No stinky black smudgy smoke to deal with, just a little wood smoke!

That is good advice.........for re-melting COWW's and range lead. But NOT in a casting pot. If you make your ingots right (3x flux) they will be 100% clean and you do not need any flux.....only reduce (with beeswax) the Sn back in. Beeswax is not black, smudgy or dirty. It puts off a white very sweet smelling smoke and leave no chunks of burnt sawdust to get down in your pour spigot and plug it up. Try it you will like it!

03-19-2016, 09:13 AM
Throw a small piece on top the melt ,it will melt right quick, give it a second and then light it -poof water all gone then stir the everlivin' love out of it,
I only refine for lube ( and then make a special flux out of the slum gum scraped off the bottom of the wax cake ,the wax then gets melted again and filtered but ...that's another topic lolz

03-19-2016, 10:39 AM
I did the a few months ago, never thought the tinsel fairy would be near. My knees are a bit week now.
All I did was toss a few thumb size pieces of the unrefined bees wax into the smelt, let it melt then stir. I had no problems, a little fishy smell figured that was the honey burning off.
I to was lazy. Mom gave me a massive chunk of bees wax from her neighbor I cleaned most up with a slow melt and pouring through a strainer I made from a wire hoop and shower curtain. What was in the bottom of the bag and dirtier chunks I was to save for fluxing. Never hurts to ask!!!
Be well

03-20-2016, 08:54 AM
I use Bee's wax in my smelting and casting from my hives.
I will toss in a whole used sheet from a hive that I have reframed for various reasons.
Then pour in the W/W on top of it and fire up the burner.
This clean up the melt.Then it is poured into pruff pans .
These pans cool and get dumped and stacked.
When I cast with the rcbs pro melt I add a small piece of bee wax I have previously smelted int a cake.
Sometimes it catches fire if you are on second block of lead into the pot.
Never had a problem other than a little smoke for a short time,I consider as part of the process.
I usually run a five gallon bucket at a time,but there are times I run lots more.
I did most of this years need last month.

03-20-2016, 07:48 PM
That is good advice.........for re-melting COWW's and range lead. But NOT in a casting pot. If you make your ingots right (3x flux) they will be 100% clean and you do not need any flux.....only reduce (with beeswax) the Sn back in. Beeswax is not black, smudgy or dirty. It puts off a white very sweet smelling smoke and leave no chunks of burnt sawdust to get down in your pour spigot and plug it up. Try it you will like it!

Well, you got me thinkin' 'bout that.......and even though it was only 44*F out in the casting shed, I bravely went forth (in the name of science) and cast up about 300 158's for the 38 Spl., using pure beeswax as a reduction agent. BJ, you were spot-on! Just a little sweet smelling white smoke and a really clean pot! I'm hooked!

03-20-2016, 07:58 PM
Beeswax is a reductant not a flux. If your alloy is clean all you need is a reductant to blend things together. The added carbon on the honey is a true flux....if the tensile fairy does not visit ( by stirring it below the mix) you are golden

03-20-2016, 08:18 PM
Well, you got me thinkin' 'bout that.......and even though it was only 44*F out in the casting shed, I bravely went forth (in the name of science) and cast up about 300 158's for the 38 Spl., using pure beeswax as a reduction agent. BJ, you were spot-on! Just a little sweet smelling white smoke and a really clean pot! I'm hooked!

"Hear me now........and believe me later!" HA.......ha~

Works great! Been doing it for years with great success.

I love the smell of burning beeswax in the afternoon! :razz:


03-21-2016, 10:03 AM
Why not just buy from randyrat he sells a good product