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03-15-2016, 09:37 AM
God Bless all of you!!

Our numbers are getting fewer, daily.
You may have served in Combat or in non-combat.
You may have retired out or you may have served for a short time.
You may have been a draftee or a volunteer.
You may have served in the Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or the Merchant Marines,

BUT YOU SERVED. YOU DID YOUR JOB HONORABLY and for that I am PROUD to call you Brother.

You may have served during Korea, WWII,. Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Iraq or Afghanistan, But you served, you did not run.
You have a DD 214 with those words "HONORABLY DISCHARGED" two of the most noble words in the world.
Again I am proud to know each and every one of you.

* Today is Band of Brothers' Day* ; send this to all your brothers, fathers, sons and fellow veterans you know. Happy Brothers' Day!

To the cool men that have touched my life: Here's to you!! I was never a hero, but I am thankful and proud to have served among them.

A real Brother walks with you when the rest of the world walks on you.

Send to all your Band of Brothers, because the fake ones won't.


03-15-2016, 09:42 AM

03-15-2016, 10:05 AM
Right back at you, all of you. I could not find a more current one but this 2014 chart shows the percentage of the US population that wrote that blank check to Uncle Sam.


03-15-2016, 11:22 AM
thank you for you post, today it is seen by many to have served that you are less than illegals, those who sit home and get money instead of working.
My time was interesting and left its mark with me and on me, do I regret having done it, no as I have a long list of ancestors that served all the way from when this Nation was being formed down to when I served. I wish the draft still existed many of our young people would have much better understanding of what freedom is and what it costs.

scarry scarney
03-15-2016, 11:59 AM
A Vet & Gulf War Vet here, Back at you.
100% Service Connected Disabled.
Some gave all, all gave some.
May God Bless all Vets, especially today.

03-15-2016, 03:14 PM
Had an appointment at the VA clinic in Columbus, Ohio yesterday. Invited one of my brothers, a non-vet retired PhD Pharmacist, to join me to see the pharmacy in action. I think he was impressed. I'm always quite comfortable there, surrounded by those who have served, no matter what they look like today.

Of our parents 7 kids, 5 served in the military in some capacity, and one other works for the DoD.

03-15-2016, 06:38 PM
I was around for the time when people in uniform were spit on and called all manner of nasty things. A hard and turbulent time in our country's history. I don't regret serving though and I believe in the lottery draft because I believe it's the reasonability of everyone to protect the Republic and be willing to be called upon in times of both war and peace. I believe it may help some younger people to "mature" a bit and quit taking the things we have here for granted.

03-15-2016, 07:04 PM
I remember standing at attention and having garbage thrown, being spit on and called baby killers fun times when the media decided to create the news instead of reporting it.

deep creek
03-15-2016, 10:37 PM
wonder how fast those illegals would head home if they were looking at two to three years in the infantry when they got caught??

03-15-2016, 11:02 PM
Ha Ha wouldn't that be interesting and we should let them go back where they came from also

03-16-2016, 06:06 AM
I have a knit shirt that proclaims:
I don't have a PhD,
But I do have a DD-214

Actually, I have 3, I think...

03-17-2016, 09:23 AM
wonder how fast those illegals would head home if they were looking at two to three years in the infantry when they got caught??

Yeh, but is that who you want watching your 6?
I have run into several folks over the years who came here from other countries on visa's who were drafted and served with honor. Serving was also a passport to citizenship at one time. What better way to prove your loyalty and patriotism.


03-17-2016, 10:33 PM
Thank you for your blessings. I'm 73 was in during Nam. My wife and shake hands and thank all the vets we see with a t-shirt or cap on about their service. We do spend a little more time with the WWII vets, we haven't much time left to thank them, we notice fewer each year, I hope that none go to the grave unnoticed and unappreciated.
Ole Jack

03-18-2016, 12:00 AM
One of the men in my company in boot camp at Great Lakes Naval Training Station was from Canada and the only way he could get citizenship was to enlist and serve his adopted country. And yes I'm another one who feels we should re-instate the draft. The younger people today have no idea of duty, honor and country and I see this when the Flag is displayed and the either sit around talking or otherwise do not show respect. I've seen this when my daughters graduated from high school and college. And although I have served and have a DD-214N wish to thank all my brothers and sisters who served. Band of Brothers indeed. Frank

03-18-2016, 10:05 AM
Sorry I didn't see this sooner, thank you brothers!

03-18-2016, 12:23 PM
"If you want to see the youth of this country become responsible young adults…Require them 'legally' to attend 'Boot Camp' of their choice in the summer of the year they graduate from High School or when they 'drop out'.
At 'boot graduation' it is their choice then to stay put or to attend college that fall. Kids today think they deserve 'respect' just because they are able to walk 'upright'…tain't so.
During Viet Namn we had kids that were either going to jail or going into the USMC…the Judge gave them that choice…I think that was a wise move on the Judges part.

Thanks for the post…'Semper Fi…OS OK'

03-18-2016, 05:52 PM
The comment about the abolition of the draft is more significant than I think it usually gets credit for being. Now that nobody has a stake in the military UNLESS they VOLUNTEER for it, the less the military is respected and paid attention to. Some of Hillary's recent comments are a testament to this, I think.