View Full Version : John Howard,X aussie PM.

03-14-2016, 06:07 AM
In your country now,our x prime minister John Howard for gun control.Aka Flack Jacket Johnny.
Turned up at a speech in a flack jacket and surrounded by goons (ASIO/Federal police)
In you country giving lectures how his gun control works.

03-14-2016, 09:25 AM
Saw him being interviewed on CBS news show yesterday. Gun control has eliminated mass shootings in Australia, or so it seems, and suicide by gun is down 60%, (but he didn't say anything about if the suicide rate was actually lower now, I expect the actual rate is the same,)

Doc Highwall
03-14-2016, 12:33 PM
It may have eliminated mass shootings, but how about mass killings? What are the real stats like concerning robbery and assault along with breaking and entering?

It is never a free lunch there is a loss somewhere.

03-16-2016, 07:10 PM
You never hear the full truth from them, the media play it how ever they want. There has not been any mass shootings since port arthur, but even if they didn't take the semi-auto rifles, there may never have been again anyway. The criminals still get guns, bikies use them on the streets. Then again, what do they class as a mass shooting? 5, 10, 20, 30? More people die on the roads than by guns here. Little Johnny wanted to be known for something, he is known for taking the guns and giving us a GST.

You never hear REAL stats of how many licensed gun owners go out and shoot people, as you don't hear about it, i bet NONE do, so all the firearm related crime is committed by criminals, not legal firearm owners. Yet punish the law abiding citizens, what choice do we have?