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03-10-2016, 01:20 AM
When I was a young lad there was a bookshelf just inside the front door where we lived in the suburbs of Los Angeles. My parents weren't great readers so there weren't many books. But there was one that stood out and I never understood why it was there as it always seemed out of place and nobody would answer my questions (!).

Ithaca High School 1942 (New York). Note lower left photo. Arrow pointing to young student.


Third fellow from left.... A little study in aircraft of some sort.


The young man from Ithaca High School two years later. He was my mother's high school sweetheart and her first husband.



He was in the Pacific theater flying B-17. He survived the war but didn't survive my mother:-).
He retired USAF as colonel.

The book on the bookshelf?

ie=UTF8&qid=1457586818&sr=8-4&keywords=god+is+my+copilot (http://www.amazon.com/God-My-Co-Pilot-Scott-Robert/dp/B001AE37T6/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1457586818&sr=8-4&keywords=god+is+my+copilot)

03-10-2016, 03:56 PM
Thanks again for a great story and great photos that mean something. Just look into his eyes and you can see the character, resolve, good will and indomitability in his eyes and his expression. I believe things would be different if we were more like those folks today. We're just not, or at least many us us aren't any more. Those were folks you could really count on. And they held the upper hand, and used it deftly when possible, strongly when necessary, and gently when dealing with those in need. What a great set of people! If we ever see their like again, generally, I'll be surprised.

And have you ever given thought to how they went through the liberal, "do it if it feels good" "roaring 20's," only to run right into the Great Depression in '29 and for the next whole decade, but changed their ways by simply acknowledging their mistakes, and manning up to set things aright? Thanks to your Dad for what he and so many, many others did in that war. My father was a Marine on aircraft carriers for much of WWII in the Pacific campaign, so he and your dad may well have met somewhere along the line. I suspect they'd have liked each other very much.

03-11-2016, 08:32 PM
Good story, Dutchman. And a fine looking airman as well. That generation was something, almost all gone now, sadly. Thanks for sharing that.

03-11-2016, 09:57 PM
Back when men were gentlemen and someone's word meant something.

Quite the captivating thread. Thank you.