View Full Version : Help with a lube recipe

05-03-2008, 07:08 AM
This is for a friend. So bear with me. He is using "Lee Shavers" original first batch of moly lube. The new and improved doesn't seem to work or group as well as the first.
Just wondering if any of you long range fellows have a "clone" recipe for the above mentione first batch? Thos of you who have used the Shaver lube, does it seperate on you when putting it in the lube sizer?
The bit of it I saw last night had seperated pretty bad. Oily thins stuff in the sizer and hard stuff in the measure cup that he melted it in. I myself was not impressed with it as I don't think it is sticky enough, but then again I am no BP shooter, yet I suppose.
I have lubed some of his 535's for the 45-70 with FWFL. The did group as well but the sight settings were off.

I know there are a bunch of recipies out there, but just need the Shaver clone if any of you fellows have one.

05-03-2008, 07:32 AM
What did the lube look like before your friend melted it and how did he melt it? I suspect it was overheated.

Jerry Liles