View Full Version : Prayer for today

03-07-2016, 09:04 AM
You know , I catch myself being negative in respect to thinking or worrying about things gone wrong or things that could go wrong . This is one of my personal failings . This week I'm going to try and pay more attention and look for the bright side . When I look around I see his hand in every aspect of my life except when I take things on myself instead of letting him handle it .GOD has given me so much but I tend not to count that in the big picture most times , I just take it for granted .

Lord thank you for the blessings you give everyday . Thank you for being with us and taking care of us . Help us to focus on the opportunity to serve you and give thanks for the help you give us daily . Open our eyes to the good around us in our lives , open our eyes to the beauty around us. In Jesus name I pray . Amen

03-07-2016, 10:24 AM
Amen to that!

03-07-2016, 10:35 AM
You know , I catch myself being negative in respect to thinking or worrying about things gone wrong or things that could go wrong . This is one of my personal failings . This week I'm going to try and pay more attention and look for the bright side . When I look around I see his hand in every aspect of my life except when I take things on myself instead of letting him handle it .GOD has given me so much but I tend not to count that in the big picture most times , I just take it for granted .

Lord thank you for the blessings you give everyday . Thank you for being with us and taking care of us . Help us to focus on the opportunity to serve you and give thanks for the help you give us daily . Open our eyes to the good around us in our lives , open our eyes to the beauty around us. In Jesus name I pray . Amen

So often in my life, I have had things go wrong that I thought were tragic at the time. Lost jobs, lost people. In retrospect, I can see that trying to order my life around what I want, rather than what God wants, will cause me no end of grief.


03-07-2016, 02:37 PM
Boaz you have spoken directly into my situation and my own attitude. I too have made a similar decision to see the brighter side of EVERYTHING.

03-07-2016, 05:39 PM
Boaz, The only thing that I can say is: Amen! Thanks for the post...Paul