View Full Version : Prayers for our church

03-06-2016, 10:45 PM
Today our church blew up division hit us hard. A good bit got settled ,but a few fires or still smoldering. The name of the church is jasper county cowboy church (JC3 )

don't you hate it when someone uses a acronym then says what it means ;)

Thank you Dan :)

Dan Cash
03-06-2016, 11:02 PM
Today our church blew up division hit us hard. A good bit got settled ,but a few fires or still smoldering. The name of the church is JC3 ( jasper county cowboy church)

don't you hate it when someone uses a acronym then says what it means ;)

No. Properly, on the first usage, you spell out the title/name in full followed by the capitalized acronym in parentheses. There after the acronym is used without parentheses. As far as church blow up is concerned, it is not uncommon.

03-06-2016, 11:04 PM
prayers sent

03-07-2016, 12:02 AM
We will be praying for the flesh to be set aside and for the pages of scripture to settle the divisions.

03-07-2016, 12:20 AM
Prayer sent.

03-07-2016, 07:12 AM
I will pray for your church rl69 . I hope that things settle down quickly.

03-07-2016, 07:43 AM
Thank y'all, the lord sure was working a work yesterday. I can't weight to see how we grow from this

03-07-2016, 08:06 AM
The devil always sends one of his desciples to ruin a good & Godly church, and they do it in the name of Jesus or for what's right and what's fair.

03-07-2016, 08:11 AM
what is is "blew up division"?

03-07-2016, 10:24 AM
what is is "blew up division"?

Arguing among members usually.

Preacher Jim
03-07-2016, 01:29 PM
the Lord sometimes must seperate the wheat from the chaff.
i pray the Lord will now multiply your church and reach the lost in the fields around you. may He reach out his healing hand to those whom belong there to carry out His work and bring the offended to healing or salvation as is often the case in problems like these.

03-07-2016, 05:30 PM
We had 3 diferent problems for lack of a better word.

first we are remodeling and this is the first Sunday after we started.change is scary

Second the first of every month is leadership meetings afterwords we have pot luck diner. Well this Sunday we where having other activities and had canceled the pot luck. A few of the member weren't told this.

Third we had a lay pastor call a team leader and ask if she could fix a meal for a member who was in the hospital. The problum with that was the team leader was just getting out of recovery from a pretty major surgery. Her husband didn't take it well at all.

But as as I said most every one had calmed down by the end of the day. But what a day!

Thank you you all for your kind words and positive prayers.

03-07-2016, 05:47 PM
Father, I come to You to ask that you interveen into the issues that are dividing JC3 church. Let cooler minds prevail and help them remember that they serve You and that all You want for them is what is good for them. Allow them to put their agends aside and help them know that they need to come together and ask the simple question: "What would God want for this congregation." In Your Name I pray. Amen

03-08-2016, 08:56 AM
Father please bridge the gaps that have appeared within the JC3 church. Please help the members to see that their ultimate goal should be to serve You and not their personal agenda. Amen

03-08-2016, 10:31 AM
"All petty and silly stuff."

"Member asked for prayer not a blow-hard opinion. To those involved, the O/P in particular, probably not "silly stuff." Why not either pray or shut up? Moving on, praying for peace and harmony at your Church.

Half Dog
03-08-2016, 01:00 PM
Father, I come to You to ask that you interveen into the issues that are dividing JC3 church. Let cooler minds prevail and help them remember that they serve You and that all You want for them is what is good for them. Allow them to put their agends aside and help them know that they need to come together and ask the simple question: "What would God want for this congregation." In Your Name I pray. Amen

Thank you for wording a prayer. Amen.

03-08-2016, 03:00 PM
I might suggest this is not the place to discuss opposing viewpoints ? You might have better luck pming each other to settle the disagreement .

03-08-2016, 03:29 PM
We do not have opposing viewpoints. I believe this is a place for prayer requests and not for lectures. If you want to pray, then this is the place. If not, move on. Accordingly, I have prayed again for the well-being of the O/P's church. Praying for JC3 church and the benefit it brings to the Body of Christ.

03-08-2016, 07:16 PM
These things happen from time to time in churches all over. It's just something that essentially stems from our human nature when we fail to follow the good advice contained in the scriptures. Lucifer's great sin was that of pride, but he was also extremely willful, haughty and jealous. These are pretty much the same sorts of things that divide churches all too often. Or at least that's what's at the root of the problems usually cited. We "moderns" seem to always be in a hurry, and all to often don't think before we speak or act, and inevitably, that always hurts someone's feelings, and .... well, then the race is on! It's almost as common as dirt, I think. And this provides yet another "reason" for people to divide and diminish themselves. I've seen it too often, and people's reactions are usually WAY past what's honestly justifiable.

My own church, that my grandfather had a good hand in building long ago, burned a few years ago, and was rebuilt bigger. Another local church had a big rift, and we got quite a few of their members joining our church. In their particular case, they DID have some rational arguments about why they left, regarding the preacher and some of his "chosen few" and how they handled the money there. And we've grown a lot due to the preacher we have now, who served in Alaska for a couple of years, so he's no stranger to adversity or agnosticism, etc., etc. He's been very good at avoiding such things, because of the way he handles the questions that come up, but .... well, when a church grows like ours has, there's always some sort of thing that always seems to happen to get some sort of rift started. As with dynamite, that only needs a tiny blasting cap to ignite a much bigger explosion, one single member is all it takes to get the restless going full speed.

It's just how we humans work when we turn away from the Good Book and exercise our OWN wills, and it's as consistent and repetitive as anything we do in large numbers, even in churches. And that's a shame, of course, but it's just what we do. "Moderns" don't like looking within themselves for answers to "why is this happening." If they did, I think they'd find a LOT more explanations than they'd like to admit. If St. Paul was "chief among sinners," I don't know what that makes me, but I have a sense it ain't what I'd LIKE to think it does!

These things pass, though, and that's about the only really good thing about them. Will pray for you, but even that usually doesn't get very good results, I'm afraid. But it's what we do, and we DO get surprised sometimes. We do NOT "know it all."

03-08-2016, 08:53 PM
rl69 I hope this blows over quickly and gets back to normal and I honestly believe it will .

Lord help the JC3 church members overcome the misunderstandings and confusion . Let it be a way they might pull tighter together after the storm . Be with them Lord and ease the problems there . In Jesus name I pray . Amen