View Full Version : I have been thinking about flocking today

03-04-2016, 07:31 PM
Yes, flocking. The powdered fabric that is used in arts and crafts, and is also used to cover the bottoms of bowls, coasters, etc to prevent scratching tabletops. I have been thinking about it as a way to increase the velocity potential and accuracy if plain based bullets. I was imagining tumble lubing bullets and then dipping their bases into a container of flocking and letting it dry. This would be somewhat like having a felt wad under then...or at least that's the hypothesis.

Anybody have any thoughts? If so don't keep your flocking opinion to yourself.

03-04-2016, 07:32 PM
This should be flocking interesting!

country gent
03-04-2016, 07:57 PM
It may be hard to maintain an consistant coating thickness on the bases. also if it all releases fine it it all stays okay if only part of it releases then problems. Also dont sneeze when using it. Where it might work it to "firm" up soft lubes for grease cookies where a wad is protecting the base of the bullet.

03-05-2016, 09:20 AM
Many years ago, one of my hobbies was wargaming and painting the little metal military figurines to go with it. Pretty common to use green flocking on the bases to simulate grass. As I recall, the technique was to paint the base with a layer of Elmer's glue and then sprinkle the flocking on.

For the bases of tumble lube bullets? My first reaction is that it will make a MASSIVE mess. My second reaction is that you're unlikely to get enough Rayon on to properly serve the function of a base wad. Third reaction is, "Do you really want that stuff in your dies?" Fourth reaction, the only way you're going to prove it works it to take a load that already has insufficient lube/sealing qualities and see if this helps.

But it seems like uncharted waters. If your curiosity is sufficiently intense, then go flock yourself.

03-05-2016, 09:42 AM
Thats flocked up.

03-05-2016, 12:07 PM
What the flock? Give 'er a go and see what happens. When Edison made many failed attempts at the light bulb he wasn't dismayed. He just learned several ways not to make a light bulb. God bless the willing to try guys.

03-06-2016, 08:42 AM
It could work, there may be some potential there.

I think you have to test it on a proven load first, test it and see what it changes and how much it takes to make changes in your proven load.

I think it is in line with cream of wheat, filler, kapok. One difference, your attaching/ sticking it to the base bullet and not using it to take up space/volume so your not loosing room for powder.

I would think your idea would be in line with using a super fine dry saw dust on the base.