View Full Version : Prayers for Decision Making.

03-04-2016, 05:15 PM
Here it goes ladies and gents... I moved up to TN in the eastern Mountains and took a new job. This is something we prayed for for years, and I also lifted it up here on the forum for prayer a while back. We like the mountains and enjoy the vistas/views, but I can't wrap my head around the fact that it does not feel like it fits sometimes and nearly everything that can go wrong, has gone wrong (Mr.Murphy), from 3in. sewer main leaking and needing repair (if I ever have to lay in sewage again I don't know what I will do), frozen pipes (3 days), well pump went out ($1000), snowed in, got hit by a lady in a Jeep flying on an icy road (thanks be to God that my daughter and I, nor the truck sustained injury/damage), Travel pay not being right for my PCS up here for the umpteenth time.....

I bring this up not to bemoan adversity, I can handle austerity, but I am curious as to this being part of God's plan for us to be enjoying this newfound blessing and not viewing it with sorrow. I have lost a ton of sleep, the wife says she wants her husband back, and I am not myself. Seeing similar posts to this here is what prompted me to post this.

We also have a mortgage in central GA along with my mortgage here in East TN. Talk about stretched thin? We are still fed, clothed, warm and cared for and I am not complaining about that. God WILL NOT forsake us, I know this. The wife and I already have decided to put on the market the current house and land here in E TN (28.5ac) when the house in GA sells. I polled the kids (8,9,13) and wife and asked what do they desire..They said to have friends, to ride their bikes and to be closer to everything and not be stuck in the backwoods. The wife basically said the same thing. She laments the fact of being so far out here along with my 50+ minute commute to work daily!

Like I said, not trying to whine- I just wanted to let the praying folks here know the back story of EMC45 and his clan. We are more than conquerors and I know that. Pray for my patience in the waiting....

Preacher Jim
03-04-2016, 05:27 PM
When we moved to Kentucky we were torn between going back and starting fresh. A minister in trusted said, if you feel God moved you, "Bloom where you are planted", we did daughter had better friends than before. Wife found a great law firm to work for, and the Lord used us to reach a whole area for Jesus.
Lord you be in control and guide emc45 and his family in what you want for them. Not what is easiest but what your will for them is. I know that it is never easy to leave home and follow the path you have but you never leave or forsake us.

03-04-2016, 05:33 PM
Romans 8: 28

Brother, praying for you and your wife, for the peace and comfort only Jesus can provide!

03-04-2016, 05:38 PM
Prayer sent for guidance.

03-04-2016, 05:46 PM
Bible says, you do not have because you do not ask.
So now you have asked and you will receive God's will
May you be blessed and may your family find THE home there!

03-04-2016, 05:48 PM
Yep its pretty easy to get out in the middle of nowhere quick in TN. I live in NW TN. When I was a kid we had a farm house out in the county that had once been a dairy farm. My Dad advertised it for rent. We had a couple from Michigan that responded. He told them, "now this place is out in the country about 5 min from town. . ." They said "Oh that is what we are looking for! We lived on a xx acre farm in upper Michigan. We are used to living out in the country!"

They came to our house and followed us out of our little town of about 325, across the Obion river and out to the house.

The man got out of the car, the wife didn't. He told Daddy that it was too far out in the country. Daddy said "I thought that's what you wanted?" He said, "My wife told me after we crossed the bridge that it was further out in the country than she wanted to be!" [emoji15]

Hopefully you can sell one or both and find something better suited to your family's taste. There are a lot of nice places to live in TN!


03-04-2016, 05:55 PM
Prayers sent

big bore 99
03-04-2016, 05:57 PM
A prayer sent for guidance. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Thank God for your family's and your own health and the ability to make a decision.

03-04-2016, 06:23 PM
It's really hard to advise someone in your spot. You have said ya'll have decided you don't like living so far out in the country. I suppose town or closer to town would be a better option . Living in the country is harder with different challenges, living in town is more convenient but you have to put up with......living in town .
Plumbing problems , bad drivers, sewer trouble, etc will follow you where ever you go , it's just life . Think and pray on it , talk to GOD . I hope you find a way with his help to work this out and you will . I will pray for all of you .

03-04-2016, 06:29 PM
Thanks guys! It helps more than you know. My kids are 8, 10 and 13. Flubbed that one. The land is great and for a gun guy it is great, but it is to the point that I may never unpack my casting/reloading gear until we move for the sake of not enough room here to get everything set up. Full of deer, Turkey and squirrel, but no real desire to get out there to hunt. God's will be done.

03-04-2016, 06:30 PM
May GOD guide your paths and lead you to green pastures beside still waters.

03-04-2016, 09:15 PM
Prayers sent.

Be careful praying for patience. Patience is not a gift of God it is learned through tribulation

03-05-2016, 07:46 AM
Prayers on your and the family's behalf here. And BTW, it's been my experience that when people move, they tend to expect instant happiness, and it never works that way. Kids in particular, and maybe especially teen agers, often don't like rural areas because they're at that stage in life where their friends are "their whole world," and they've come to think they NEED those friends ALL the time. When they become acclimated to it, though, not many want to go back to town. One can hear one's self think in the rural areas, even if many don't much like having to think any more. That too can change, and if they learn to do that, they'll again not want to go back to town.

Mostly, it'd be good to take them hunting and fishing, and maybe take one of their friends, too. This may need to enlist another adult friend, but then it becomes a "party" afield, and those can be real fun.

Rural areas are really best dealt with by people who actually like the relative solitude so they can think and breathe easier and come to know God through all His creations.

There's also church activities that fill the social role in the kids' and wife's lives, too. Making friends, hopefully those with similar aged kids, and just having them over for supper, talk and fun, plus a good meal, also helps with the social thing.

New surroundings don't come pre-packaged with ready made friends, etc. You have to get out and make them yourself, just like the fun activities there that "back home" didn't have, or did but in a different way. There really has to be a bit of the old, indominible "pioneer" spirit in you to enjoy moving, and all the challenges it presents, and basically, moving's results mostly depend on how you deal with it. But it's not for everyone, so .... you have a decision to make, and you're dealing with that decision in the right way. Praying for the right answer for YOU and the family.

03-05-2016, 09:16 AM
EMC45, The good Lord didn't send you those incidents...those were the compliments of the devil and careless people. You and your family will be good.....God didn't promise it would be easy....only worth the efforts...Paul

03-05-2016, 09:46 AM
Thanks all! It's all worth it. Just trying to be obedient and not whine.

Preacher Jim
03-05-2016, 02:24 PM
Emc45 there is a difference in whining and seeking God's plan for your life. You have made the hardest step, asking for prayer. Read Ish.40:31

03-09-2016, 07:49 PM
Lord be with EMC45 as he and his family try to find your plan for them . Show him what he do , help them make this transition . In Jesus name I ask it . Amen

03-10-2016, 10:16 AM
Thank you Lord!

03-10-2016, 03:08 PM
EMC45, I hope all the issues are starting to resolve themselves....whining is ok....we all need to let off steam and frustrations from time to time.....your Cast Boolits Family will listen and pray for those that need it and/or ask for it....Paul