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View Full Version : The Modern Schuetzen Rifle...Book

03-02-2016, 08:37 PM
Anyone read it , got it???

Is it actually worth it.

Thinking about buying this book and getting it sent to Australia.
Will cost me quite a shiny penny.

Any way to read it online or ebook thing or downloads somewhere.

Or has the world moved on and was good in its day.

Your thoughts any one?????


03-03-2016, 07:03 PM
If it's the one by Dell and Schwartz it's worth every penny.

03-03-2016, 08:33 PM
Yes it is.
Been dabbling in the black arts a bit .....but a perspective from what I read a couple of top notch shooters exploits trials and findings can not go astray.
Probably get all the advice, knowhow, and what not here ...but it is in the knowing where to look and how to ask that makes a difference.


03-04-2016, 01:06 AM
I used to shoot with these two fine gentlemen at our Michigan Schuetzen Society matches...combined they probably have forgotten more about bullet casting, bullet lubricants, and lead bullet rifles than most of the so called experts you find at the range today.

03-04-2016, 06:56 AM
i ordered the book so it should arrive in a few weeks I hope.

Give me something to read as I will be out of action for a while and will need something to occupy my time with or make me fall to sleep.

I got all this great idea that I'm gunna set the world afire ......but more likely just burn a whole in my pocket.


Ballistics in Scotland
03-04-2016, 07:21 AM
For people in this situation www.bookfinder.com (http://www.bookfinder.com) is worth trying. It is a compendium of the main third party bookselling sites plus many independent booksellers, and it gives the results in order of price. Which in this case runs from very expensive to very, very expensive. Still, what price knowing things you once didn't?

03-04-2016, 08:15 AM
To order the book and others:

American Single Shot Rifle Assoc Archives,

800 Wisconsin Street Suite 104
Mail Box 68 Building F 13
Eau Claire, WI 54703-3613, USA
Telephone (608) 628-0536, E-Mail: archives@assra.com
Laurie Gapko Archivist

03-20-2016, 09:35 AM
Well I have the book in my hot little hands and have learnt a few things so far and verified a few things as well.

Well I'm slowly dreaming up a gun and it has some good info in it to follow and pretty well much as I have figured so far.

Well I saw the light and gave up smoking 8 mths ago cos I had a gut full of it after 35 yrs or so..... so you could say it is special pressie to myself for being so good.

A martini cadet in something like 30 badger or some such flinging lead down range with modest velocity.
more in a walkabout hunting rifle than a 30 lb bench cannon thou :)

There is no local comp here but that don't bother me none.
Iv'e breach seated me 30-30 a few times and enjoy the loading and shooting pace at the bench more than reloading at home and just banging away down at the range.


03-20-2016, 01:41 PM
Sorry to bring this news but Wayne Schwartz passed on to the big range in the sky 2/28/16. The shooting world lost a great gentleman and I am proud that he thought of me as a friend!

03-20-2016, 01:50 PM
Truly said news.

03-21-2016, 06:20 AM
barrabruce,may I ask where did you buy that book from?Sounds interesting.

03-21-2016, 08:10 AM
I have one that is new to me, BUT there is a real problem - It is causing me to fall asleep after about 8 pages. It is not that it is dull or boring, it is due to my age.

Love the book, just wish it was not apparently covered in sleeping powder.

03-22-2016, 01:06 AM
I got mine from a place called guidon books in the us.

Was the cheapest I could find anywhere.

They do come up on ebay occasionally if you are not in a hurry for a lot less.

I'm just getting my knee replace in a week or two and thought it may help to give me something to do besides being "all sorry arsed and poor bugga me".:sad:
Some of the time anyway. :)

Been a good read so far. Seems he's lost it here and there at the moment ...but it could be the way I have interpreted the words.
I do tend to read between the lines and get different meanings sometimes for some strange reason.


03-22-2016, 06:31 AM
Bugger ! Guidons none in stock.Barrabruce,good luck with the knee op and I hope all goes well.

04-29-2016, 08:56 PM
Well I've read the book.
Some before and after the operation.
Some aspects seam a bit hazy and right out there...but it could have been the medication.

Truly good book to read as it covers a lot of what he has done and his thoughts around it.
I find his attitude towards shooting nice and honest.

Now I have to make a gun to suit what I want.

I might find it a bit hard to find a SSAA event to shoot it in following the rules etc.

Seems only benchrest open experimental class at the moment :lol::lol::lol: