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02-26-2016, 08:35 PM
Coming to your state soon

Illinois: Radical Legislation that Violates Due Process to be Heard in Committee Next Week
On Tuesday, March 1, the House Judiciary-Criminal Committee is scheduled to hear House Bill 3160, legislation that may allow the removal of an individual’s Second Amendment rights without due process.


HB 3160 would allow an individual’s family members or law enforcement to petition the court for an ex parte restraining order if they consider the individual to be a danger to themselves or others simply because the individual owns, possesses or purchases a firearm. According to the summary of the bill, an ex parte order would be issued by a judge based solely on a brief, unsubstantiated affidavit made by a petitioner and absent any input made by the individual on which the order is targeted. If enacted, this legislation would require the surrender of FOID cards, concealed carry licenses as well as the seizure of all firearms by law enforcement. This legislation is ripe for abuse by individuals that disagree with the Second Amendment, and the mere insinuation that gun ownership makes you a danger to yourself or others is offensive and insulting.

It is very important that you contact the members of the House Judiciary-Criminal Committee and politely urge them to strongly oppose House Bill 3160. You can contact committee members by clicking here or the button above.

02-26-2016, 11:17 PM
Welcome to the club. California recently passed such legislation. Reason given was the Santa Barbara shooter. His parents thought he was crazy and called the cops. Shooter had all the right answers so cops went away as they were supposed to. Soon thereafter he shot a bunch of people. Their needs to be a way for someone can be thoroughly evaluated without giving up their rights, all rights not just one or two.

02-27-2016, 01:38 PM
Their needs to be a way for someone can be thoroughly evaluated without giving up their rights, all rights not just one or two.

There is no method possible. The answer lies within the Constitution.
Looking for a slippery slope will bring you to one.

02-27-2016, 03:01 PM
But this won't apply to ms13, cartel members of jihadists right only average Joe citizen . The timing on this is impeccable just in time for the spring offensive. The new plan is to.disarm.us one at a time, will take longer but they still plan to get it done. Besides no peace officer in this country would take someone's arms/rights without due process would they??????

Windwalker 45acp
02-27-2016, 03:10 PM
still an infringement, no matter what the court says.

When they're outlawed I will, regrettably, be an outlaw.

02-28-2016, 01:57 AM
I think it was the Colonel said if you take guns off the streets there will still be a criminal problem, if you take criminals off the streets there won't be a gun problem.

02-29-2016, 06:54 AM
Don't even get me started on this BS. I have an ex parte order that prevents me from having my sons with my ex wife from being around firearms and hunting because the Pakastani play therapist my ex uses told her that taking my sons squirrel hunting has caused them emotional damage from watching me kill and skin a squirrel........yet my 9yo son continues asking me when we're going hunting again. I'm in the process of battling this but it costs $$$$. Damn governmental intrusion and democratic socialist mentality at its finest.

02-29-2016, 05:36 PM
The problem is that there are crazies in this world and some of them go out and commit atrocities. The other problem is that legitimate Drs. can't tell which one are just crazy but not going to harm anyone and which one may turn into a mass murder. The part of the problem is Osteodoc's Pakistani. He is either a quack or an arrogant *** that thinks he knows everything. Hopefully a reasonable judge would not issue or vacate the ex parte order.

02-29-2016, 06:10 PM
This week there are several bills scheduled. Most prominent among these is HB3160 Amendment 1. Amendment 1 now becomes HB3160. Please fill out witness slips opposing HB3160 Amendment 1. This is scheduled for hearing on March 1st, in the House Judiciary at 3:00pm.

HB3160-HCA1 - Lethal Violence Order of Protection Act (LVOP)
Judiciary - Criminal Committee Hearing March 1, 2016 at 3:00pm

This bill is full of direct violations of Due Process for firearm owners. It is ripe for abuse with no protections against being stripped maliciously or without merit of your ability to own or possess firearms. This bill basically asserts that merely owning a firearm is seen as posing a danger. A woman who is the victim of domestic abuse, trains to protect herself with a firearm, and gets a concealed carry license could be victimized again when a LVOP is maliciously filed against her, possibly by her abuser!! This is the anti-rights crowd seeking to revoke a fundamental right with just the suspicion that the firearm owner may commit a crime. Illinois law already provides some of the strongest domestic violence protection in the nation. This is a reach too far and the ISRA opposes the bill as written.


Bad Water Bill
03-01-2016, 05:05 PM
Patiently waiting for Tod or Valinda to report in on the results.

03-01-2016, 07:56 PM
Judge Thomas asked the right question.

03-01-2016, 08:35 PM
Not Wyoming.

03-02-2016, 07:23 PM
Not Wyoming.

You might want to check this out since you think your so safe.

03-03-2016, 11:49 AM
ISRA Thursday Bulletin - March 3, 2016


Today the Illinois House of Representatives will begin their 2016 Spring recess. The Illinois House will be back in session on April 4th, 2016. Next week the emphasis will be on the Illinois Senate. Please keep the instructions on filing witness slips, as we will be using them many times in the coming months. Because of your efforts, HB3160 and HB3160 Amendment 1 were held in committee. It is not over yet. Thanks to all of those who called State Representatives, emailed them, filed witness slips and contacted them in any way. Don't forget IGOLD on April 6th, 2016.