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View Full Version : magic in consistency

02-26-2016, 09:55 AM
Been a dry spell on casting lately as all mine is done outside but I got an opportunity to do some indoors at a buddies who is just starting his casting journey. He is a nice and generous fellow and like to.excel at anything he gets into.

After he showed me how he works his 6 banger Lee mold and did some round balls it was my turn. Being inside casting is new to me and it's nice especially when it's 18 degrees outside.

To make my long story short got my equipment set up heated my molds, got my melt to temp and cas a large batch of 30 cal, two molds and lots of 44, two molds, food my zen /cold place and fell into cadence. When the lead pot was empty the last time I had a huge pail full.of boolits, the next morning I went through most of them, sorted and culled them and found very few culls, the real surprise was while sorting I weighted several dozen of both calibers at random and all fell to within +/- a grain of one another. I don't usually cast so many during one setting because being out doors I either get hot or cold being indoor took out a variable and I could focus on consistency.

02-26-2016, 01:43 PM
Sounds like you had a good run. Have fun shooting them this spring!

country gent
02-26-2016, 02:36 PM
Consistancy makes a big diffrence in everything. Doing it all the same exact way each and everytime makes everything work better. Another plus to this casting session is after the "dry spell" you may have been more focused on wht you were doing not wanting to make any mistakes.

Calamity Jake
02-26-2016, 09:54 PM
Been casting indoors for 35+ years, the best consistency I've found is when casting on a cool/cold
rainy day. But I cast just about all during the cool/cold season.

02-26-2016, 09:56 PM
Some days you have it some days you don't....Very interesting hobby!