View Full Version : High Standard Durango W-105 prroblem

02-25-2016, 06:52 PM
Although this is a Durango I believe from what I can see on the various schematics, pretty much anything that applies to any version of the Double Nine would apply to the Durango.

Here's the situation. As long as the pistol is fired DA there isn't a problem but if one tries to fire SA the trigger falls under the hammer, ie; the hammer seems to be going back too far and letting the trigger release under the hammer. I took this gun apart to replace the hammer safety stop because it had sheared off where the hand pivots. When I reassembled it this situation popped up.

If I understand the operation of this pistol correctly, the cylinder stop spring is supposed to counteract the trigger return spring and hold the trigger in place to allow the sears to engage when fired SA. It seems that the css is not doing it's job or else the trigger return spring is doing more than it should because if I remove the trigger spring pin from the trigger the pistol will function SA just fine but won't return the trigger all the way forward. Because of the very specific ID and OD limitations of this spring, installing a stronger css is not an option. I tried.

What have I done wrong? It's driving me nuttser than I normally am so please, any ideas would be appreciated. Parts are an SOB to find (the one's I seem to need anyway), so before I start bending and risking breaking things, I would like to know if someone as any ideas as to what to do.

I have posted on a couple of dedicated High Standard forums and have not received a single response.
