View Full Version : Notice - Potter Reloading Website

02-22-2016, 12:19 PM
I regret to inform all of you that my website (potterreloading.com) will be shut down on March 4th, 2016. My web hosting company (Go Daddy), wants to charge me $380 to renew the site for 3 more years. I find that to be an outrageous amount of money for nothing more than a hobby project! Even worse, I paid 49 dollars to Go Daddy already this year, thinking that I was renewing the site. Instead I was told that I only renewed the copyrights. There are so many fees and renewals, its easy to be misguided, misdirected, etc. So basically, I threw 50 bucks out the window on nothing. Go Daddy's response was simply, "sorry about that."

I would encourage all of you who are interested in Potter reloading equipment to print or save any information from the site before it is gone.

I put a great deal of effort and energy into my site with hopes that it would inform and generate interest in these old tools. Based on the increased prices of Potter items on the big auction site, I think it has been a success. I wish I could have kept it up longer, but its not worth the nearly 400 dollar price tag.

If any of you ever have any questions about Potter items, please feel free to contact me. I'll help you however I can.

Thanks, Jon

02-22-2016, 12:49 PM
That troubles me, as I am a Danica Patrick fan, and Go Daddy is her major sponsor (she came in 35th at Daytona)! Back to your personal challenge, my heart is with you! It seems that all commerce is headed toward huge-box merchandising, exclusively! I used to moon-light in addition to my day job -- until the insurance premium escalated to the point it was higher than my entire gross (moon-lit) income!
Major reason I'm writing is I have tried getting on your site, as suggested, but I keep getting an "unable to connect" message. Might be my computer -- but all other sites seem to work.
BEST LUCK TO YOU in future endeavors!

02-22-2016, 01:09 PM
The website works fine with my iPad. Looks like the Go Daddy customers are the ones paying for Danica and other racers too!

Jon I am very disappointed to see this exceptional website lost. However, I understand completely.

I have seen your small Donate button in the past and did not click because I thought there was enough money to keep it going since there was no sense of urgency or need stated. Perhaps others have thought the same.

I know how hard it is for folks like us to ask for money. But if a Donation Drive banner at the top of each page was put in place similar to the Cast Boolits one, I'm sure folks would give. You could even state if the goal is not met you will return the money.

I can afford and commit to $20. The information and entertainment of the pictures is well worth it. Because of your site, I became infected and am now a Potter collector myself, not hardcore, but I admire these fine presses.

If it is settled in your mind I respect that. But if you reconsider, I'll chip in.

Thanks for all of your hard work!




02-22-2016, 02:52 PM
I know how you feel, Jon. My good friend let his website fees lapse, and when he tried to renew, GoDaddy wanted to charge him huge amount to use his old website name, since they said it now belonged to them. He reopened his website with another provider, with a slightly altered name, and he's very happy with the new provider. If you'd like, I'll find out who he went with. Just let me know.


02-22-2016, 04:01 PM
That really sucks.
Is there any other way to have a web site???

02-22-2016, 04:24 PM
I really enjoy my Potter equipment
I have used Potter Lead Furnaces for 45 years!!

02-23-2016, 02:05 AM
Georgerkahn, Go Daddy dropped Indy Car sponsorship in 2015 and Danica and NASCAR at the end of last year.
Business must be slow for them because the said these sponsorships were too high costs.

Sorry to see your site go Roundnoser.

02-23-2016, 07:55 AM
Yes, that's crazy expensive in todays arena!

Hope you can find a better deal somewhere, Jon!

02-23-2016, 08:52 AM
Thanks, lead-1, for info re Go Daddy sponsorship ending for Danica! After reading vis the OP on this thread, I'm happy for her to no longer have their name associated with her!
BUT, ever so sad re being aware of their business methods -- the outrageous prices Roundnose reported!
I, too, will offer a twenty dollar donation to site, as did LUBEDUDE.
Let me know...

02-23-2016, 09:17 AM
Yep, you have to be careful with GoDaddy, they have hidden charges just like a car lot now

02-23-2016, 09:56 AM
round nose!

that might be a scam!

i too have a go-daddy site ....http://indybilliards.net
i work on pool tables

i too received an email, supposedly from go-daddy informing me of a renewal for some ridiculous sum
of money to renew my domain name.

i thought to myself "if they shut it down for non-payment ...fine!"
that was 6 months ago!

they still take $1 out of my account each month like clockwork.

if they provided an email site link for you to go to in your email notice .....then its a scam.
i'll look like go-daddy's page ...but it's not.
the way to tell is...
if you are ALREADY with go-daddy....then they ALREADY HAVE your credit card number.


on the renewal email they ask for your credit card number for you to re-new.

why if they already have it?

best way to know for sure is google go-daddy
and give them a phone call.

02-23-2016, 10:09 AM
I use Arvixe.com cheap and reliable. clermontkungfu.com I think its like $40 a year and that is with a dedicated IP.

Drew P
02-23-2016, 05:23 PM
Godaddy stole my intellectual property, and held it for ransom for years. I will never give them a dollar or anyone that they associate with. I switched to FatCow which offers hosting and domain services at the same place, they have decent customer service and are cheap as well. Good luck, sorry to hear you got godaddied

02-23-2016, 05:36 PM
thanks for you rwork

02-23-2016, 10:10 PM
Even worse, I paid 49 dollars to Go Daddy already this year, thinking that I was renewing the site. Instead I was told that I only renewed the copyrights. There are so many fees and renewals, its easy to be misguided, misdirected, etc. So basically, I threw 50 bucks out the window on nothing. Go Daddy's response was simply, "sorry about that."

Thanks, Jon


Sorry to hear that you're being treated so poorly. This looks like a historical rather than a business site to me. I don't quite understand "renewing copyrights" though. A copyright is the property of the author at the moment of creation and while you may choose to register it with the US copyright office it isn't mandatory. A copyright is good for the life of the author plus 70 years if created after 1978 with or without registration with the US government. A document created after 1978 that includes older photographs as does yours is a new document. Having made my living as a photographer for many years I had to learn a little about copyright law.


Good luck with your website. I have a GoDaddy domain as well and this raises concerns.


02-24-2016, 09:22 PM
Roundnoser (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/member.php?13690-Roundnoser), please check your PM!

02-27-2016, 03:40 PM
Roundnoser: Have you considered printing out your website's pages and making them into a book? I'm pretty sure you could sell a bunch of them.

I have a thread running on 4BTSWAPS.COM about my Jeep Building Project. It contains a wealth of fabrication techniques. It has over 900 posts and close to 800 pictures. I routinely transfer the content of this thread to "Word," and when the project is done I will publish it and sell the copies for $19.95 on the site or anywhere else like Ebay that will allow it. My thread has about 165,000 views so far and many people follow it, so I know there is a market for the book.

You should consider doing the same as I know you could sell many copies here. I don't know if you realize there are more than 30,000 members here, and many actually prefer hardcopies of information to internet options simply because of the reason you have for shutting it down. Internet Stuff tends to go away. It was here yesterday but now it says the website is gone. Too bad.[smilie=s: see ya!

You probably already have the vast majority of the content on your home computer anyway. Publishing it is not that hard and if you don't want to do it yourself a Fed X Copy store can do everything for you. If you did it as "group buy" your sales would be in the bag even before you spent the money to publish.

The good thing about doing this is the fact that you could actually make some money for all the effort you put in, and the money spent over the years.

I hope you will consider this as opposed to just letting all of it go down the drain.

All knowledge is valuable, and this knowledge is especially valuable to us here.


02-27-2016, 09:31 PM
I'd buy a copy.

Good idea Randy!

02-27-2016, 09:53 PM
Look into Dotster - very reasonable ($18 a year) and I think they can migrate your site over for you.

03-08-2016, 12:54 PM
Really sorry to see your site close. If you had saved the entire site to your drive, could you reopen with a different hosting company?

Very strange about GoDaddy. I use them for a couple sites and haven't had any problems. One site runs me $84 a year, if I recall correctly.

None-the-less, there have been a number of similar complaints about GoDaddy and I suspect it's time to examine alternate hosting companies.


Lead Fred
03-08-2016, 01:54 PM
That really sucks.
Is there any other way to have a web site???

Of course there is, find a host server thats not anti gun.

Im forwarding this thread to my bud that hosts sites

02-18-2017, 10:40 AM
Round noser .
I lack the resources to put pictures in the PM's so here is one of the lead pot .
Lots of rust ...... salvageable I think .

As we talked I believe that I have the wrong power switch . But I think that is correctable if I can discover power routing .

Drew P
02-18-2017, 09:26 PM
Godaddy is a virus, scam and reprehensible company. They stole my intellectual property and held it ransom. **** them. I've been with FatCow for 5 years and they are great. Hosting and domain names on one account (go figure?!) and live chat help 24/7

02-18-2017, 09:35 PM
Give 3IX.com a try can't beat the price of there servers! Top notch group

02-19-2017, 05:56 PM
Godaddy is a virus, scam and reprehensible company. They stole my intellectual property and held it ransom. **** them. I've been with FatCow for 5 years and they are great. Hosting and domain names on one account (go figure?!) and live chat help 24/7

I'm curious how they stole your intellectual property? Not arguing, just curious as I have several websites with them (GoDaddy) as does my daughter (professional photographer) and together we have a lot of intellectual property on our sites. I spent two decades in the advertising agency world, retired as a corner-office creative director and am very well familiar with the laws regarding intellectual property. Large service-providers and resellers are generally terrified at the thought of being sued for intellectual property theft because of all the scams out there, proving the origin of the intellectual property is one of the easiest, quick and low-to-no cost things a plaintiff can do.

We're running three websites with respective domains and two e-mail accounts with them and my annual costs for everything are not even half of what the OP stated he was being charged over a year ago.

But I do get some scam e-mail from GoDaddy posers and fraudsters, from time to time. . . usually just about renewal time. :wink: My guess is Russians, and I'm not being facetious. One of my books is doing very well in Russia right now--except that I'm not seeing a dime of royalties. Hard to get paid royalties on pirated work. But Russian scumbags are no different than Chinese scumbags who are no different than Nigerian scumbags. They'll all steal you blind if you are not diligent.


02-20-2017, 09:33 AM
I'm a UNIX/Linux server administrator for a living, I had very negative experiences with godaddy and will never do business with them again.

Reverend Al
02-20-2017, 03:07 PM
The resurrection of this old thread has got me thinking. I'm fairly sure that I have an old Potter progressive press tucked away down in my shop? I'll have to go searching and dig it out and see just what it is. It's missing a bunch of parts, but it might be of use to someone that likes these old Potter presses. It's a project that I'll never get around to dealing with ...

Teddy (punchie)
02-20-2017, 08:18 PM
All interesting thanks for posting all good to know I have though about opening a site if they ever out source us. Would be maybe two one for outdoors and other for repairs.

02-20-2017, 09:41 PM
my first post to this thread is #11...............and this one is #29.

there are 362 days between these 2 posts.

go-daddy has taken 11 ONE dollar PAYMENTS out of my account in that time (3 days short of a year)

go- daddy won't contact you by email to scam you ....only scammers do.

i've had my account with them almost 7 years and have paid a total of just over $100 dollars in all that time.

as long as i pay my 1 dollar a month ....this domain is mine!http://www.indybilliards.net

01-22-2021, 08:39 PM
Hi, any interest in getting the Potter Reloading website up and running? I have a domain where it can be hosted for free. If so, the owner of the old Potter webpage must allow it to be released. Tried a PM some years ago with no reply...

01-23-2021, 01:30 AM
I'll let him know.
