View Full Version : what are these?

02-21-2016, 06:43 PM
Yesterday, I was going thru some lead that I was given and found a 3# coffee can full of old bar solder. Mostly marked "national lead co." Most stamped 111. A couple marked otherwise. Found out its almost all 50/50 solder. What I can't figure out, there are a couple of bars that are about 1" wide, 1/4" thick, and around 10" long. Very smooth, and fairly shiny compared to the other stuff. A few are solid and a couple have 3 rows of holes running the length like a drinking straw. Anyone have any ideas? Anybody saw these before?

John Boy
02-21-2016, 07:06 PM
A picture would help and a lead tester would be a good purchase

02-21-2016, 07:25 PM
Printers spacers on the 3 holer, probably foundry or mono, good stuff if that is what you have.

02-21-2016, 08:50 PM
I don't know how to post a picture. My galaxie phone is my only computer.
A picture would help and a lead tester would be a good purchase

02-21-2016, 09:35 PM
see post number-3

02-22-2016, 01:49 AM
yup, post #3

02-23-2016, 12:08 AM
Ok, holsterguy sent me this picture of what he has. refer to the original post here.

02-23-2016, 12:09 AM
https://bay179.mail.live.com/att/GetAttachment.aspx?tnail=0&messageId=a155d978-d9be-11e5-af24-00215ad6a70a&Aux=954%7c0%7c8D33BE287F3EE50%7c%7c0%7c0%7c0%7c0%7 c%7c%7c45%7c5053795540%40vzwpix.com&cid=30975d6973ff6149&maxwidth=220&maxheight=160&size=Att&blob=MHxQaWN0dXJlMDIyMjE2MTY0N18xLmpwZ3xpbWFnZS9qc GVn

02-23-2016, 05:43 AM
Thanks triggerhappy243.
Top one is the 111 bar for size reference.
Middle 2 -solid. Bottom one has the holes.
Couldn't find my sidecutters, but with a pliers, they notched with hardly any effort.

Teddy (punchie)
02-23-2016, 07:31 AM
From what I see, old body fill lead for fixing bodies on an auto.