View Full Version : Hip surgery, Lee Auto Disk and Win 748......an afternoon in paradise.

02-18-2016, 01:07 AM
Just a few days out of hip surgery, and managed the stairs for the first time today down to the reloading room. .223 dies were already setup, components were handy, so for sake of not having to hobble around too much on crutches, I grabbed a pound of Win 748 and set off to load some j-werds. (my apologies for that).

I was working on a Lee Classic 4-hole turret, with the Auto Disk, using 2 Disks. Needless to say...the powder starting leaking after about 4 rounds. I have tolerated this in the past, as time was always a factor, but not today! I know this measure has been beat to death....and I'm sure I'm not the first guy to go down this road, but I did manage a 'fix' for the Auto Disk and fine powders.

Doesn't take astro-physics to figure out that the excessive clearance between the disks/measure/hopper is the problem, so I scratched my head, grabbed a file, and went to work on the hopper and measure, removing material slowly from each, at the contact points on the sides where the screws are, until I found a fit that wouldn't leak the 748, but would function without too much friction on the disks. Took about 30 minutes of slow, steady filing/fitting, but patience won the day, and after the quick mod I loaded probably 200 rounds without leaking so much as a flake of powder. The disks did 'hang up' after about 40 rounds, but a quick, very minute loosening of the screws corrected this for the rest of the session. I removed enough material so that I can now control the tension on the disks with the screws. Previously, the plastic spacers would not allow this, as they would interfere with pulling the hopper down that tight.

Again...I'm sure it's been done, and I know I haven't solved a moon-landing here, but it's something that's been bugging me, and now its fixed. Maybe another noob like myself can gain from my extra time on my hands....

God Speed! Trails.

02-18-2016, 02:38 AM
Wish you a speedy recovery and good job on the auto disk fix! I have been laid up since Sunday with an old/recurring hip/back injury and also did some .223 work today as well as some 8mm and .44.....hobble to the bench and forget your troubles less for a time.

02-18-2016, 06:12 PM
Good for you! A few days after my hip replacement I was still so gooned up on percocets that I didn't dare do something requiring my utmost attention, like handloading.

02-18-2016, 07:39 PM
gnoahhh, I got lucky on the pain. After 2 days of meds, I figured they weren't making any noticeable difference, so I stopped taking them. Haven't even had an ibuprofen since.....dodged a bullet for sure. I wouldn't have even considered it if I were still on the meds...those things make me goofy in the brain!!

02-22-2016, 09:39 PM
Congrats on the successful hip surgery!


02-22-2016, 09:45 PM
Glad you can have some fun while recovering. Good info also.