View Full Version : Post this review of the new locking mould handles

country gent
02-17-2016, 11:04 PM
I recently purchased a 3rd set of locking mould holders. I have 2 sets I have used for a couple years now and really like them. They are good solid quality units and work very good. The new set arnt near as useable for the same cost. The fitted joints are gone replaced with a bar and shoulder bolts with jam nuts. The old adjuster thread left and right hand that could be loosened and tuened to set tension is replaced with a one piece right hand thread meaning ends need to be turned seperatly and jam nuts lock to hold it. But the biggest change is the handles stock thickness has been made thinner. My New old west blocks have .060 clearence on them, as do the RCBS Lyman and Brooks blocks I tried on them. This much play makes closing them in close to alighhned position is hard to do. The old ones I set on the edge of the paint roller pan and they closed quickly and easily with no catch. These new ones almost have to have the mould hanging straight down to come close. I tried them shimed tonight ( .050 cardboard to test) Blocks set on pan edge alighned closely and closed easily ( Unti the card board gave out LOL) So I will pick up some .060 steel or brass shim stock and make shims for them. It is looking like the accountants are doing the desighn work now. These used to be made by cabine tree I believe but the sheet with the new ones names ST Machining, LLC as the makers. Id have rather paid more for the same userability and quality as the same for a project set of handles to make work

02-17-2016, 11:19 PM
Cabine Tree sold out to ST Machining and are no longer making the products. How thick are they. I have a set made by Cabine Tree and they have to much play IMO. I beat up the alignment area on a few NOE molds because of this. If they made it worse that is a horrible thing.

country gent
02-17-2016, 11:48 PM
My first 2 sets from cabine tree measure .290 the new ones are just under .270. The new ones have alot more shake and rock in them some may be the hole for the mounting screws also may be bigger on the new ones. Im going to try shimming them and possibly a bushing in the mounting holes.

02-17-2016, 11:55 PM
I will mic mine when I get home on Friday. I expect them to be the same thickness as your first two pair. Those are to thin. They should have increased the thickness, not decreased it.

country gent
02-18-2016, 12:30 AM
Well at least to thin is easier to deal with than to thick. I can easily shim them to what I need. With the card board shim they were working good. I may get .020 spring shim and make a spring type shim to allow for tension and help with alighnment. Not sure it will be enough tension as these are 2 cavity brass blocks. Off tomorrow to the tool supply shop for shims then hobby lobby for brass tubing in various sizes. Oh well just another thing to deal with.

country gent
02-19-2016, 02:31 PM
I fit 2 brass shims to the blocks handles. one side took a .055 shim for .005 clearence the other took .052 for .005 clearence. Can now open and close and blocks are close to alighned, so alighnment pis shouldnt wear alot. I havent tried bushing the holes as the moulds mount screws appear to be off center in them so I done want to create a "bind" there. But they should be much more useable now.