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View Full Version : By gosh I think I have the answer , to gun control that is

02-15-2016, 11:37 AM
we need a very simple bill that states that all "safeguards" placed on the purchasing of a firearm be mirrored on the voter registration form.

they are both Rights so anything that is done to one is legal and constitutional to do to the other.

we just want to make sure that the elections are safe from criminals and unauthorized users.

oh and if the state makes a more stringent "safeguard" then it also must be mirrored on the voter registration or at the time of each vote.

02-15-2016, 12:53 PM
HAR! Good one! I think you may well be onto something there! But with so few having been exposed to civics, history and government education now .... well, you know, doancha'? Most today just want what they want, kind'a like babies with soiled diapers. Not many real men left anywhere now. And it's showing.

02-15-2016, 01:10 PM
yeah I know voter ID has been nothing but a fight , can you imagine NICS instant background checks on every voter at registration , if they push for NICS search at every ammo purchase then it would mean a background check at every vote after all we just need to make sure you haven't been convicted of a crime since your last vote.

02-15-2016, 01:14 PM
Stolen you can re-claim on Facebook!

02-15-2016, 02:21 PM
I think you missed the point.

Gun control is not a safety issue. It is all about people who are BETTER than you and their fear of not being able to control YOU!

Lead Fred
02-15-2016, 03:06 PM
GUN CONTROL + Gun (get rid of them) Control (The people)

Right now all voter results are sent to the Feds, so they know what type of person you are, and how you vote.
Now you want to add firearm serial numbers to this?
Ask Mau, Pulpot, Stalin or Hitler how well that worked

02-15-2016, 03:17 PM
good idea in theory, but we only vote once every couple years! I'd like the option of buying more than one gun every four years. On the serious side I got it.
I've asked some anti's what if we put the same controls on the first Amendment as we have (and they want) on the second?
Can you imagine; only being able to make one web post a month?
A back ground check and have your post approved by the Gvmt.
How about a ten word limit? After all the "pen is mightier than the sword"!

02-15-2016, 03:24 PM
"GUN CONTROL = Look at a spot…put a round through it!…Void all previous laws"

Hell…Void the Feds. too! Send them to the unemployment office to fill out a form or two!

This has gone beyond…ridiculous!

02-15-2016, 04:22 PM
no not what I am saying

what I am saying is if it si a question on a 4473 or required to purchase a gun then because voting and gun owner ship are fundimental rights of the republic , then the exact same questions and background checks need to be placed on voting registration form.

put hurdles on one right place the exact same hurdles on the other right

this wouldn't limit you to a number of purchases or put your serial numbers on a form

you see currently you can make a private purchase of a fire arm with no photo id , no proof of address , proof of citizen ship or legal residency the powers that be would like to change this they want all sales or transfers to be background checked and with ID

but at the same time voter ID meets hard resistance with the same politicians they want anyone with a piece of mail with their name on it to be able to register to vote

so what I am saying is if they are concerned that sales or transfers of firearms could happen without a ID and background check , then I am concerned that voter fraud is happening because they do not require persons to show ID and be background checked before casting a potentially deciding vote in an election.

it is the same criteria to vote as to own a firearm , actually we let legal resident aliens in good standing purchase a firearm but if only citizens eligible to own a firearm are allowed to vote.

I know I know they will say but you don't actually know how many people are voting illegally to witch I would say well it was "reasonable" to force gun makers to restrict capacity for a decade to find out it did nothing , how about we let it run for 10 years and if in 10 years it isn't working it won't get renewed

now if they would like to stop perusing limitations to the the right to keep and bear arms , then the voter thing well I suppose just ID will do.

02-15-2016, 04:25 PM
if you only vote once every 4 years , you should fix that there is an election nearly very year for sure every 2 often spring and fall every year

the local election is where your vote really can make a big difference where I live 30 people is sometimes half the total voters for town board , city alderman, or school board

02-15-2016, 04:28 PM
I think you missed the point.

Gun control is not a safety issue. It is all about people who are BETTER than you and their fear of not being able to control YOU!

I understand that but this is the issue they fight they hardest , they want to keep all their Illegal votes and control you

02-15-2016, 05:13 PM
if you only vote once every 4 years , you should fix that there is an election nearly very year for sure every 2 often spring and fall every year

the local election is where your vote really can make a big difference where I live 30 people is sometimes half the total voters for town board , city alderman, or school board

Plus the more local the unit of government is, the more it can directly effect a person.

02-15-2016, 09:02 PM
My gun control is sporadic. Some days I do pretty good, other days I cant hit for beans.

02-15-2016, 11:26 PM
Wouldn't the libs go berserk if they were subjected to what they dish out to us!


02-16-2016, 10:01 AM
Wouldn't the libs go berserk if they were subjected to what they dish out to us!


it's only fair we just need to be sure that only the people who should be voting legally are. it's a strong step for the safety of our democracy.

02-16-2016, 12:28 PM
Adding new law to any of this is fruitless. The real issue is at the top.... The Supreme Court. Until there are enough rulings to make the right to own and carry a firearm "settled" law, then all it takes is the court to rule on the 2nd amendment the wrong way. And that will be coming up soon unless the Senate blocks nobama's appointment. And, a big and, a Republican is elected that puts a full replacement or two on the bench. If court shifts left, no law matters. There WILL be a case that WILL restrict our rights. Just a matter of time. So go vote this year. And for that matter contact your senators and tell them what you expect them to do!